Improvise, adapt, overcome.


Haha! I'm here!

The chapter just for you because I know you were all waiting for it just as much as I wanted to give it to you!

So Enjoy!!!


'Can I use the 'Language comprehension' reward to learn the language of this formation?!' Thought Konrad excitedly.

[} Chosen Language Comprehension {]

Konrad looked at the writings on the orb. he willed it to change into the language belonging to the formation at his feet just like it did the first time when he thought about Japanese, And to his great happiness, the words actually started changing. But then he became confused.

[} Chosen Language Comprehension ( [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$ ) {]

"What is this?! Did it fail or what?" Konrad said to himself not understanding what was wrong with the orb. He tried to imagine different languages that he didn't know the proper name for but for them, the little golden orb worked better than a dictionary. But every time he tried to think about the language of the formation, it would reverse back into the same

[} Chosen Language Comprehension ( [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$ ) {]

'. . .I... I guess I'll just use it... Maybe there's no name for this language or something...Since something appears then it works, right?' Konrad thought.

With this Thoughts, he decided to simply use the orb as it is now.

'In the worst case I'ma end up brain Dead or something ahaha...ha...'

Following the example of the +1 Mana capacity orb, Konrad moved the orb closer to his mouth but when he did the orb suddenly glowed and then transformed into a streak of light that shoot into his head.

"And only now you make a light show?! " Konrad managed to mutter before falling to the ground screaming his lungs out due to the the most terrible headache of his entire life, caused by knowledge being forcibly inserted into his mind.




Second time this day Konrad woke up to see the endless white space above his head.

"It's getting pretty annoying...If mom wasn't angry until now then after this, she must have probably passed the anger stage and called every police department in worry of her son's disappearance. Well... Nothing to do about it now." He muttered while slowly standing back onto his feet.

Hid head was still throbbing slightly but it was nothing he couldn't bear for now. He tried to think about the flood of information he received but his head throbbed harder.

'Ow...maybe i need a minute more to gather my thoughts...' He thought and massaged his temples.

When The pain was almost completely gone Konrad sighed and then looked straight at the formation. He expected the sudden stimulus to reawaken the pain but it didn't happen. Instead Konrad watched the formation with wide open eyes, because...he could read it!!!

There were many words, letters and numbers placed in weird order in a number of circular layers around the center, which until now resembled some kind of pentagram-like figure with marking. He could tell that the center was some kind of energy focus point. Not that he understood how it works mind you. It was just what he could figure out by only reading. He didn't know any rules of how all of it actually fit with each other or how it worked but he believed that, with the right amount of time, he might reach some kind of conclusions.

He wanted to just sit here and gaze at it for hours trying to figure it out but sadly he was already on a tight schedule. He couldn't make his mother wait anymore. But he still hoped to examine this at a later date.

With that thought Konrad suddenly grinned and took out his phone that miraculously still had a bit of charge left, because he didn't use it at all when unconscious, And then started making pictures! Yes! This is the power of technology! His first thought was to write down the entire formation onto the paper like the old man did with his own formation, but he remembered that he had the perfect tool in his arsenal. In no time the entire formation was documented into his phone's memory.

"Nice hehe. Now...i can read it just alright, and what about talking and writing?" He muttered.

Konrad took out the journal of the old man that he pocketed when he was still in the basement and in the other hand he had the marker from Steevy. It didn't took him a minute to confirm that there's no problem with writing the language. He could instinctually make the mysterious and eldritch symbols to write as if it was his first language..

and even better because he was known among his teachers as The Boy who writes like a chicken using it's claws...

When all this was already behind him, Konrad coughed slightly and tried to use the mysterious language using his own lungs. But whatever left his wasn't it...Konrad voice sounded like a drunk cat thrown into a washing machine, And Konrad was certain that it didn't sound even slightly similar to the voice that he knew he should have made.

"...I...should have expected this outcome i guess... It's not that surprising now, how weird it sounded in my head. I don't think it's possible for human to even make sounds like that...I don't think I even want to try again. My throat is sore from a single sound. It's weird to have the knowledge of how to make a sound but no physical ability to do so." Konrad surmised.

With all this finally behind him Konrad grinned. He thought that he didn't got much from this adventure, but...Maybe it's not the end? Konrad was getting excited for what the future would bring. He glanced once again at the formation and mused.

"I guess it's about time to go back. I can't think of any other way of exploiting this place haha...Now let's just hope my disappearance didn't cause to much trouble" He muttered while stepping onto the center of the formation.

He wondered if he should use his blood once again to activate it but surprisingly as soon as he thought about going back, the formation lit up and Konrad disappeared.




It was with another flash of light, that Konrad appeared back in the secret basement.

