The Ritual Nya!



The door opened, and from behind it, a purple light basked the duo. They gazed with their eyes wide open at what could only be described as a huge Magic Formation!

It was glowing with purple light and absorbing most of the Mana in the surroundings but it was clear that the Mana was just enough to keep it active but not let it do what it was supposed to do.

Above the formation, there floated a sarcophagus that was clearly covered in multiple magical markings that worked together with the formation below it, and all of this was written in hieroglyphs.

The Sarcophagus wasn't very intricate but it had some cat like accents that gave it a pretty nice look which mixed well with the glowing runes covering it. Around the sarcophagus there was also a few smaller objects. Konrad identified them as Canopic Jars. They were commonly used in ancient Egypt to store the viscera of mummified egyptians.

But probably the most eye-catching was the glowing, purple, crystal sphere that floated above the sarcophagus.

He didn't know how long he stared at the sight in front of him, but it must have been quiet a long time, as Octavia woke up first from her shock and said...

*Woah! This looks awesome! Daddy! Can you also make something like this? It looks like a flying carousel!* She said, and her childish comment completely caught him of guard.

"Wha...?! Uhhh...I mean, sure. I could easily make a floating carousel but I don't think that it's the purpose of this thing...Damn! Just look at this! An actual proof of magic being so advanced in the past! Why did it change?! And what does it do?!" Konrad was becoming giddy with excitement. So much new knowledge was right in front of him!

He glanced at the formation embedded into the floor. It was Made from thin channels of Mithrill and blessed silver with only a small part being made out of Adamantite. It looked as if they were really stingy on the magic materials.

Konrad didn't know that Adamantite was almost impossible to come by and Octavia was an anomaly among anomalies.

He looked around and saw more magic Formations embedded into the walls that must have been used to protect from magical interference just like the Doors, but now most of them looked inactive or destroyed...

Only the middle of the Chamber with the giant Formation and the objects floating in the air looked to be in a somehow working condition.


'Huh? Did you say something Octavia?" Konrad suddenly said. could have sworn that he heard a voice.

*No i didn't Daddy.* She replied though.

"Huh...weird... Anyway, I think we should check what this thing does, what do you say?" Asked Konrad and Octavia agreed so he once again used Observe.

| Ritual Of Regeneration |

| Type - Ritual

| State - Active/Insufficient Mana to proceed

| Stage - Poison Purification

| Magic Language - Elder Egyptian

| Formation materials:

- Blessed silver - 80%

- Mithrill - 17%

- Adamantite - 3%

| Description: A ritual designed in the Kingdom of Atlantidion to heal a patient from even the gravest injury, curse or poisoning. Depending on the quality of the formation, Mana supply and the level of injury, the time of the healing might be extended. The formation works on the principle of healing the body after separating the soul, upon which the soul and the body would be put back together.

At the moment, this formation is in a frozen state, as the Mana supply is insufficient to proceed. Because of the passage of time, the body of the patient was further damaged.


"Woah, so i was right! Atlantidion was really somehow connected to Magic! And this is an actual healing formation and soul Magic! How advanced were they?!" Konrad exclaimed shocked.

*Daddy! don't forget that there's still someone trapped in this formation!* Octavia reminded Konrad, who suddenly realized that she was right! His eyes fell on the sarcophagus.

"But is it safe to free someone who might be a potential danger to us? wait I'll first check the sarcophagus."

| Ritual Sarcophagus |

| Content - 1 body

| Description: An enchanted Sarcophagus, specifically designed to aid the Ritual of Regeneration in the Citadel of Magic.


"Right...That was surprisingly useless..." He muttered and then confirmed similar reactions from the other containers floating around the Sarcophagus.

The description of the Crystal ball floating above was somehow interesting but it still didn't tell him much about the person inside.

| Soul Anchor |

| Type - Spiritual Containment Unit

| Content - 1 Soul

| Description: Magical energy field of Crystalized Mana created by the Ritual of Regeneration to contain the soul of the injured.


The possibility of crystalizing mana and the fact that it could contain spirits was a very interesting subject but it didn't help then in their current dilemma.

"So what do we do?" He finally asked resigned.

There was nothing in this room that could tell them who was under the ritual.Octavia looked at him and created a few sharp Adamantite tentacles.

*Let's just complete this ritual and see for ourselves. We are very strong Daddy!* She proclaimed and swung her tentacle leaving a deep gash in the stone floor.

"Haha! Alright Tavy. You convinced me. Just keep your guard up." He said with a laugh and turned back to the Ritual.

'Let's see if releasing Mana would be enough...'


