A Dream and a drop of Blood.


This is a story outside of my Konrad Universum...But try guessing the name of the main character...anyway the begining might be a bit of foreshadowing but the begining of the story will be my attempt on the getting stronger through Gacha but with a twist. it will be completely original (i think ;P) with a bit borrowed from mythology. You could say it's like a story from a dream ;) a mishmash of facts and complete b*lsh*t XD but I write just for fun so if you like it then that's all I hope for



In his dream he was a soldier. But unlike the modern soldiers, with guns, helmets and all this technological nonsense, his body was covered from top to bottom in an ancient looking armour full of golden decorations and mysterious glowing symbols.

He was standing in the middle of an army. Far behind him in the distance great triangular structures pointed to the sky.

He must have been a commander, judging from the fact that most of the other people around him wore armours much less decorated. Had he looked closer, he would have seen faces full of grim determination on the faces of the soldiers around him, but at that moment something else caught his eyesight.

In the distance, there was a massive cloud of darkness encompassing the horizon. He could see countless Warriors engaged in a fight with unrecognizable creatures, using weapons like Khopesh, Spears, bows and Halberds . Once or twice there was even a giant explosion caused by a fireball that originated from a group of mysterious robed individuals in robes.

But all this was nothing in comparison, to the person who stood at the front. Her body was covered by a golden and white armour with a helmet in the design of a cat, armed with a long shiny spear and two curved daggers at the waist. Somehow he knew, that under the armour hiden was an unparalleled beauty. her long pure black hair contrasted with the armour yet her body seemed petite. She looked no more than fourteen years old yet everyone looked at her with hope and admiration.

None of the creatures could pose a threat to her. Each of them fell with a single swing of her Spear while others died from explosions of fire and other elements caused by a similar phenomenon as the robed people caused.

Then there was a tremor. The humongous mass of darkness that brought forth the creatures grew and became even more sinister. Inside it a pair of blood red eyes the size of a building slowly emerged with a deafening Hiss.




His consciousness fuzzed and suddenly he was standing in front of one of those robed people from the battlefield. They were inside an impressive building made entirely from a cut stone. the walls were filled with mysterious markings and the fire pits littered around the chamber gave the room a surreal aura.

"...time is running out, General...Her Majesty is under the Ritual of Regeneration and we don't know how long it will take before her body is healed...her wounds were to serious and with the poison in her blood..."

"We need to believe brother, and hope that the seal she created doesn't break before that happens."

The Robed man wanted to nod but suddenly felt something ominous. He run to the balcony and opened his eyes wide.

"I think it's to late..." He said looking at the sea of darkness spreading on the horizon.




"Princess didn't gave you her approval! You have no right to do that!" Shouted a very agitated bald person marching into a giant chamber filled with countless robed people with an entourage of guards.

One of the people in the chamber walked over to him and said grimly.

"This is our last hope my Vizier, The ritual was approved by the Rules of Atlantidion, Priests of Eldorado and the High Council. We cannot wait for the Princess or all hope will be gone..."

"But this is a Suicide! Your going to kill most of us before Apo-"

"-YES! I KNOW!" Suddenly shouted the Robed man.".....But...better it be most than everyone..." He whispered.



The vision of the chamber slowly rised as if it was seen from above. Then for a few seconds darkness engulfed it before it rised even higher finally appearing above the structure that now resembled a pyramid in the middle of a beautiful and colorful forest. The sea of Darkness slowly approached the building while an endless stream of people marched in the opposite direction.

Suddenly the peak of the Pyramid flashed and exploded with a bubble like shockwave of energy that grew in all direction and sucked In every thing in it's path like a Black hole.

There was a flash and then a screech. The shockwave encompassed thousands of kilometers and wherever it passed, it only left a barren desert. No life and no human survived it. And even the Darkness dissapeared. But as the Shockwave of destruction finally stopped there was one more thing missing in the world. The people who were outside the range of the destruction felt as if a part of them disappeared and many of the plants and animals In the world suddenly withered into dust.



(Infinity war LOL)

Konrad woke up with a heavy head but stayed motionless for a few more minutes.

"...Damn that was one hell of a dream hehe" He murmured to himself. "I could write a book about it if I could remember more, it's a damn shame that it's already sipping from my memory. Stupid dream memory!..."

After hugging his pillow for a bit more, Konrad checked the time. It was 7:15 Am. He quickly got up...nope five more minutes zzzzZZZ....

