Boring week.

The Monday was boooooring. Konrad had an entire day of learning and pretending to learn while scribbling some notes at the back of his notepad using the formation language. For a second he wondered what would happen if he tried supplying Mana to it but after ignoring the obvious danger, he realized that nothing would probably happen anyway. There was no Mana conductor he knew of in his notes and the words wouldn't work without being in a formation anyway. He snorted at himself and went back to listening to the teacher even if he couldn't focus at all.

He had a peculiar accident though three hours later, when writing an essay during the English lesson. Because only halfway through he realized that instead of english he was writing in the magic language unconsciously! He thanked God for preparing a second paper and quickly rewrote the proper thing. He had to cut short a bit of the essay because as he realized...he didn't have enough time but what's more important, the language is much more...expressive...There were some words that didn't even exist in english and Konrad surprised himself by using them without even thinking. It really gave him a good idea how to improve his formation making though! He had to think and write with this language while researching! It should theoretically speed up his research!

The teacher looked at the grinning Konrad weirdly as he handed him the visibly short essay but thought better than asking him the reason for any. Shorter essay=less work for both of them. It's a win-win! He just needs to not let it show on his face...


It wasn't a few hours later when Konrad was finally free from school for today and could roam free to do his things.

At first he just wanted to hide in his room and work on his magic but decided that he should go for a walk one in a thousand years. Who knows? The last time he found a magic formation to a weird subdimmension, maybe next time there'll be aliens....




Yep...Nothing interesting happened... Well not entirely. Konrad went to buy some food to eat, because his school food's only quality is the fact that you sometimes Can have a second serving, and not because it taste good but because you're hungry... Then he walked around the city that was much bigger than the village he lived in. There were actual shops!

As Konrad was originally from an even bigger city, he often felt the lack of places to go when living in his village, so it didn't help his being a slight introvert and all.

After returning home armed with a double donut in his mouth and a pack of chips in each hand, Konrad quickly packed it all to his bedside cabinet for later and went to his desk to start working on the formation core.




Two days later Konrad was already over halfway in his project and decided to leave it for tomorrow. Now it was time for real magic!

Konrad sat on the bed and focused. His Mana grew really slowly but it worked nonetheless. He was yet to triple his starting Mana but he only needed around three weeks to do so if he was right. He ordered his magic to move in his body in different ways. From one limb to the other, and even trying to compress it. He always thought that compressing his magic would quickly increase his reserves but that was not the case. turned out that only releasing the magic entirely, actually worked in that regard. Compressing the energy didn't mean he suddenly could fit more magic inside. Instead it seemed more like it all depended on how much Mana could the body Control at the same time. any excess Mana would seemingly pass through the body or something. In that regard it was obviously like a muscle.

Konrad continued to release and recover his Mana until it was very late while reading a novel to kill time. The mental exhaustion from the training would obviously hinder any serious thinking he would do over his projects so he instead read some novels looking for ideas to improve his magic in any way.

Suddenly he thought something interesting. would he be able to cast magic by picturing a formation like a magic circle? There was many anime that pictured magic as using formations anyway so maybe he could do something similar?...

/two hours later/

'ughhh...I'm spend!' Konrad thought lying exhausted on his bed. For the whole two hours Konrad was trying to force his magic into making a simple fireball. He tried picturing a simple few words formation in his head, make the formation by letting his Mana out, he tried to will it to happen, ask it to happen, or even say fireball in that weird language making his throat sore. He tried picturing the effect, the words and everything but nothing worked! Disappointed, Konrad lied into bed totally exhausted.

In the darkness of the night Konrad lied sprawled all over the bed. His hand hanging over the edge while droll was dripping from the corner of his mouth. He was mumbling in his sleep while dreaming about magic and adventures. His magic unconsciously moved inside his body reacting to his dream. Then as if dragged by an invisible will, it moved towards his hand that was out of the bed and a small wisp of fire appeared in-between his fingers, only to disappear a few seconds later because of exhausting all the magic.



//next day//

Konrad was huffing through the entire day at school. He wasn't sure why he was so annoyed. It's not like he expected something to happen with his magic being this low and it was not his first time trying but he was still expecting at least a sign that he could was doing something right. He wondered that maybe magic didn't work like in fiction...'but he could controll his Mana so...maybe he needed even more control? But he was working on it all this time right?' Konrad thought.

He finally shrugged and thought 'I guess I'll just focus on on my formations and at increasing my control and capacity for now...'

He went back to his room and began thinking about how to finish his project. It was already Thursday, so he would go back home tommorow after school. He needed to finish it today if he wanted to utilize the entire weekend later. He also had to figure out a way of how to actually make this formation because it shouldn't be smaller than the ones he used to travel before. Thankfully he already had an idea so he quickly grabbed his winter clothes and a backpack and left to do some shopping again.

He returned only around an hour later walking heavily, his backpack pulling him down hard.

"ohh jeez I'm so glad that my case have wheels and i don't need to carry all least back home..." He exclaimed to himself.

"Alright now to finish my formation..."



//Few hours later//

"hah! #YAWN# finally!" Konrad exclaimed to no one in particular while yawning heavily. It was long past midnight when he finally completed his project and judged it least for the moment. he'd have to check the core design later on the light formation but for now he needs to sleep! With that thought Konrad closed his computer and packed his notes before falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


A shorter chap cause there's a bonus after this one. At first it was supposed to be a separate chapter but in a mysterious way it became an advertisement so shhhh ;P Anyway enjoy.
