The New Assassin


Kinro "Ok time , MS I want to talk to you."

MS "Yes sir."

Prayt and Jeanton went inside the dojo. I had quit my job at the tavern five years ago. We moved to a more isolated location. Where we could train to be assassins. A year ago I found out the real reason we were training. I was training to be an assassin, because of the King, the King has been enslaving and killing many rare species, even humans.

MS "Yes, what is it sir."

Kinro "I think it's time for your first mission, I'm sending you and Jeanton to the castle. You will dress as a Lady and Lord and when I give you the signal you need to kill the Dutch of Ranti."

I nodded and headed inside, after many years of training I was able to control my ability and even fight without them.


Jeanton "Ready?"

MS "ya."

Jeanton "And remember code names. I'm Jason and Your Ciara."

MS "Got it."

We headed inside and into the ballroom. This was my first mission I was not going to fail.


I got ready and headed to the ballroom. I hid on the second floor and watched everybody dance and have fun. Then a certain girl caught my eye. She looked about my age and the announcer called out Lady Ciara. She was realy pretty and there was something about her that felt familiar. So I headed down stairs to greet Lord Jason and Lady Ciara.

Announcer "Prince Owen of Arean."

As usual all the girls cheered and started checking there makeup.

I headed down the steps and to where the Lady and Lord were.

Owen "Umm... hi."

The two turned around to face me.

Lady Ciara looked surprised and then looked at me as if I had something In my eye.

Ciara "Oh, um Hi im Ciara and this is Lord Jason."

Owen "Nice to meet you, do you think it's possible we've met before?"

Ciara "Umm no not at all."

Then from somewhere in the crowd I heard someone whistling a song. Ciara and Jason were staring at the door. I looked to see the Dutch of Ranti. When I looked back Ciara and Jason were gone.

King "Owen."

I jumped.

Owen "Oh hello father."

King "Do any of the girls attract your attention?"

Owen "Umm... one Lady Ciara looks very interesting."

King "Oh yes, I heard she was very intelligent,but not very good at combat. She sounds pretty suitable."

Gaurd "Umm... your highness."

King "yes?"

Gaurd "The...the Dutch of Ranti.

He paused.

Gaurd "Is dead."


I wielded my Moon sword.

MS "We are tired of your evil acts so you shall pay for your sins. (whispers ) God please forgive me."

I took my sword an cut his heart out killing the Dutch.

Jason "Good work."

Ciara "You too."

We jumped up to the roof and Jeanton climbed on my back and I flew off and back to the dojo.

Prayt "Let's celebrate, woohoo."

Kinro "Congrats on your first assassination."

MS "Thankyou master."

That night I was able to fall asleep with a smile on my face.