What lies in the coffin

After digging through more than thirty meters of stone blocks, Konrad regretted starting from the King's Chamber. They already knew that the true tomb was located under the Queen's Chamber so why couldn't they start from there instead of digging this long tunel? He didn't have enough space to store all this stone blocks in his inventory! He had to temporarily store them in the King's Chamber so that they could continue their digging and they were already running low on space...

Thankfully it wasn't long before they finally reached their destination. After removing yet another stone block, what was revealed under it was a dark empty space. Konrad and Octavia slowly lowered themselves into the hole with flight magic and landed on the floor of a rather small rectangular room with a sarcophagus taking most of the space in the middle of it.

A number of different objects like ancient pots and figurines lied allover the edges of the room.

The duo inspected most of the things with great curiosity. They could see a substantial number of ushabti, a few stone and metal tools, a few quiet high quality figurines of cats and gods and a lot of pottery of different kinds. Many of those pots and plates must have once contained some organic stuff but it was already practically turning into dust instead of rooting... But hey! They found an actual wine!

| Shedeh Amphora |

| Rarity - S

| Age - 4687 Years

| Volume 20/20 litres

| Status - Perfect/Sealed

| Description: An Amphora containing Shedeh, an Ancient Egyptian version of today's red wine. It was offered as a funerary gift for Pharaoh Cheops.Through an incredible stroke of luck, the wine was perfectly and hermetically sealed in an unusually reinforced Amphora before being placed in the tomb that was then additionally sealed from the outside world for over four thousand years. The sealed environment allowed the Amphora to remain in an undamaged state for the entire time, letting the wine age without being spoiled.

It's currently probably the oldest intact wine on earth.


"Huh... well...That's awkward as i don't even drink alcohol..." Konrad muttered while looking at something that must have been probably the most expensive alcohol on the planet...

*I like the figurines Daddy! Can I take them to my room?* Asked Octavia excitedly.

Konrad grinned completely Ignoring the fact that they were currently stealing from a national treasure. Maybe he should have taken the Meteorite Dagger after all? But it would cause such an uproar if it suddenly disappeared from the museum so maybe better not...

"Sure Octavia. Collect whatever you like and maybe give it a cleaning while you're at it. I'd check our last souvenir..." He said before glancing at the sarcophagus.

Konrad opened the granite sarcophagus using his levitation magic and glanced at the smaller intricate sarcophagus contained within.

He fleetingly used observe on it, only to stop in his track when he saw the description as his eyes opened wide in shock.

He quickly spread his Mana Sense, only to realize that, indeed what he just read was the truth.

| Sarcophagus Of Pharaoh Cheops |

| Rarity - Unique

| Type - Coffin

| Content:

- Undead:

• Type - Mummy

•Class - D

| Description: The Coffin of Pharaoh Cheops. It was buried in the center of the Great Pyramid with the body of Pharaoh Cheops. Because of the Great pyramid's status as a Mana source, and through the long term exposure to Mana saturation, the body of the Pharaoh turned into an Undead.


An Undead! It was an actual Mummy! The walking type! Saying that Konrad was shocked was an understatement.

*Daddy? What's with your face? What did you found?* Octavia asked, seeing Konrad shocked expression.

"I...Uhh maybe you should try using your Mana Sense..." He muttered not even turning from the sarcophagus, expecting it to suddenly open by itself...

Octavia followed Konrad's instructions and spread her senses around her. At first the only thing she felt were the increased amount of Mana in the surroundings from the natural Mana generation of the pyramid, but then something caught her attention.

There was an aura of Magic that she never felt before coming from inside of the Sarcophagus. It wasn't like darkness magic that Konrad told her to never use. This one seemed similar yet different. Not exactly sinister or evil but just as if it clashed with the natural order while still containing the Aura of darkness. Thanks to the circumstances, she instantly understood what it was. Necromancy. Magic of the death element. An actual Undead!

*Woah! Is that a real Undead Mummy?! Also I didn't realize that Necromancy had its own element Daddy!* Exclaimed surprised Octavia.

