
While Ensen had spoken what he believed, he was not referring to romantic love. While Ensen had dated a bit before, he was not particularly well versed in it, preferring to focus on his work instead.

This piece of insight he thought of actually came from his relationship with his sister. Although they had been estranged for many years and Ensen truly did hate her for a while, he realized after he had met with her recently how guilty and sorry she felt.

"Is that so?" Kaitlin said in the same neutral tone as before.

"I think it is. You probably already know its true." Ensen said after considering for a moment.

Still looking straight into her eyes, he thought he could see just the tiniest shimmer of sanity returning to her.

"Maybe your right." She said before slowly turning around and walking back towards her room.

'Umm… should I let her go? She doesn't exactly seem stable. But on the other hand, she probably wouldn't let me come into her room either way. I'll check up on her when I get back.' Ensen thought as he watched her slowly walk away.

After she had entered her apartment, Ensen turned around and continued on his way.

After a minute Ensen had got into his car and had begun to make the daily trip over to the orphanage to pick up the students.

As he pulled beside the orphanage a while later, Ensen noticed that Anabella, Warren, and Stephen were already standing outside waiting for him although they still seem rather unadjusted towards waking up.

In a bad mood from the conversation from earlier, Ensen grumpily looked over towards his students.

However, the fact that they were all wearing the clothes he had gifted them elevated his mood slightly.

Getting out of his car slowly, Ensen did his best to rid his mind of earlier for the moment.

After casually greeting them, it was decided that Stephen would sit up front today and Anabella tomorrow.

As Ensen drove towards the Academy, he noticed that it was quiet… too quiet with Warren around right now.

Looking in the mirror, he noticed that Warren had drifted off to sleep and was resting his head against the window softly.

Involuntarily smiling, he turned his head to check out the other two and found out that Stephen had fallen asleep as well.

Anabella had been staring at the bracelet Ensen had gifted her for most of the time in the car with a neutral expression.

'She really doesn't show many emotions.' Ensen thought as he pulled into the road that led to the Academy.

After another minute they pulled into the same parking spot.

Turning his gaze towards his two sleeping students, Ensen didn't exactly know how to wake them up.

"Hey Anabella, how should we wake them up?" Ensen asked, hoping that she would have an idea.

'Hmm? What is she reaching for?' Ensen thought as he saw her hand reach over towards the middle where his students had placed their stuff they had brought for the day.

'A water bottle? What is she doing with that? Wait…' Ensen continued his thought as he watched her grab a water bottle and begin to open it.

"Anabella, I really don't that's… necessary." Ensen began to speak but Anabella seemed determined to pour water on the other two.

In the middle of his speech, Anabella quickly took off the top and poured just a small amount of water on each of their faces.

Nearly instantly, both Warren and Stephen woke up and looked around.

Stephen felt the water on his face and turned around to glare at Warren.

"What? It wasn't me! It was her!" Warren shouted as he realized what had happened.

'Okay, I really should stop this.' Ensen thought although he was slightly entertained by their antics.

"Alright, enough everybody. Anabella, you shouldn't have poured water on them. That's not a good thing to do, okay?" Ensen said.

As Anabella slowly nodded, Warren and Stephen glared at Anabella with annoyed eyes.

Seeing this, Ensen thought to himself 'Wait, is it okay to make her apologize? She doesn't really talk so I'm not sure.'

After a moment of considering, Ensen decided to do so to ease the hostilities. "Anabella, apologize to Warren and Stephen. That's not a good way to wake up people."

Waiting for a few seconds, Anabella looked at both of her victims before grabbing all of her things.

Quietly saying "Sorry." She swiftly opened the door and bolted towards the front door.

'Looks like I had the wrong idea about her, she can have fun sometimes. She surely seems in a good mood today. Wait, is she a bigger trouble maker than Warren?' Ensen thought in surprise.

Smiling in defeat, both Warren and Stephen began to grab their things and got out of the car.

Slowly following their lead, Ensen got out of the car and began walking towards the entrance.

Seeing Anabella the perpetrator standing before the locked door while holding her arm out to look at her bracelet more, Ensen thought 'She really does love that thing, looks like I made the right choice.'

Passing her and unlocking the door, Ensen held the door open as his three students walked inside.

Turning his head to them, he said lightly "So your first class will start in 20 minutes, so feel free to do whatever you'd like for now. But no more playing with water."

Looking at his students, he swore that Anabella smirked for a moment before returning to her neutral face.

As they all began to walk around the school, Ensen made his way towards the teacher's lounge. Opening the door, he noticed that Gerhardt was already sitting quietly on the couch for a little while at the very least considering how comfortable he looked.

"Morning Gerhardt, ready for your first class today?" Ensen said with a smile.

Getting up from the couch, Gerhardt said "Yes principal. I've prepared a little outline, although I cannot be certain about where to start because I am unsure of their knowledge in the field."

Nodding slightly, Ensen said "I will be giving them a little quiz to see where you should begin. It won���t be graded of course."

Agreeing with his plan, Gerhardt stretched his arms.

"You seem a little tired. How… is your world doing?" Ensen said after a moment of hesitation.

Looking at Ensen straight in the eye, Gerhardt lowered his head slightly before saying "The situation… is not looking good."

Noticing that he was unwilling to speak any further on the matter, Ensen uttered a word of apology before their conversation was interrupted by a shout in the hallway.

"Oh, hey Brian!"

'Well, I think I know who that is. I should probably go greet them.' Ensen thought.

"Looks like all of the students have arrived. I'm going to go see them, feel free to follow me." Ensen said as he turned around and walked towards the door.

As he arrived in the hallway near where the voices could be heard, Ensen noticed that his other two students, Leah and Brian were also wearing clothes that he gifted yesterday.

After both Ensen and Gerhardt greeted them, they all headed to their classroom together.

After entering the classroom, they noticed that Anabella had already arrived there and was sitting in the front row reading a book.

Knowing that there were a few more minutes left until class started, Ensen excused himself and walked towards the music room.

Entering the room, he walked towards the piano slowly before sitting down on the piano bench.

Resting his hands halfway on either side of the piano, Ensen felt awkward in this position.

Quickly deciding to pull out his phone, he looked up piano songs for beginners before finding one.

Resting his phone in a position so he could see the notes, Ensen began to play… rather terribly.

However, he quickly adjusted to the new experience as he felt a strange sensation inside his brain.

As the song proceeded he found himself more and more in tune with the piano to the point where he simply did not need to think about where to move his hand next as it was ingrained into his mind.

Three minutes later with a satisfied smile, Ensen finished the song gracefully.

Slowly bringing his hands to a resting position, he grabbed his phone and decided to look up a more difficult song. However, after noticing the time, he knew that he didn't have enough time to do so.

Reluctantly getting up from the bench, Ensen began to walk towards the classroom.

Noticing that Stephen was a little ahead of him, they both quickly arrived in the classroom.

After scanning the classroom, he nodded in approval when he realized that everybody was currently in the classroom.

However, their seating arrangement was… quite peculiar.

Anabella sat front and center, whereas Leah and Stephen sat in the second row next to the window. Warren and Brian also sat near the window in the back row.

'Brian is probably sitting in the back row just because Warren is. I'm sure he would be in the front row otherwise.' Ensen thought as he looked at the time.

It was time to start class.