'Alright brain, time to move!' 'But i don't want to...'



"Konrad! Breakfast is ready!" A voice could be heard from the other room.

"...Ugh...I'm coming!" Konrad finally shouted.

"Konrad!" Could be heard louder. Seems like he wasn't heard.

"I'm coming!...jeez." He said as he was getting ready for the day.

He looked at the time. It was already 9 Am...

"Huh...good thing it's the weekend..." He said and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey son. You need an invitation?" Asked mom in a bit sarcastic tone.

"Well you can always bring it to my bed right?" Konrad said jokingly.

"You want to have worms in your room or what? Eat here and if I ever see any more food in your room or on your bed You won't be cleaning only your room but the entire house!" She said threateningly.

Konrad shuddered. "geez don't you have ANY sense of humor?" He asked.

"I do, but certainly not one like yours." She said with a smirk.

"Great." He replied."...Sooo where's my lil bro?"He asked.

"He's playing outside with the neighbors's kid." Replied Mom.

"Ahhhh the rude kid?"Konrad asked.

"Hej don't be mea...well alright he's rude but he learned it from Sebastian and whose fault is that?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ummm his parents?" Konrad asked.

She raised her eyebrows higher.

"What?! I never even cursed before and not even mention alcohol or smoking. I'm the personification of a perfect child." Konrad proclaimed in a rightful tone.

"More like personification of laziness and neglect. Go run a few Kilometers or you'll get a heart attack on your twentieth birthday. Shoo!" She shooed him.

Before he realized, Konrad was on his way through the forest close to his house.

"She Shooed me!...Well I'm not surprised...heh"

Konrad muttered as he jogged through the leaves of Fall and decided to go out of the path for some nice scenery.

'Suddenly truck kun!'

Konrad thought and snorted. Well it wouldn't be the first time he thought something like this. He always dreamed about becoming a protagonist of one of the many novels and Fanfictions he read.

As more weird and stupid ideas started to appear in his head, he suddenly found himself at the edge of the neighbour town. It was much bigger than the town/village he lived in so he thought that if he's already here, he might as well look around the shopping district.

"good thing I took my wallet I guess.."

Konrad walked around until suddenly he spotted a familiar face.

"Hey Mathew!" He shouted.

"Hey Konrad! What's up?" Replied the boy.

Mathew was Konrad's closest friend...well maybe not entirely a friend, they weren't on the level of true friendship but it was certainly the closest Konrad ever was with anyone. Konrad never was especially popular at school and with Mathew they weren't even in the same class. They only became friends in they last year together with another boy Bartholomew aka Bart when they found out that their sense of humor was really similar.

"Cool. I went out for a walk and now I'm here. hehe..."Konrad laughed awkwardly.

"Your mom Shooed you?" Asked Mathew with a smirk.

"My mom Shooed me..." Konrad said resigned and then smirked. "So...fancy walking with me around for a bit?"

"Nah sorry mate. I'm waiting for My brother and then we're going back home. Mom is doing her annual family get together day haha!"

"Ahh it's cool. Then I'll be off then. Say hello to your Brother. Oh and remind him that he owns me a game tonight...I'm gonna break him hahaha!" Konrad laughed.

"Will do! See ya!" Said Mathew.

Konrad waved his hand and walked down the street. He visited the shops all around but other than a pack of chips that he had a desire for, nothing caught his fancy.

Soon enough after walking aimlessly for an hour or so, Konrad found himself in an older district, that distinguished itself from the others with a bunch of huge mansions with big gardens, that clearly weren't reserved for the average people. Konrad wasn't aware that there was a place like this just around the corner.

'really? Rich Old District? I Didn't know that this region was even inhabited long enough to have one of those...but with the sea just a few kilometers away...' He thought.

He had a fun time looking around and imagining how it would feel to live in one of those mansions, but soon it became boring.

That's when Konrad found himself in front of a bonafide haunted mansion! The place had everything! Old dilapidated walls, Broken down walls with spiked fence, Overgrown Orchard with a bunch of naked dry leafless trees between the barely living ones, Many broken windows and even a Weather vane in a shape of a..sphinx? On the top of the roof.

"Cool.." He muttered.

"It is, ain't it?" Someone said startling Konrad.

Konrad turned around to see a boy not older than himself with an aura of a rebel around him.

"Haha you jumped as if you've seen a ghost!" he laughed with a grin.