She sat there in silence and waited. It was the most excitement she had in years. She could practically feel the breeze touching her. Would she be able to leave? Or was this breeze just a simple change to her agony and she would now spend another few years feeling it? Would she start to hate it just like she hated her previous lack of any senses?

Her body shuddered. A feeling she was accustomed to, as it was one of the few feelings of her body she still retained. There was no pain, no exhaustion, no touch...But that damn shudder of dread never left her. What did she do to deserve this? She tried to save everyone yet now she was in this hell.

The presence of the breeze gently touching her face didn't stop the tears of sorrow to fell from her eyes. She couldn't care less at the moment, completely engulfed in the emotions that haunted her for so long. She didn't realize that the slightly illuminated Shadows of the mist started to glow much brighter than before. The formerly dark gloomy space was now completely engulfed with brightness.

She didn't know when it happened...but for the first time in so many years...She experienced falling asleep...


Konrad observed how Mana moved in the formation. His first observation... The magic moved into the Soul Anchor and strengthened it before aiding the levitation part. All the floating containers instantly rised by a few centimeters and set themselves straight, unmoving.

a significant amount of magic passed through the runes both on the containers and the magic Formation on the floor, making everything glow with a much brighter light.

But it all seemed to be only the first stage where everything was properly refilled with Mana. The real work started next. The small piece of Adamantite in the center of the formation suddenly started to absorb significant amounts of Mana, and Konrad realized that, while it wasn't glowing previously, now it was the brightest part of the formation! He quickly confirmed that the insufficient Mana status disappeared using observe, and the process of Regeneration started!

Konrad recognized the Life Elemental Mana that left the Adamantite and entered the containers. It was just like his healing Formation prototype but still slightly different.

The Canopic Jars and the Sarcophagus started to vibrate before opening up.

Konrad and Octavia watched in wonderment as the powdered viscera and a body wrapped in bandages left their containers which floated away, leaving only the genetic material to hover in the air.

The dried up tissue glittered in the air and Konrad realized that it was the Mana, slowly reconnecting and purifying the 'material'.

He saw black ooze appear and drop from the mass of viscera before evaporating. He shuddered for some reason when he saw that and he knew that it was something evil that he had no problem with it being purified.

He continued to spread his Mana faster than the formation could absorb it but there was still a slight problem. The body was mummified and dried up so much that the regeneration might take a long time if it was even possible in the first place. He could see the body slowly being reconstructed, the same with the viscera floating around it... well he only knew that it was the viscera because he recognized the Canopic Jars. everything was too dried up and powdered to separate them into organs so only magic would be able to reconstruct the body. But Konrad felt that there was still too much damage and mising materials, so he took out one of the most basic materials out of his inventory and thrown it into the formation.

It was a bucket of water....

He was pretty sure that the formation couldn't create something out of nothing so that meant it would need to gather enough water for a human body out of the surroundings. And he was right! The water instantly rised out of the bucket and even a small piece of the iron bucket separated from it before joining the viscera. The Mummy just floated in front of all this and only a slight shudder told Konrad that the magic was also working on the body from the inside of the Bandages.

The water was a good idea as the process quickened but it was still to slow. then an idea struck him.

He should just use the Great Health Potion!

The weaker potions would not be of much use but here they were practically resurrecting someone whose body was completely dried up and heavily damaged by the passage of time.

He didn't thought that it was a waste. he could always collect more blood for the Gacha Machine and wish for luck.

He took out the potion and carefully poured the content onto the viscera and the mummy while shielding himself with his own Mana so as not to let the Formation use him as an ingredient...

Konrad watched in surprise as the red liquid that mixed with the water and viscera suddenly erupted in a crimson colour of blood. It reminded him of that time when He fed Octavia a healing potion upon her evolution.

Both the viscera mixture and the body started to glow slightly before suddenly they started to merge!

The mixture entered under the bandages that instantly started to fill out and bulge as if the body was being constructed right in front of their eyes, which it was. A lot of black ooze started to drip from the bandages and vanish a soon as it separated from the body. The bandages itself started to break as they were so old, and Konrad could see flesh underneath being quickly covered with smooth white skin.

*Daddy look!* Octavia pointed with her tentacle and Konrad looked up to see the Soul Anchor lowering towards the body before passing through it's chest and dispersing afterwards.

'The soul returned to the body already! That was fast!'

Konrad didn't know that the potion he used, allowed the healing process to be completed almost instantly and it was now only in the process of Purification and Strengthening not connected to the Ritual but to the potion.

The body now floated in the and Konrad felt the magic of the Ritual receding. He instantly realized that it was finished so he run to catch the unconscious person before it fell on the ground.

Just like he expected when the last wisp of Mana left the formation, the levitation stopped forcing Konrad to catch the body which he did with no problem.

