Chapter 1 Fossil Knights

"Congratulations Mr Chen. Out of ten-thousand people you are the only person with the innate spiritual talents necessary to awaken a Perennial Fossil. As you are well aware, the Holy Fossil Consortium gifts one random-tier Perennial Fossils to all citizens who possess the innate spiritual talents necessary to become a Fossil Knight. If you'd step right this way please....".

Chen Fei stood completely still, absolutely shocked to the core when the words from the pretty young receptionist entered his ears. For a second there he thought he might've been dreaming, but when he dug his nails into the palms of his hands, the sudden onset of pain shocked him into snapping out of it.

The look on his face was priceless, and despite waiting for roughly thirty seconds for Chen Fei, the pretty receptionist only smiled knowing full well what it meant for someone to fufill the necessary requirements to become a Fossil Knight.

A hundred years ago when the countless dimensional portals all opened up across the world, the majority of humanity thought that they would signify the arrival of a new age for humanity. One that would exceed all others, technologically, politically, socially and culturally.

They were right of course, just not in the way they originally thought.

When the dimensional portals opened up, hundreds of thousands of demonic beasts and mutated monsters spilled out, coming forth like an oncoming storm, bringing nothing but death and destruction as they passed.

Cities fell overnight. Countries were completely destroyed within weeks. Entire continents were levelled by the power and might of these otherworldly creatures.

But with the demonic beasts and mutated monsters came the source of their apparent strength.

Spiritual Essence.

Some called it the God Particle. Others called it Spiritual Qi. Or even the Fruit of the Divine. However, the presence of this particular particle gave humanity a chance to fight back against the hordes of monsters and beasts that now walked a planet that was once theirs.

Using specialized techniques to absorb spiritual essence, and refine in into spiritual power, a once completely normal human would be able to gain the strength of a hundred men, perhaps even a thousand if their talents were strong enough.

Spiritual Essence allowed a human to become stronger, but even that had its limits. Some demonic beasts and certain species of mutated monsters were able to grow stronger with Spiritual Essence as well, enhancing their own monstrous strength.

Once more, humanity was pushed to the brink of extinction.

Chen Fei let out a deep breath and took a step forward, following the pretty receptionist in front of him as he steadied himself for what was to come.

The advent of Fossil Knights.

Spiritual Essence didn't just effect humans and monsters and beasts. It affected everything, no matter what material it was, and no matter how deep it was buried underground.

Other than flora and currently existing fauna that often mutated becoming mutated monsters or even demonic beasts in some rare cases, fossils had been found to be absorbing spiritual essence. Constantly absorbing spiritual essence in massive amounts, however with no other signs of movement or biological activity.

That was until, it reacted with the refined spiritual power within a human body.

A certain type of awakening happened inside the fossil when it came into contact with spiritual power. A "contract" as most people put it, was created from the dormant powers inside the fossil, and the refined spiritual powers within humans.

Using the fossil as a foundation in the physical world, and the spiritual power within a human as a foundation in the spiritual world, the fossil was once again given life, "summoned" by the will of the human whom shares their spiritual power with said fossil.

The fossil would start off as any infant would, small and imature, with a voracious appetite for both meat, sometimes plants as the spiritual power of its human contractor.

The only thing different between the revived fossil and dinosaurs from hundreds of millions of years ago was the refined spiritual power within it, making up the most of its body. Thus, most revived fossils were capable of feats of strength and pure power that most Human Knights couldn't even fathom.

But the thing was, that roughly one in every ten thosand had the requirements necessary to become a Human Knight. That was quite high relatively speaking, especially when considering the population was well into the hundreds of billions.

However, when ten thousand human cultivators were to line up, then only one of them would have the ability to become a Fossil Knight. That meant one in every one hundred million people would meet the innate spiritual talent requirements in order to become a Fossil Knight.

That is why the pretty receptionist treated Chen Fei so nicely. Even a blind, old hobo would be treated like a king the moment they found out he had the potential to become a Fossil Knight. It was an instant change in status, and respect.

That is why Chen Fei was so shocked when he heard the news. He was only one in a hundred million people. The chances of that are.... well, one in a hundred million....

The receptionist stopped before gesturing to her left, causing Chen Fei to turn his head to the side and look at the small wristband on the table.

"I'm sure you're well aware of this, but this is something that is given to all Fossil Knights when the register with the Holy Fossil Consortium. The Ancient Fossil Association and the Imperial Fossil Mausoleum also give out similar items. Please, put it on".

Chen Fei nodded and slipped the wristband on. It was probably only a centimetre wide, and a few milimetres thick. In addition, the electronic wristband was somehow stretchly, being able to automatically match the size of Chen Fei's wrist.

The receptionist continued her explanation.

"This is our Holy Fossil Consortium's, Holy Library. The wristband has already taken some of your DNA and will record your weight and retinal pattern so that it is bound to you completely. This will allow you to access the Holy Fossil Consortium's archives and read special materials on certain fossils and where to locate them. Some information will be locked and you will not be able to access them until you become a fully fledged Fossil Knight. If you lose this, please contact the Holy Fossil Consortium immediately. We will disable the one you are currently wearing and replace it with a new one".

The receptionist showed an amicable smile before turning around and walking back towards the large doors at the end of the hallway.

Chen Fei gulped silently, knowing full well what was behind said doors.

".... fossils....", he muttered.

In this day and age, all fossils were considered items that exceeded the destructive capabilities of nuclear weapons. If given time, and provided that the Fossil Knights talents were high enough to allow the fossil to grow, then they would become walking, breathing nuclear weapons.

Perhaps not in a single destructive blow, but when factoring in speed, durability, strength, their unique special abilities and even when used in tandemn with their Fossil Knight, they definitely surpassed nuclear weapons.

'If in the future I manage to obtain an Ancient-Tier Fossil.... will I be able to something like that?', Chen Fei thought to himself.

The receptionist typed in her security clearance code and let the guard stationed out front see her face and weight and height through the glass panel before nodding and letting her step through. Chen Fei could automatically tell that the security guard was a high-tier Human Knight.

"In this room is a supercomputer that can only be accessed by someone with a Holy Library. It is keyed to only let those with the talent to become a Fossil Knight, and will show you every single Perennial Fossil the Holy Fossil Consortium has on hand. When you have finished browsing, the computer will randomly select one for you based on the Fossils you spend the most time looking at.... you have ten minutes, I hope you get the Fossil you want Mr Chen".

The massive spiritual essence enhanced doors slowly closed on Chen Fei. Isolating him in the small room with only a single seat inside. A large computer screen could be seen directly in front of the seat, with a large circular hole in the side of the wall used for scanning the Holy Library on Chen Fei's wrist.

"Well then....".

He gulped.

"What type of Fossil should I try an aim for?".