
The Girl in the Shadows Part 1

No human had stepped foot inside the Garden ever in history. Since the first fall of humanity, knowledge of the Garden was stripped away. Hidden from the people of Victoria by V.I.R.A.L. Over time, people simply forgot the horrid war and events that had played out hundreds of years ago. However, it wouldn't be until one fateful day when the Garden and its secrets would reveal themselves to one unfortunate girl on the verge of losing everything.

Bargaining descended from the Titan approaching Stella, who was sitting by herself admiring her own garden. Taking care of the flowers grown around, she stopped turning her head with a curious look. "Adam Berry. You don't come down here often; what can I be of service to you?"

"We have a problem, Stella…. A human has somehow wandered into this realm." Bargaining informed. "Depression discovered her a while ago. We were going to dispose of her, but there's something else…."