"Well you shouldn't sneak on people then" Konrad reasoned a bit irritated.

"Sorry sorry. Anyway I'm Stan you can call me Steevy" The boy said and held out his hand.

"Konrad. Nice to meet you." Replied Konrad as he gripped his hand.

"Are you curious about this house?" He asked.

"Umm yeah." Konrad nodded.

"Alright, then listen. The house was originally build for a married couple but when they were pouring concrete, the bride accidentally fell into it and became a part of-"

"Wait. Isn't that the plot of ,,Mon**er house?" Konrad interrupted him.

"Ha you got me there. I wanted to scare you hehe. Now seriously. The place was a house of an old guy with a mania of collecting ancient antiques. I heard that this place was once like a personal Museum you know. Then one day the guy simply vanished." Steevy said while waving his hands mysteriously.

"Vanished?" Konrad asked.

"Yeah, something like, He used to buy bread everyday at the same bakery and then suddenly, he stopped. The nice old lady in the bakery became a worried so she calls the cops or whatever they were called at that time, but when they come to the place there's nobody home. No sign of packing or any old decaying bodies other than a mummy in the kitchen... literally, don't ask...so they waited and waited but after no sign of the guy could be found anywhere for a long time they finally deemed him missing/presumed dead. In the end, after waiting the required time for an eventual 'resurection' all this antiques and golden tea spoons got auctioned and sold and the place became an empty husk. His story soon became a kind of urban legend and the place became, as you probably guessed, a Haunted Mansion. With time the place slowly dilapidated and achieved the appearance that only strengthened the legend. Now no one wants to buy it, and not only because of the legend because let's be honest, no one gives a f**k about it like in the past, but mostly because the house is a complete ruin, built with asbestos. They would have to completely rebuild it from the ground and there is actually still many free flats of similar size with a cheaper cost and less history around here....he hehe now that I think about it it's already like a historic monument of the neighborhood...Anyway I talked a lot and I bet you're already bored with this unnecessarily long explanation" Laughed Stan.

"No no it was quiet interesting actually. Thanks for telling me that." Konrad said genuinely. He really thought that it was an interesting history.

"Haha no prob dude. Anyway The place has also another function, you know?" He said.

"Really? What is it?"

"A Place of initiation for the newbies" Said Stan with a grin.

Konrad became slightly worried with that last statement but Stan quickly eased his worries.

"Haha you should have seen your face! I bet you thought I'm going to beat ya! Nah you just need to write your name somewhere on the wall. If you do it inside the building and take a picture, then you can show of to the Puss*es that did it on the outside or got scared." He said, then he took out a marker from his back pocket. "In any case, It's dangerous to go alone so...take this hahaha"

Konrad smirked "Gee thanks, and I assume you are expecting me to go there now?"

"Naturally, now don't be a coward and make that name somewhere inside."

Konrad looked at the mansion and grinned.

"Well, it's not my first time to go into an old ruin so whatever see ya Stan! Thanks for the marker!" Konrad said with a grin. 'Finally something interesting to do. I might have done it myself, But now I even got a quest hehe. Konrad thought.

"Se ya Konrad!"

Steevy watched Konrad as he nimbly passed the fence and smiled 'One more Rebel created muahaha' Stan snorted and walked his way.

Konrad walked through the old orchard looking around for signs of any living people but like Stan said, the place was completely empty. He passed the doors that barely hanged on the hinges and looked around. then he smirked and muttered, "Well who could have guessed? An alcoholic Den...or whatever to call it"

The place was littered with with countless bottles of beer, wine, vodka and other alcohol spanking from many years old to barely a few days, most broken into pieces. walls were littered with countless names dates and curses.

"Pfft I wonder if all this story was just to scare me as well" he muttered.

It was not the first time for him in a place like this. Even if he never drinked alcohol, there are times when you will spend the time with people who did. And what other place for teenagers to drink than some secret hideout full of broken glass? Exactly. That's something that most people should understand. But this is not a story about alcoholic dens so let's leave it at that.

Konrad walked around the place watching countless writings of people from many years before. It was by itself a kind of natural self upgrading time capsule. Before he realized, Konrad spent half an hour only looking around the place. This house was massive! after all this time he only got through half of the mansion. He decided to quicken the pace of exploration and a few minutes later, he found himself in a room that might have been some kind of personal library or gabinet judging by the walls covered with old bookshelves that now housed old bottles and dust instead of any books, obviously...

Konrad was about to turn around when suddenly he stopped.

