S??? Class? In search of Home.

*But...If it's a legendary reward then...Why is it broken Daddy?* Asked Octavia in clear confusion.

Konrad shook his head.

"I don't know Tavy. There's little i could say about it so the only obvious thing to do now would be to use observe." He replied to her with unhidden curiosity.

*Great! Let's see what it is Daddy!* Said Octavia Matching Konrad's growing excitement with her voice. Her body actually slightly changed colour matching her emotion's. Probably the effect of her Body Control's sudden increase.

"Haha! Alright. Let's see what you are..." He said, his focus now completely on the piece of metal.

[• Last Shard of Laverien •]

| Rank - S???

| Condition - Broken/Dormant

| Status - Repairing - 0%

| Materials Required:

- Adamantite/Mithrill - 1670/10000?g

- Gemstones - Mana Capacity 0/1000??

- Mana - +??????

| Description - ???????


"Woah!" Konrad's eyes opened wide when he saw the cost needed to apparently repair the weapon. Why did it needed ten Kilograms of Magic Metals?! And the rarest and most expensive ones to boot! And Let's not forget about this yet another bunch of restricted information... There's not even a word about it being a sword fragment, yet it's clear as day If you just look at it...

Konrad sighed and explained to Octavia what he found out. Suffice to say, both of them were properly mystified by the object, and none of them knew what to think about it.

In the end, it all went back to more research...But that only put a grin on Konrad's face.

"To the Lab!" Shouted Konrad, seeing as they were finally done with all the rewards worth opening, and Octavia made a facepalm with a slimy tentacle.

*Daddy, we still have no Lab, remember?* She said, sighing at her Daddy's antics.

"Yeah...I knew that!..."He replied with a pout.

Suddenly his expression changed into a grin as an idea struck him." Then it's settled! We're going to look for a place for our personal secret base!" He proclaimed, before storming towards the teleportation array.

Octavia just sighed and followed Konrad out of the Gacha Dimension.

It was time to finally settle somewhere, and what better place to do that than one where no one else would even think about living at!


*Soooo....Could you explain to me Daddy...Why, again, are we flying towards the middle of the dessert at the speed of a plane? I thought you wanted to visit the Tomb of Cheops after the break...* Said Octavia who was currently clinging to Konrad's chest like a baby monkey as both of them rushed above the endless desert faster than a racing car driving on a track...

"Well...I might have been a bit too preoccupied with the thought of our own secret Lab... Don't tell me you don't want us to have a place that is only for us?" He said With a sheepish grin which Octavia couldn't see from her position.

She huffed and sighed.

*I guess...but still, it's a little sudden. Have you even thought whether building a secret base in the middle of the dessert is such a good idea? You didn't even talk to me beforehand...* She asked, sounding a little hurt.

Konrad suddenly started to slow down, finally deactivating the wind shield that protected them from the crazy speed of their flight, and looked at Octavia on his chest that was now converging back into a ball that he caught into his hands.

"Oh Octavia...I'm sorry for not discussing it properly with you before, but I did actually thought about it for quiet a while. We needed a secluded place, with little to no people around and possibly a lot of space for some potentially more destructive experiments. Then there was also the problem of the extensive Mana that might be released by the two of us while training of experimenting. I couldn't really continue to do that in the middle of the forest or it could really cause some of the animals or plants there to transform into their magical equivalents. We still know too little about magic to let something like this to chance.

Dessert is actually the best choice however you look at it. No people, no animals and no vegetation to affect and hiding the place with magic would be a rather simple matter. The same when we talk about food and water. It might be a problem for normal people, but I can practically summon water with a flick of my finger, and in the worst case we just need to teleport and bring some supplies using my inventory. Oh! And i also wanted to take a look at the place that the Compass pointed at" Konrad explained patiently while caressing the little slime in his hands.

One thing to remember, is the fact, that both of them were still about a hundred meters above the dessert...

*I see your point Daddy...But it still doesn't change the fact that you didn't speak to me beforehand!" Said Octavia, and Konrad was sure that if she had lips the she would have been pouting right now.

"Haha! Where did that little girl, who accepted everything i said as the law, go?" Konrad said with amusement.

