A Peculiar System

[Welcome to the Supreme Academy System]

Looking at the odd floating box of text in front of him, Ensen glanced around in confusion. 'God I really am tired' he said as he rubbed his eyes. Looking around the room once more, he found nothing out of place. His grey lamp, black dresser, king-sized bed, and everything else were the same as he left it. He promptly rested his head down once again.

After a few minutes of attempting to fall asleep, Ensen could hear an odd ding sound seemingly resounding throughout his head. Thinking it was nothing but because of the events of earlier in the day, he tried to ignore the sound. But the sound kept growing and growing until it became nearly unbearable for him. Ensen decided to get up and walk to his bathroom. He turned the faucet on and cupped both of his hands together, splashing his exhausted face with cold water.

He then reached over and grabbed a nearby white towel and dabbed his face until it was dry. The odd noise seemingly went away, Ensen smiled in satisfaction, muttering 'I really need to head to bed, I'm starting to hallucinate'. However, as he smiled, he noticed the odd blue message box display in his vision once again.

[Welcome to the Supreme Academy System]

Grumbling out of frustration, he tried to touch the odd message box, only for it to shatter into small pieces. In its place, a new message box gradually formed into existence.

[Would you like to receive another chance at your dream Ensen? Fostering young minds is a noble responsibility.]

In an annoyed tone, Ensen spoke out loud weakly "I... I know it's rough today but that doesn't change anything. I was born to help people learn, without that my life has no purpose."This was not directed at the strange blue box, it was meant for himself. After today he just wanted to crawl into bed and stay there for the rest of his life. But in reality, he knew that isn't what he truly wanted to do. He just wants to help people learn like he always wanted.

The blue box shattered into little pieces like the previous message box, but no message took its place out of that. Ensen looked at himself in the mirror, mocking himself for speaking to himself like he was crazy. He stared intensely at the mirror as if trying to question what he was even going to do from now on.

Of course, there were plenty of jobs for experienced teachers like himself. But the problem was they were in the public sector, Ensen had no problem with this specifically. It was just that he preferred students that wanted to learn in the first place. If nobody wanted to learn from him then what would be the point? He wasn't in it for the money. In reality, his low emphasis and priority of this fact made him receive lower pay than his colleagues, but it never really bothered him.

Ensen returned to his bedroom and quickly switched into his comfiest pair of pajamas to sleep in. A pair of plaid-checkered clothes. He slowly crawled under his covers and drifted to sleep.

Ensen woke up in his former classroom, surrounded by students. He quickly realized they were his students. 'Why are they all surrounding me?' He thought.

He tried getting up but realized his legs were chained to the floor. Panic began setting in, Ensen quickly screamed out in both anger and fear "Why am I chained to the floor?!"

While trying to struggle free from the chain, he heard laughter surrounding him. After trying his hardest, the chain still wouldn't budge. Ensen then focused his attention to his students, maybe they could help.

Close to the front Ensen spotted Ada standing casually as if she was just relaxing. Ensen quickly turned his attention to him and said while shaking "Ada what is this?"

"Huh, Isn't it obvious? I know you're dumb but how can you be that stupid?" Ada said in a harsh tone, not bothering to hold any of her disdain back.

In pure shock, Ensen froze, Ada continued. "I mean it's incredible really, did you really think any of us actually learned anything from you? Do you know the real reason why you were fired? It's simple really, you were a terrible teacher, I'm glad you finally are gone."

"A...Ada, what are you saying?" Ensen asked in pure devastation, managing to squeeze out a sentence through his shock.

"Jesus, I already said it once. Well here, maybe this will get it through your thick head." Ada said in an evil smirk.

Following this, one by one each of his students walked up in front of him and declaring they're utter, detest and hate for his class and him as a person. Throughout the entire time, Ensen did not move even an inch. It was as if time itself had frozen around him. When nearly all of his students had said their piece to him, Ensen woke up.

Ensen stared at the ceiling with a blank expression for what seemed like hours.

