New Land

At the same time,

The anger in divit's eyes was overflowing.

Although this argument seems long, it took less than a 10th of a second to finish, and in the next fraction of a second, Divit moved as fast as a wind god and punched into the air.

The same air punch that the previous champion and Draco himself used was released by divit. but because Divit and Draco were very close, the air column has a high chance of hitting Draco with chances of the impact coming back to divit as well.

Draco was shocked, never did he thought that the weak-looking guy which he just pushed down so easily, can be this quick and fierce.

Draco knew what will happen if that fist really hit him, his years of cultivation will surely be destroyed.

But even if he knew that disaster is approaching, he had no choice but to take the brunt of the attack.

As soon as Divit's fist struck his navel area Blood splashed out of his ears. but after all, he was also a genius and with superior cultivation than divit. although his body couldn't move quick enough to respond, he was able to move most of his body qi towards his navel and block some of the attack power.

Divit also realized this, but his opponent was still crippled.

Although he can be healed, if he has enough funds ..but he would still have to start new, not to mention the psychological impact of being destroyed was there too.

Divit didn't attack again because he was sure that he already lost one year of his life and didn't want to lose more. if one looks closely at divit, one will be able to see his body turning blue.

He was glad that his and his opponent's cultivation was quite low, otherwise, if the cultivation was higher even his highest attack would not be able to do anything, even if he wished to sacrifice 10 or 50 years.

But still, one year was cheap for crippling a shackled realm warrior with harmonizing realm cultivation.

If his attack wasn't a sneak attack but a head-on fight, then divit would have been in a worse situation

He grabbed Anuja's hand, looked once more towards Draco, and matched eyes with him.

Draco's eyes were showing horror and hate,

The cab driver eager to get out of this ...soon left with divit and anuja.

Inside the cab

Divit : "Anuja, you are ok right."

Anuja: "I am fine brother, she hugged divit and said. big brother was so cool."

Divit: "hehe, of course, big brother is the coolest."

They bought ice cream on their way. and soon reached home.

In front of their house. When they reached home. Megh, Kumbh, and vibish were already there standing outside.

Kumbh: "You are finally here, let's go, we are going to be late."

Megh and vibish also insisted, so after leaving anuja inside he left with the guys.

His father wasn't home, he wanted to talk about the event that happened, and prepare if there were any future consequences.

But his father wasn't home so he could only leave that matter until tomorrow. this is something that divit will soon come to regret.

They took another cab and left for the venue

The cab stopped outside a villa

Megh "wow such a big house, it is even bigger than divit's house".

Vibish: true, Roy's family is popular in this area because they spend very much on luxury.

Kumbh "that's true, but why does it smell so bad here."

Megh: "it is probably your body that is smelly."

Divit "hmm, I can smell it too. something smelly indeed. a weird smell, it's kinda making me feel dizzy... Dizzy? Wait, it's a drug?... poison?! quickly hold your breath.

But it was too late...

Vibish and Kumbh soon fell followed by megh

Divit was also barely conscious

Suddenly two men in green and black robes came into his view.

Guy 1: "what are we supposed to do with the other 3."

Guy 2: "let's take them with us, they seem to be his friend. The young master will be happy if he learned that we got his friends too".

Guy 1: "yeah young master will be probably happy with that. oo isn't he a resilient one, he is still conscious"

Divit was actually soberer than they thought, but he chose to yield. Because he knew that the other party's cultivation was very high, maybe he could have escaped. if he was in his best condition at the expense of his life span. but this isn't an option right now. not to mention his current state. He can't leave megh, Kumbh, and vibish here.

He knew from their talks that they were here for him, so he did nothing but just tried to see through the two guys' faces through their masks.

Guy 2: "don't glare like this upon me. you brought this upon yourself on your own".

And this was the last thing he heard. before he felt something hard hitting his head before he lost consciousness and blacked out.

Some indefinite time later

"Umm..where am I?"

"Why is the ground shaking?"

"Wait...I am not dead"

"Where are Kumbh, vibish, and megh?"

He looked around ...but there wasn't a speck of light around him.

He tried to stand up but something hit his head

Then he noticed that he is stuffed in a box, not having even enough space to stand up..and neither a single ray of light.

Not knowing if his friends were dead or alive. Trapped in a box, with shaky earth, most probably a ship.

He was terrified, no matter how much of a genius he is, no matter what his 'ancestor' was.

In the end, he was still a kid..which was living a normal safe life. although different from others...but still a safe life.

The thought of being trapped in a box alone forever, in the middle of the sea. made him realize that there are more ways in which life can be cruel.

"Calm down divit," he said to himself

"No matter what, you are the descendent of a legendary man"

He soon regained his calm or at least he tried to

"First of all, whoever did this, even if they wanted to kill me .they had no reason to go through the trouble of taking me to the sea or ocean. which is very far from where I live"

"Second, if they want to torture me this way, then the guy must be a manic .someone who takes pleasure in torturing others. but this way of torturing won't give that kind of person any pleasure. because this way, they can't see me suffer this way".

After thinking for a bit..he came to the conclusion that he was being transported on a ship to somewhere unknown like a package. and just having to wait until the ship reaches its destination is his only choice.

And if push comes to shove, he was confident that he could break this wooden box if he beat the box for a while with full power

After some hours which was hell for him, someone finally opened the box.

There was a guy in brown robes, he just stared at him and said nothing. Divit looked around. There were many other boxes being opened by at least 10 other people with the same attire. and kids of age clearly older than he was here too.

The other kids' faces had scared expressions, they must also not know what is going on. what worried Divit was that he could not see Kumbh,megh, and vibish among these kids.

he wanted to shout and ask what is happening here but soon gave up on that. the men here did not seem to be the talking type to him.


Soon a big guy in a brown-black robe came, by looking at him it was clear that he was the boss of the 10 people in robes. with a long sword on his back, he came and said:

"Follow me, kids, if u want to live that is"

Every kid looked at each other and then silently followed, they all seemed aware that the guys in robes are stronger than them and that a small slip in the tongue might make them lose their life.

Divit also recognized his situation, he mixed up with other kids and followed them.

After climbing the stairs, he finally saw clear light. he was indeed on a ship, but the ship has apparently already reached its destination as there was an island in view.

Some rich-looking kid showed some courage and asked.

"Where are we?"

"What are you gonna do with us?"

The guy in the brown-black robe laughed "hahaha"

Followed by other guys in a robe "hehehehehehehe"

"You kids, I don't know what you did, maybe some of you offended someone you shouldn't or did something you shouldn't have"

"But whatever you did, I will be benevolent and welcome you".

He pointed towards the land in view and said

"Welcome to the Desolate continent"