"Hmm I guess this place is as good as any other" he muttered and took out the marker he got from Steevy. He walked towards one of the bookshelves with the intention of sketching his name on the desk at the back but he realized that the wood was completely rotten. With that realization Konrad grabbed a piece of the wood and pulled on it, hoping to unravel some naked wall on which he could write.


"Ha, it was easier than I thought...they were really rotten it seems...anyway now have a perfect piece of naked...metal?" He muttered but got shocked with what he saw. because instead of concrete wall behind the bookshelf there was metal..

*Boing boing* Konrad knocked on it only for it to give a hollow sound.

'Its empty...Is that a secret safe?!' He thought very excitedly.

He quickly started pulling on the rest of the bookshelf, breaking it piece by piece and finally unraveling...

"This is a freaking secret entrance!" Konrad said to himself excitedly.

The metal door didn't have any handle but after removing the bookshelf he could clearly see the hinges on them and some kind of rails on the floor most likely to move the bookshelf out of the way of the doors.

"That's so cool!" Konrad said.

Suddenly he looked behind expecting Stan scaring him again but he wasn't there.

'heh Stop making funny ideas Konrad' He thought.

He tried to pull the door open but they seemed to have been blocked by something. After thinking for a while he finally remembered a metal rod he saw on the way to this room so he quickly snatched it and tried to lever the door open using it.

With a clang and screeching sound the door that weren't open for over 50 years finally moved to reveal a dark staircase. Konrad made sure that the doors won't close behind him and with a flashlight from his smartphone the boy finally dived into the darkness.

The staircase wasn't very long and Konrad didn't find himself in some kind of evil dungeon or anything...well not exactly. because how can you call a room full of old crazy looking writings and ancient looking objects and manuscripts, and a huge as formation of multiple symbols on the floor that looked as if it was carved in stone and filled with dried blood?

"WOW! did i just found some kind of satanic ritual site or something?!" Konrad exclaimed.

"...This...This Is so cool!" He said to himself.

He avoided the formation on the floor and walked to the table where most of the old notes were located. there was an oil lamp and a pack of old matches but they were obviously not in a working condition "Ugh it's at those moments that I regret that I don't smoke" He tried to start the old matches but even with the secret room being quiet nicely isolated from the elements, the time still took its toll on them. Thanfully one of the matches actually lit up so without waiting for it to burn out he quickly lit the old lamp. Soon the room was encompassed in light and his flashlight wasn't needed anymore. Ge quickly found some kind of journal so he started to read.

'According to Ancient Hieroglyphs from the Book of Thatamon...With The base Stabilization found in the Aztec Calendar... The Gate of gifts...' " Damn This guy certainly sounds crazy but he's also knowledgeable...and all this disappearance..."Konrad muttered to himself and read further.

'this...a waste? No...A Single entry for a single person...i think...but...energy...how do I power it... electric##No it wouldn't work...Im losi# hope...'

"...I think this stuff is more interesting to read than the novels on the web hehe" Konrad snorted.

'binding the formation...i think I need to do THAT... but must be fr#m a single per##...ugh that hurtt...and I feel weak now....Now only the power source..POWER SOURCE it was here all along.... i saw .#glowing...just a small cut should suffice RIGHT?'

"this..." Konrad looked at the floor where the red color still showed under the light of the lamp. "..a power source?" he muttered.",,gate of gifts,, he wrote.

"...Well... let's look a it like this...Should I try a freaking blood ritual that is supposed to give me gifts but has a chance of making me never go back home...or maybe i shouldn't?..."

He pondered to himself for a while and then suddenly a grin split his face.

"Why the hell not? I don't have much to lose and I always wanted to try playing with magic ehehehehe"

Konrad looked around and found a bunch of old knifes in a drawer of the table, among which, one was surprisingly sharp and rustless. Under normal circumstances Konrad wouldn't be able to cut his palm with a knife but now he was surprisingly persistent and before he realized there was a cut on his hand and he barely felt it.

Konrad placed his blodied hand at the center of the formation like was depicted on one of the drawings on the wall, and suddenly the entire room lit up...


Hope you liked the begining. It was my longest chapter ever and I could have easily chopped it into two but decided otherwise. There will be at least 1 chapter a weak. I am studying at the moment (CoughOnlineStudyingCough) so there not much time for me to write but I'll do my best. ;)

Anyway once again Hope you liked it and See Ya next chapter.
