
A Spanner in the Works

Flicking her pencil around, Sam found herself dozing off, waiting for class to begin. Turning her head, she starts watching Destiny and Marco messing around, playing with their phones. Taking another yawn, Sam almost fell, shooting wide awake as her teacher walked in. "Good morning class, we have a special announcement today. I'd like to introduce you to a transfer student from Rhinefield. She will be staying with us for the foreseeable future. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

A well kept and elegant girl walked in wearing the blue and black uniform to perfection with her own added flair. Stepping in front of the class, she bowed, speaking softly. "It's an honour to meet you all at last. My name is Riley Dawn; I wish we can all get along and become the best of friends."

"Very good, you can sit at the empty desk next to Sam; speaking of, Sam please share your history book with Riley for today's lesson while we work on getting our own textbooks."