
Return of The Phantom Part 1

"Admiring the fight ahead, are we miss Trost?"

Zinnia snapped back to reality, giggling. "Oh, sorry, It's just all so exciting."

"Of course, you take after your mother like that, don't you? Always ready for a good fight." He chuckled. "You more like her every day."

"What?" She whispered, dazed by the words. "Umm, I don't."

"Kurt, you were looking for a name to use, yes?" He stated before leaning forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. "No need to be alarmed. I'll have you know I've been searching a long time for you, Zinnia Trost."

Zinnia was frozen in fear as Kurt stepped back, adjusting his tie. He gave a small smile before walking off, leaving Zinnia to her thoughts. She held her chest, feeling her heart racing. "What the hell was that about…"
