* three hours later*
I wake up from yet another nap
I don't even remember going to sleep this time.
"She's awake" my mom says as I slowly open my eyes
" Violeta my beautiful girl how are you "
" I'm alright, when can I go home" I ask
" well I think you have recovered nicely so far but let's give it another day for you to rest rather be safe than sorry but your going to need physical therapy given how long you've been bedridden so I will suggest a personal trainer to help you. Would you prefer to have him come to your home or at his gym"
" my house please also can I have something to eat and a shower?" I ask
" I don't see why not you may need Assistance in the shower tho"
" Grazie Dio"
" alright I'll leave you to it then " he then walks out
"Mamma puoi aiutarmi "
" of course sweetheart come on " she lifts me up and walks to the bathroom
( how the hell is this woman so strong)
I hear her chuckle
I look at her confused for a second
"mama strength" I hear her say
Oh I guess i said that out loud I say
Yes you did she said while giggling she then helped me take a shower I got done and dresse in an oversized shirt it was real big down to my knees and I looked like a flying squirrel I can tell it's my dads by the scent and of-course the size and I also have on leggings and those comfy hospital socks.
I then looked in the mirror while she brushed my waist length light brown silky hair.
I noticed I had my moms jaw and my dads nose along with very big doe like puppy eyes. I have a dark blue eye and a light grey eye a special case I guess since I got a color from each of my parents
not to brag but my eyes are beautiful
My mom laughs again
" why do you look so fascinated with your self like it's your first time looking In the mirror" she asks
I just stare and say nothing
my mom is so beautiful; she has jet black hair and it's waist length just like me. She has dark blue eyes and a petite frame
my Dad, Has light brown hair and grey eyes he's also really muscley and tall.
she helps me in bed
my dad walks in with food and kisses my forehead
"Grazie papà ti amo ragazzi" I say
" your welcome baby girl we love you too eat up and go to sleep ok princess" he say
" ok" I respond and eat the soup and drink the whole glass of water
" buonanotte amore mio"
" buonanotte" they respond then I sleep..