"Huh?...I didn't need to use blood? Then how was it powered?...Nevermind it for now. I need to see how many unanswered calls i had..."Konrad mused and took out his phone.

When he glanced at the screen he suddenly became surprised.

/Wrong System Date/

(Would you like to use the internet provided Date?)


Konrad clicked 'Yes' And the Date suddenly updated, displaying the same date that was when he originally entered the formation!

"The time didn't pass?! It's so cool! Then was it some kind of subdimmension where time outside doesn't pass?" He muttered excitedly.

Now he doesn't have to worry about people looking for him because practically no time passed since he entered. He decided to collect all those notes in the basement and put them into an old folder he found on one of the shelves. Then he made pictures of the formation from which he could only read a small fragment. 'Huh...He must have used a few different languages in his creation..I wonder how did he even get it to work.." Konrad mused.

He looked at the few antiques that lied around inside the room and sighed."I'll be back for you" He said and with the folder in hand, and the journal in his pocket, Konrad left the basement in order to return home.



His family owned a guest house fairly popular among the tourists that came to the sea. Konrad actually lived only a few hundred meters away from the shore. Their house was situated above the guest rooms, on the third floor, and they had a nice colorful backyard with a playground and a gazebo equiped with a grill. All in all a nice place.

But as it was currently Fall, most of the house stood empty, with only his mom and brother living there beside him.

The Journey didn't took him long even with his body feeling like mush, and soon enough he was standing in front of the doors at the top of the stairs, the old folder hidden under his jacket. Trying not to make any sound, Konrad entered the house and quickly jumped into his room which was right beside the entrance. He quickly took of the jacket and put the folder and the journal in the space behind the TV screen to temporarily hide it. It was not the best hiding place by a wide margin but after everything that happened to him until now, he just wanted to eat a cow, clean himself and lay in bed for the rest of the day.

After leaving his room, Konrad called his mom out loud, to let her know that he's back, and went straight for the shower.

"The dinner will be ready soon son!" His mom called as he was closing the bathroom doors.

"I'll be there soon! I just feel like taking a shower for a few hours or so haha!" Konrad replied jokingly.

"Just remember that if you do that then you'll pay the bill from your own savings!" She replied half joking.

"Okay okay!" Konrad snorted and closed the doors.

After finally freeing his body from the last piece of clothing Konrad gazed at his reflection in the mirror and had to hiss inwardly. His body was white like paper for one, and some dried blood was still vissible on his hands from trying to stop the bleeding.

He looked at his palm which got pierced by the knob of the weird machine. There was no trace of the wound there, probably thanks to the healing potion he drunk. Suddenly though something else got his attention. He tried to look for the scar that used to embellish his left forearm since he was ten, or for the one under his eye when a kid pushed him onto a bookshelf when he was in kindergarten. There was none! Konrad realized that any scar he ever possessed suddenly disappeared! And the more Konrad looked the more he was assured that his entire skin was much healthier than before if you exclude the pale color. It wasn't super smooth like baby butt or something but it was certainly better than the multiple little scars and imperfections he gained throughout his entire life.

"Huh...guess even a lesser potion had such a side effect. I wonder if a stronger potion would actually make me like one of those chinese novel main characters.." He shuddered "I just hope that I'd keep my masculinity if that's the case. I often have a hard time recognizing the gender in some of those manhua." He muttered.

He looked his body all over and suddenly a strange thought came into his head.

'With all this blood loss...Would i lose consciousness if i suddenly got excited?...'

He decided not to check it for now and just went straight for the shower. With the hot water finally warming his freezing body Konrad sighed in comfort.

"'s so awful to be so low on blood...But at least it was somehow worth it.." Konrad enjoyed the shower for longer than usual and after leaving it he could see that his skin became slightly more normal in color. He grinned and wore his clothes. He can now go and eat dinner without her mom looking worriedly at his pale expression.



She still figured out that something wasn't quite right...

Konrad procured some excuse about not feeling well though and that he would go straight to bed after he ate dinner. Tommorow is Sunday so there wasn't any problem even if he was sick.

After eating a particularly large portion of spaghetti that his mom served Konrad finally felt the lingering pain in his abdomen slowly receding. After mom gave him some pills, she ushered him into the room so he would start recuperating.

When he was finally alone in his room, Konrad grabbed the folder filled with the notes of the old man, and his journal, and put them in the free place under a drawer. No one ever checks that place so it shouldn't be found.

He also put the orb [} Steel weapon (user suitable) {] beside them and after making sure that nothing obstructed the drawer, he grinned and after drinking some water, went straight to bed.

It wasn't even a few seconds before he was already fast asleep.