
After the food arrived, they both began eating slowly, not negating talking to each other.

Ensen made sure he was following proper etiquette to look refined while in front of her. He slowly placed his knife near the end of the cod and cut himself a small piece. Putting the fork into the piece, he raised it to put the piece in his mouth.

Tasting the cod from such a high-class establishment, Ensen was overwhelmed with the flavors that came from the cod. While he still wanted to believe that the dishes that he made at home were better, he could not find any positives when he compared them.

Jennifer on the other hand leisurely used her fork to pick out random seafood and slowly savoring the taste. Her thoughts about the specific seafood she ate were clearly displayed on her face. Sometimes a wide smile formed and other times a little frown would pop up on her face. But she still kept eating even if it seemed like she didn't like it.

'Seems like she's a foodie then'. Ensen thought to himself, amused by her expressions. After around 10 minutes of slowly eating, Jennifer had completed her meal. She just smiled and said that Ensen could finish his meal before they move on to their discussion.

After a few more minutes Ensen finally finished. That was one of the best meals he had had in a long time. Pushing his now polished plate to the side slightly, he grabbed his glass of water and had a quick drink before putting on his serious face.

"Should we start our conversation now?" Ensen said out of consideration.

Jennifer nodded silently and pulled out her phone, she began laying out the conditions outlined in the previous message.

"Just to recap, you will pay the original asking price but will also include the lake-side property." She said, pausing a bit to ensure Ensen had no objections.

Upon hearing none, she continued. "I already saw your deposit you put down a few days ago. I would also like to have a letter signed from you, stating that you will clean up the grounds within a year from the sale date."

Not thinking much of the condition since he was already planning on having it cleaned up as soon as he could, he completely agreed to the condition without much discussion. After further discussing how Ensen would manage to pay the cost in a timely manner, the majority of the negotiations were over.

While either of them could push harder to get better conditions for themselves, such as a price change in their benefit they were content with what they had presently.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what was the plot used for previously? Feel free not to answer, I won't mind." Ensen said with a theory already in his mind, wanting to confirm it.

Without much thought, Jennifer replied "My grandfather owned a school there for quite a while. But when he got older and the school wasn't gaining any fame or attraction he decided to shut it down for an easier life instead. The land has been untouched since really."

'Looks like I was right.' Ensen thought in satisfaction. It always made him happy whenever his theories were accurate, even if it were for severely minor things.

After that, they began to wrap things up. While it did not seem like they accomplished much this session, they, in fact, did quite a bit. They confirmed they were both on the same page and they also figured out payment information.

They also outlined a general plan for Ensen to become the owner of the property. He would be required to pay half of the total amount, then the property would be transferred to him on the condition that the remaining half of the money was paid back by the end of the year. If it was not, the property would be returned to Jennifer.

While Ensen thought it was a little unfair, he wouldn't have much trouble paying for the property with his current savings. Although it would put a significant dent in them.

As the bill came over, Ensen reached his hand out to pay for it, but Jennifer swiped the receipt before he could reach it.

"I asked you to meet me here, it's only right for me to pay for it." She said elegantly while pulling out her bank card, paying for the meal for both of them.

Afterward, Jennifer began to slowly get up out of her seat. Now standing, she pushed her seat and spoke to Ensen "Well it's been a pleasant meeting. When you have half of the money as previously stated, please contact me and we will get the process for transferring the ownership started."

Ensen responded with understanding. Upon hearing such, Jennifer began heading towards the door.

After around 30 seconds, she walked towards the parking lot, disappearing from view. Looking around, Ensen quickly waved his hand at Amanda their waitress, silently asking for her attention.

Seemingly noticing Ensen's gesture, she looked his way and held her index finger up. Ensen correctly guessed this meant she would be there in just a minute. Therefore in the meantime, he drank a little water and took his phone out, checking for any messages. Seeing there were no notifications, Ensen felt both relieved and a little bit sad.

Hearing footsteps, Ensen turned his head to the right, looking at the brown-haired girl with the restaurant's uniform on approaching his table.

Before she had the chance to ask what he needed, he promptly asked a question to her in an oddly serious tone "Do you have a dessert menu by any chance?"

"Oh yes, we do. Let me get you one." She said, returning to the check-in counter and reaching under the counter. The dessert menus were right next to where the stack of regular menus was.

While Ensen was waiting, he attempted his best at holding in his drool. After all, he lived for sweets. Excited about the sweets he would see in the dessert menu, he nearly jumped in joy when Amanda returned with the menu.

Upon saying that she will return in a few minutes after he had a chance to look over the menu, she left to go serve a nearby table.

Quickly grabbing the menu and flipping it open, Ensen quietly hummed happily to himself as he browsed the menu. There were so many options. He just didn't know what to choose. Seemingly in a bind, he spent the next few minutes trying to narrow down the options he wanted to try. After a few minutes, he narrowed it down to two and was on the process of selecting one when Amanda returned, asking which dessert he would like.

Unable to make a decision, Ensen decided to order both a slice of raspberry vanilla cake and a few cinnamon roll cookies which piqued his interest. After taking his order, Amanda walked away and delivered his order to the kitchen.

After a few minutes of waiting, Ensen was beginning to become more and more restless when Amanda returned with two plates in each hand. Placing them down in front of Ensen, she said to enjoy and walked away.

To the left of Ensen were three cinnamon roll cookies. The glistening white icing on the top immediately enticed him into trying them. After a few blissful moments, he had finally finished the three cookies, trying to savor them as much as he could.

Moving his gaze to the vanilla cake with a raspberry glaze, there was also a fresh raspberry in the center of the cake. Regretfully, the cake was so delicious he had trouble slowing down to savor it, so he managed to eat it in just over a minute.

Slightly regretful, Ensen waited for his check while drinking water. A few minutes later Amanda approached him with a bill in her hands. After paying, he promptly exited the restaurant, slowly wandering back to his car.

Entering the car, he began driving back home with a satisfied smile plastered on his face. It took him around 25 minutes to return to his apartment building, slightly longer due to there being more traffic.

After pulling into his parking spot, he didn't want to get out, as he was incredibly comfortable in his seat. But he also wanted to go inside, so he forced himself to get up out of bed and slowly return to his apartment.

Opening the door, Ensen reflected on the events from earlier at dinner. There didn't seem to be many hiccups in both the negotiation and conversation which was nice. He began thinking about the large amount of money he had to transfer to her. He realized he would definitely need to either personally go to the bank to confirm it or go through customer service online which seemed like a nightmare.

Deciding he would go to the bank tomorrow to make sure there would not be any problems with him transferring a large sum of money from his bank account, Ensen decided he would lay in bed and do a bit on research on topics related to the Academy he was constructing.

Switching into his pajamas, he laid on top of his sheets browsing the internet for a few hours learning quite a bit before he decided to get some sleep.