
As Luna woke up, she couldn't see anything till a sack was pulled off her head. Even then, she had been so used to the darkness of space and her home planet Spacio, that she was blinded by the bright lights. Her eyes burned never seeing the sun nor bright lights. She tried to block the light with her arms, but they were tied behind her back. The brightest light she had ever seen was the small bit of light that shown through the blinds during the day. Afterall the sun could eternally blind their kin. Her eyes teared up from stinging and she looked down. She felt a hand roughly grab her chin and force her to look up. She was more scared by this sudden action and the blindness of the lights. "Mama?" She called out confused. The lights in the room were turned off. Her vision cleared up and she saw an angry man sitting upon a gold throne. She thought perhaps this is the amazing and important Celestial King that her mama talked about. Afterall he was all dressed up and looked like the greatest king. She smiled at the chance to already get to meet him. His appearance was strange. The thought caused her eyes to wander. Nothing here was familiar at all. The people were pale and some dark. Some a mix and some colors she'd never seen. She smiled back up at the great King. Seeing his reaction upon looking at her made her frown. He looked absolutely disgusted. Like she was some hideous beast. "Look elsewhere, for you are nothing more than what I oppose you to be. You have disrespected me in my own kingdom, my own palace! You dare refuse to look at me in the light. What do you have to say for yourself!?" The King spoke coldly with no heart. Little Luna smiled. "King Celan for my mother has awaited so long for this day, I am so honore- Mama? Selene?" She had almost forgotten she hadn't seen her mother since awaking in this strange place. "You are now mine; you shall serve me and never see your disgraceful family again!" The shock on her face at his heartless words tore her heart more and more. Noone could disrespect her mother like that, absolutely no one. "You dare speak of my Mama in such a way! My Mama is beautiful and kind! My sister intelligent and smarter than any other kid I know! I shall never serve such a pig!" "You bastardly child!" He walked over angrily and smacked her across the face. He made a sign to the guards as something cold and something as hard as stone collapsed around her wrists. "Put her with the other three, she shall be cast aside for amusement after such ill-mannered words towards me!"Before she knew it, she once again had a sack upon her head, and she was being harshly tugged by a chain. "Do not malinger you ugly slave!" She tripped over the chains and was dragged away. After a while, she had been crying and had burns on her legs from being dragged. The sack was lifted off her head. "Shut up kid no one cares to hear you whine!" The light once again blinded her. Before she could do anything else she was lifted up and thrown. She screamed in terror not being able to see what in the world was going on. She clashed into what felt like a fellow Spacian. They yelled at the barreling person that came crashing into them. They then got up and sat her down in a dark corner while hearing something closing, like the prison door. She opened her eyes, seeing not only the small, cramped space with barley any lighting but three fellow Spectro's! Or that's what they looked like, but they weren't blue like her? They looked about her age though, which meant new friends! Her curiosity smacked her harder in the face than the king did, and she gave a goofy smile. "Spacians!" They all looked at her confused and then just stared at each other. There were two girls and a boy. The two girls turned to each other and started whispering as the boy helped Luna onto her feet. "Hi, I am Luna!" She offered out her hand with a big smile. Her mom taught her to always greet strangers with a smile. The boy chuckled a bit and then took her hand with a smile, kissing the top of her palm and giving a small bow. "I am Onyx." She giggled. "Why did you kiss my hand?" He tilted his head finding it strange she didn't know common manners. "Where I come from it is how a gentleman greets a princess." She smiled. "Where I come from, we greet each other by holding up two fingers and gently pressing it to our lips. Like so." She continued to do so, and he did it back with a smile. "It's also how we make a promise!" He chuckled at her.She looked to the other two girls and gave them a small smile. "Hi." They looked at her with nasty expressions upon their faces. "Don't talk to us you blue rat!" She tilted her head in confusion at their mean insult towards her, she had