The former mummy lied in his embrace, the pieces of cloth still covering it but they were now loose and broken.

Konrad sat on the ground and held the person with one hand while removing the Bandages from its face.

When he saw the face of this person, his heart skipped a beat...

'So beautiful!...' He thought looking at the face of the young girl lying in his arms.

Her eyes were closed, but her breath was steady, indicating that she was just asleep.

Her skin was smooth like silk and her long black hair protruded from between the remaining bandages. Her nose was small and cute while her red lips were full but not overly so. She was a natural beauty that you rarely see around. But all this paled in comparison to what Konrad realized next...She had a pair of black cat ears protruding from between her hair!

'Dont joke with me!... What am I?! An anime protagonist?!' Konrad thought trying to wrap his head around the fact that he saved a cat girl...

Not even thinking about anything he tried touching her ears. They were surprisingly smooth, he caressed her right ear only for her to suddenly jerk and...

"Nya..." The sound came out of her mouth involuntarily, and Konrad sighed Internally. 'Nya it is then...'

*Daddy, can we keep her!* Suddenly Octavia exclaimed and Konrad could almost feel the Otaku Aura emanating from his familiar.

He snorted and once again looked at the face of the teenage girl lying unconscious in his embrace.

"Tavy. She's a person just like you and me and you can't keep her. We'll bring her back home and help her recuperate for now." He looked at her and realized that she didn't have any clothes and was only covered in loose, fragile, ancient bandages. He took out a blanket and wrapped her in it before picking her up in a princess carry. She snuggled into his chest and Konrad's heart skipped another beat. 'What is wrong with him?' He felt a strong need to protect her. It was strange as he didn't know her at all, but somehow...he knew that she wasn't a danger. She was just a victim.

After taking a sufficient amount of pictures of the place, the duo jumped onto a transport formation and appeared back home, leaving the formation in place for when they needed to go back. there was still a room they didn't explore, but for now the girl in his arm had a higher priority...


Current Status

[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 3069/3069MP

| Mana Regeneration ~614/min (4x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6500/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment ~ 1000ml/day (500ml/4daysx8)


| Stats:

Strength - 40

Perception - 42

Agility - 36

Intelligence - 36


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Language Of Birds

- Health Regeneration: x8

- Mana Regeneration: x4

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 24 m^2

- Observe: Basic

- Status Deterioration Block

- Mana Sprint

- Dragon Skin Technique (Stage - 3 • Spiritual Connection Stage) - 2%

- Ambidexterity

- Lesser Fire Resistance

- Lesser Frost Resistance

- Medium Chaos Resistance

- Poison Immunity

- Shock Immunity

- Blink Affinity


| Equipment

- Ring of Arcana (200/200)

- Bracelet of Hecate (2000/2000)


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Octavia [ Slime ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






//Konrad's inventory list//

- Food!

- Water/Drinkables!

- Enchanted Orichalcum Broadsword

- Steel Broadsword

- Steel Gauntlets

- Steel Armour

- Compass Of Random Journey

- Map Of Revealment

- Medium Health Potion

- Floating Ice Prison formation

- Teleportation Formation (->Greece)

- Teleportation Formation (->Gacha Space)

- Teleportation Formation (-> School)

- Teleportation Formation (-> Caster Palace)

- Teleportation Formation (-> Giza)

- Smartphone

- few changes of clothes

- Konrad's favourite knife

- Konrad's personal Grimoire:

- Fire magic

- Light magic

- Wind magic

- Mind magic

-Water magic

- Gravity magic

- Space Magic

-Combination magic

- notepad for quick observations.

- • Fey Language Dictionary •

- bunch of different trinkets he thought might come in handy someday...

- Spelunking equipment

- Diving equipment

- Hiking equipment

- Climbing equipment

- Prize orbs:

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

[} Common Gemstone Draw {] x6

[} Rare Gemstone Draw {] x2

[} Lesser Mana Potion +5 {] x17

[} Medium Mana Potion +50 {] x3

[} Lesser Health Potion {] x20

[} Medium Health Potion {] x5

[} Chosen Language Comprehension {]

[} Pure Iron Dagger {]

[}Mana Capacity +1{] x15

[} Mana Capacity +10 {] x3

[} Steel Gauntlets {] x2

[} Pure Iron Broadsword {]

[} Medium Health Potion {] x2

[} Steel Helmet {] x2

[} Steel Armour {] x2

[} Steel Boots {]

[} Steel Shield {]

[} Basic Weapon Manual (User adapted) {]

[} Broken Sword {]

[} Ambidexterity {]

[} Lesser Frost Resistance {]

[} Observe {]