He stayed this way until he began to hear the early morning traffic.

Without speaking a word, Ensen got out of bed and made his way to his kitchen. The kitchen was pretty mediocre in size, but it fit his needs. He grabbed a glass of water before finally regaining his sanity. He whispered to himself "It was just a dream" and took a deep breath.

As if on queue, the strange blue box showed up in front of him once more. With an annoyed look, Ensen decided to ignore it and have a hot shower to try to relax. After his shower, he finally decided to look at the message.

After the message had been waiting a while, the border around the message started to glow yellow, as if screaming read me. Ensen glanced down and promptly read the message.

[Agreement detected]

[Analyzing host]

[Signing agreement]


[Welcome Ensen Fuentes]

'Hmm... what is this?' Ensen muttered, utterly confused by what he was seeing. He quickly remembered the mysterious box asking him if he wanted another chance at his dream before.

With a puzzled look, Ensen tried to focus his thoughts on the weird entity. Following this, the blue box shattered and a new box formed to take its place.

[Ensen Fuentes]

[Education Points: 10]

[Academy Rank: Null]

[Age: 27]

[Math average: C]

[Science average: F-]

[English average: F-]

[Foreign language average: F-]

[Sports average: F-]

[Teaching average: D]

[administration average: D-]


[Skill Market]

[Product Market]

[Auction House]

Ensen stared at the blue screen in curiosity. He quickly realized how the information was displayed, each category held more specific skills that relate to the category. To test this theory, he gently tapped on the Teaching average line.

[Teaching average: D]

[Lecturing: D]

[Information sharing: D]

[Helping: E]

[Creativity: F]

[Consistency: C]


Ensen's theory was correct, however, he was surprised by the sheer accuracy he felt they were. For example, he often felt that his teaching was very straightforward and struggled to draw students' attention. He had seen some of his colleagues teaching styles before and noticed some of them used creative activities to keep their students interested.

With sudden interest, Ensen completely forgot about his previous nightmare and jumped right into exploring. He analyzed every single category and began to realize his shortcomings as a teacher. While Ensen was not a so-called genius of any kind, his hard work made up for that fact.

Ensen checked out the first few skills of every category, this was because he attempted to view every skill in the Teaching category, But the sheer amount made him give up before he got to the bottom. He didn't even make it close to the end of the list. After scrolling down a bit, he realized all of the skills listed were more specialized. For example, student reputation, teacher readiness, and a bunch of other odd skills that seemed mundane but in reality were very influential in making him the best teacher he could be.

He decided to leave the Other category for later. He could probably look at the skills in that section for ages and not gain any noticeable progress on viewing all of the skills, that was what he thought at least.

He brought his attention to the 'Education Points. Ensen made a simple guess that those points weren't from his teaching beforehand. After all, he had done much teaching over his career. But it was instead a sort of gift from... whatever this thing was.

A strange sense of excitement washed over him as he decided to check out more of the features of this thing.

A slight smile appeared on Ensen's face, the first truly happy smile in nearly a whole day, however small it was.

Ensen began pondering on why this... thing picked him. After all, while he had a pretty good reputation as a teacher in the area, it was nothing shocking or anything. There was quite a bit of teacher's who disliked his teaching methods. He gently moved his hand over the Skills Market category and pressed down. A message immediately showed up.

[Access Denied]

Confused, he then tapped on both the Product Market and auction house, but the same message appeared. Ensen began thinking of why he didn't have access to it when a brand new blue-box emerged from nothing in front of his eyes. This blue box was different from the previous ones. It had a golden outline surrounding the message as if signifying how important this message would be.

[Starter Mission: Prove your Worth]

[You are not allowed full access to the system and catalogs until you meet the most basic requirement, having the property and local rights to a private academy. A location and building for your private academy are essential for starting your new dream. You are required to purchase both land and own a school building on said land. The school may already have been constructed or you can build it yourself.]


[5 Ep (Education Points)]

[Access to all categories]