barley done nor had said anything to hurt them. Onyx tapped her shoulder and pointed at one of them. "Thats Ulta, she's from a high-tech planet called Tigue, her people are called Tiqs and their mostly described as having pink skin and white hair." Luna smiled and admired Ulta. She was very pretty and looked smart. "She's so pretty." Onyx let out a nervous laugh. "Perhaps on the outside." Luna looked at him confused. She was raised by her mother to find beauty in even the worst of people. To her all people were good unless they truly proved to her, they were bad. He then pointed to the second girl. "That's Jeruae, she's from a far-out planet called Clilk. Their known for being the most intelligent species." She looked Jeruae in the eyes. "You're just like my sissy, Selene! She's super smart!" Jeruae looked annoyed and snarled. "Yeah, well my kin are extremely intelligent, and your little sissy could never measure up to what my brain can comprehend. Also, I'm the oldest and wisest here. I'm literally six, so you better show me some respect."  "That was unnecessary Jeruae! We all miss our families and talking badly to each other will not fix nor help our problems, nor feelings. So, unless your intelligent brain there can get us out of here, keep that dirty little mouth of yours shut." Onyx looked back to Luna. " As you can see, they are purple with long, black hair and overly confident of the crap they load into their offsprings brains. All three of us are Royals from our planets." She smiled at the two while Onyx looked angrily away trying to calm himself down. The smile was weak. It would be hard to get along with these two. wouldn't it?"So, are you royalty yourself Luna?" Onyx looked at her with a curious expression. She shook her head lost in thought and then nodded. "Yeah, my sissy is a couple minutes older than me! We are the link as mama says!" Onyx looked at her confused until a guard caught him from his trance. The guards beat against the drum and yelled. "Go to bed or be beat!" Onyx and the girls shivered at the guard's words. The lights went off and the two girls started screaming. Onyx noticed a glow from behind him. As he turned around Luna's hair started to glow as it came in contact with the moonlight. She watched as the sun was almost faded and it was safe to look at. It was as if Luna was in a trance. "Luna we all have to go to sleep." Onyx said to her as the girls stared a bit freaked out. Luna shook out of it and smiled. "Sorry, what?" "We all have to go to bed." "Bed?" Onyx nodded his head a bit confused as to why she would question it. "But night just started?" He smiled thinking she was joking. "I'm guessing you're a party animal like my older siblings?" "A what?" He sighed and smiled. "Never mind Luna, good night." He fell asleep in the corner as the two girls fought over the stone bed. After a while Onyx got tired of their arguing and laid there himself. The two girls ended up passing out on the floor. Luna once again looked to the moon. A symbol appeared on her forehead as she began singing the song of the moon. Luna sat there staring at the moon, singing and thinking of home. The sight of the moon made her break down into tears. It reminded her of her home, Spacio. She remained in that state all night until the pretty blue moon and the safety of the darkness started to fade into day. She ducked away from the window and sat in the shade. Onyx woke up and looked over at her. "Did you sleep well?" She looked very confused. "Day has only just begun, I am very tired, and you are really confusing me." He watched as the symbol upon her forehead faded when the sun was fully risen. "Are your kin a moon species? The ones in the legends?" She shrugged having never heard of a legend. "I heard that their very strong! but they easily have the weakness of light and the sun." She nodded and yawned ready for bed. "There's a legend about us?" He smiled at her and then moved so she could lay on the stone bed. She giggled. "Sorry but I have to stay in the shade until the sun gets at least halfway through the day." He realized sunlight was hitting it and he apologized. She ended up quickly dozing off in the shade.Onyx let her sleep as a tray was slipped under their cell. "Wake up you, beastly abominations!" He banged against the cell and the two girls jumped awake. Luna didn't budge. The guard looked at her angrily. "I told you to wake up, that means now!" He pulled out a staff and opened the door. Onyx immediately blocked Luna from the guard. He shoved the small alien boy away. "If you ever want to see a day of sunshine, you'll do your best to stay out of my way and do as your told here." He said to Onyx as he raised the staff...