If she had skin Octavia would have been blushing hearing Konrad's words. She remembered saying something similar a few months ago. She symbolically turned away from Konrad trying to hide her embarrassment, but it was useless because her emotions were broadcasted clearly through their bond.

Konrad snorted and hugged Octavia. She was acting so cute that he just couldn't stop himself.

Knowing that she couldn't stop him either, Octavia just let him embrace her with a sigh. Konrad could clearly feel her emotions changing into contentment against her strong facade.

He smiled. He really loved this little Jelly...


/Two Hours Later/

"Phew! That was...a lot of flying!" Konrad exclaimed after the duo finally landed above the place indicated by the Compass Of Random Journey. Even with his body way above the level of a normal human and with the help of some frost magic, the sun still took a toll on him after two hours of of continuous flying. If it wasn't for his Fire Resistance Skill, the duo would have to take a regular stop to cool down and have a drink.

*There doesn't appear to be anything here, right Daddy?* Pointed out Octavia.

They looked around, seeing nothin but endless Sand dunes that reached over the horizon. No wonder it was called The Great Sand Sea...

Konrad glanced at the crystal ball in his hand, which identity was the abovementioned Compass. 'The needle is clearly pointing down though...Oh...' Suddenly the reason came to him clearly.

"It's under the sand... whatever it is..." He said loud enough for Octavia to jest him.

*Should we like...dig down?* Asked Octavia, not really looking forward to dig in the loose sand...

"Wait a second, let me confirm its location with the Map of Revealment..." Said Konrad before taking it out and opening it in front of the two of them.

Instantly a hologram of earth appeared above the scroll with the two lines, they marked previously, still pointing to the final location. The difference from before, was a pointer that represented their location was currently in the exact place of the two lines crossing each other.

With a mental command, the map started to zoom into their location, and soon enough it became clear that the task in front of them won't be as easy as they expected it to be...Because the two lines crossed...a kilometer underground....

*What do we do now Daddy?* Asked Octavia, curious of their next step.

Konrad continued to look at the map in contemplation, before replying...

"First we should focus on our original goal...We were supposed to make our Secret Base! Let's chose a location somewhere nearby, but not directly above it, and let's settle down!" Konrad replied before starting to walk in a random direction.

Octavia followed him closely behind, enjoying the feeling of using on the loose hot sand. She could infuse her bottom with a metal and slightly change her form so it acted like a sledge, or change into a tire shape and roll down the dunes. Konrad watched her antics in amusement. Even though she tried to act more like an adult lately, she was still a child at heart and Konrad cared deeply for her happiness.

The duo walked for thirty minutes before the Map indicated two kilometers from their previous location. They didn't fly, because Konrad wanted to experience some desert walking but he decided to try and not do something like this again because it was a torture, even for his superhuman body... oh God...He just made himself a new training technique, right?...

The location, that they decided to occupy, wasn't in the slightest way different from the location provided by the Compass of Random Journey. Everywhere was sand...and more sand. Konrad shrugged and turned to Octavia.

"So... we're here. What do you think we should we do first?" Asked Konrad, not quiet sure what should be there first focus.

*ummm...What about securing a water source? We can't rely solely on our Inventories right? Pointer out Octavia.

Konrad nodded slightly but finally said...

"I think that first, we need a shadow." He said, before raising his hands into the air. The Bracelet sparkled in the light of the hot egyptian sun. Just then, an actual flash of light came from the bracelet following hid move, as some of the sand began to move towards them, before starting to raise, soon enough forming into a small half igloo made out of sandstone.

"Woohoo! It worked!" He exclaimed excitedly.

*What's so great about it Daddy! It's just earth magic, right?* She asked, clearly puzzled with Konrad sudden excitement.

"Oh, I'm just happy that the spell worked with the sand. I was worried that i would have to modify it but it works just fine as it is. Not even mentioning how much easier it is while using an actual Magic conduction tool. I might be able to engrave formations in stone now just with my magic alone if the formation is big enough!" Konrad explained excitedly.

The next was the water spells, and thankfully, the summoning spell worked just fine, meaning that there was some kind of water source in the vicinity. Most likely the underground waters and the sparse water in the atmosphere.

"...Huh...I guess it's time to start building the fundaments..." He said with a grin that grew more and more as he spoke.