"Yeah. Me neither. It's not the darkness element, nor the Chaos element, if it exists, but it's similar to them..." He continued to look at the coffin.

His gaze became colder, but then suddenly there was a Twinkle in his eye as a grin appeared on his face.

" You know what that means tavy right?" Said Konrad turning towards the now Cat shaped slime familiar.

*"Another Research!!!"* They shouted together.


Dragging an entire coffin out of the pyramid and then a few hundred kilometers into the middle of the desert, was really not how he expected his day to go but regretfully he couldn't do it any other way. The sarcophagus was to big to fit onto the teleportation Formation and he couldn't put it into his inventory while it still contained something that was somehow alive...

The duo collected everything from the Tomb before sealing it with the stones as if they were never there, before departing towards the Caster Palace with the Sarcophagus floating right beside the invisible Konrad.

it took them over two hours to finally reach their destination, but there was at least one good thing that happened during the Journey. Octavia finally learned how to fly in her Hawk form! She was just a tiny bit from mastering this form and starting working on another!

The undead found himself in one of the chambers in the Laboratory before the duo started working on a way of setting up protections for the room. They obviously didn't want the undead to run and they hoped for it not to die accidentally, so they started working on some kind of special prison. It would be only two days later when everything was done and ready.

" Alright! We may finally meet with a real Undead Octavia! Are you as excited as I am?!" He exclaimed excitedly. The protection would keep the Undead inside the small room so even if it tried to run from his coffin, he wouldn't have anywhere to go.


Current Status

[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 3020/3020MP

| Mana Regeneration ~604/min (4x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6500/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment ~ 1000ml/day (500ml/4daysx8)


| Stats:

Strength - 38

Perception - 37

Agility - 35

Intelligence - 33


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Language Of Birds

- Health Regeneration: x8

- Mana Regeneration: x4

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 24 m^2

- Observe: Basic

- Status Deterioration Block

- Mana Sprint

- Dragon Skin Technique (Stage - 0) - 16%

- Ambidexterity

- Lesser Fire Resistance

- Lesser Frost Resistance

- Medium Chaos Resistance

- Poison Immunity

- Shock Immunity

- Blink Affinity


| Equipment

- Ring of Arcana (200/200)

- Bracelet of Hecate (2000/2000)


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Octavia [ Slime ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






//Konrad's inventory list//

- Food!

- Water/Drinkables!

- Enchanted Orichalcum Broadsword

- Steel Broadsword

- Steel Gauntlets

- Steel Armour

- Compass Of Random Journey

- Map Of Revealment

- Medium Health Potion

- Floating Ice Prison formation

- Teleportation Formation (->Greece)

- Teleportation Formation (->Gacha Space)

- Teleportation Formation (-> School)

- Smartphone

- few changes of clothes

- Konrad's favourite knife

- Konrad's personal Grimoire:

- Fire magic

- Light magic

- Wind magic

- Mind magic

-Water magic

- Gravity magic

- Space Magic

-Combination magic

- notepad for quick observations.

- • Fey Language Dictionary •

- bunch of different trinkets he thought might come in handy someday...

- Spelunking equipment

- Diving equipment

- Hiking equipment

- Climbing equipment

- Prize orbs:

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

[} Common Gemstone Draw {] x6

[} Rare Gemstone Draw {] x2

[} Lesser Mana Potion +5 {] x17

[} Medium Mana Potion +50 {] x3

[} Lesser Health Potion {] x20

[} Medium Health Potion {] x5

[} Great Health Potion {]

[} Chosen Language Comprehension {]

[} Pure Iron Dagger {]

[}Mana Capacity +1{] x15

[} Mana Capacity +10 {] x3

[} Steel Gauntlets {] x2

[} Pure Iron Broadsword {]

[} Medium Health Potion {] x2

[} Steel Helmet {] x2

[} Steel Armour {] x2

[} Steel Boots {]

[} Steel Shield {]

[} Basic Weapon Manual (User adapted) {]

[} Broken Sword {]

[} Ambidexterity {]

[} Lesser Frost Resistance {]

[} Observe {]