Sword with no Past. part 3. Cute Little Lucy got a New Toy!

// Damn I didn't write almost anything for the last two weeks. It's so good that I have a lot of stacked up chapters just for such an occasion though. But don't worry. It's mostly because of my lazy ass reading too much other novels and a slight writing block but it's already getting better so nothing to worry about ;)

Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter!


After what happened under that Apple Tree, neither of the two could keep their eyes from the other one. It was as if all their worries became irrelevant as long as they could be together.

When they finally regained a bit of clarity, they were already in Konrad's workshop, looking at the long purple sword.

≈Woah! It looks awesome! It's not like the khopeshs we used in Egyptia, but even though it looks simpler in design I can see that it's a very strong weapon!≈ Mia exclaimed seeing the weapon.

Konrad smiled and replied.

"I know. This thing should cut through nearly anything, but it's not finished yet. I need you to grab it and try to think intently about attack and protecting others through it. The sword requires to copy someone's intent of attack and protection, and I know that amongst us all, you are the best choice, as you were once both the fighter and the protector of an entire Kingdom. Your will is the strongest from all three of us in that department." Konrad explained, and told her to use observe.

She was amazed with the description of the sword and understood Konrad's reasoning. Just like he told her, she took a hold of the sword and tried to think about the time she tried to save everyone.

The Sword quickly started to do it's thing but it was different from the time he did that as she didn't have to do any swings and practice. But it also meant that the process would take more time, and indeed after thirty minutes the counter reached only 50% before stopping. At first they didn't know why it stopped but Mia soon realized that she was only focusing on the protection part so as soon as she imagined her intent to fight and defeat Apophis, the percentage started to rise yet again.

It took another thirty minutes to fill the entire Intent for Attack and Protection but what surprised Konrad was that intent of a Pure/ Tainted soul also changed from 0% to 37% Pure.

Regretfully, no matter what they tried, it didn't rise above 40%. He guessed that they would need to ask Octavia or look for a random child in the city. Where else would you find a purer soul than a child's... And it's not like they would want to look for a tainted one either. He didn't want a Demon Sword after all...


When they met with Octavia, she instantly sensed a change between Konrad and Mia.

*Mia! Why didn't you wait for me* Exclaimed shocked Octavia.

Mia giggled and hugged the arm of confused Konrad.

≈Don't be so dramatic. You already almost finished! I bet you'd be ready before tomorrow.≈ Miastiti replied lightly.

*But what about readying my heart?!* She asked in exasperation.

Miastiti snorted.

"You were ready way before I came. My arrival just pushed you to act sooner. now stop grumbling and come with us, we need your help!≈ She said, pushing the depressed slime out of the room, leaving a dumbfounded Konrad behind.

"I didn't understand a single thing they said..." He sighed and decided to leave it at that. He would know whatever they were talking about at a later date.

If only Konrad knew that he will get his answer much sooner than he expected...


*Sooo...What am I supposed to do?* Asked Octavia, as she looked at the purple sword that lied in front of her.

"Just touch it and be your usual adorable self like you always are. That ought to be enough I guess..." Konrad replied wryly.

Octavia would have shrugged her shoulders if she had any. She user a tendril of her slime to touch the sword and instantly started to giggle.

*Hihi, it tickles!* She said, but Konrad was focused only on the Observe status. The percentage continued to drive until it reached 70%, But then it stopped again!

Konrad sighed when no matter what they did, it didn't rise any further.

"Guess I'll have to find some child to hold it for a while..." He muttered resignedly. He could already feel the awkwardness of this situation. He really hoped that nothing weird would come out of it...


Konrad was walking through the city of Giza looking for a playground... He needed to find the purest little child, and where else would he find a wide assortment of kids if not on a playground...

Thankfully the internet era was yet to affect the smallest ones so there was still a lot of them running all around the playground he soon discovered, instead on staying home playing games like his little brother. Huh...He should visit them soon. It was quiet a long time since he was back home.

But for now, he decided to focus back on the task ahead.

He continued staying invisible, looking at all the playing children, and only one thought circled in his mind.

'Well, this is awkward...I'm like some pervert, stalking children on a playground...' He thought with a wry smile.

He started to categorize the children as he looked for the best candidate.

'Lets see. I think I should reject boys. Girls are much nicer at that age in general, so let's see...

Huh this one is a bully. Rejected.

A tomboy...a spoiled princess...a mean joker...damn what the hell is wrong with those children?!' He thought In exasperation.

But soon, his eyes fell on a little black haired girl who sat on the grass on the outskirts of the playground. She couldn't be more than five years old and she seemed to be playing with the flowers that grew in her surroundings.

She had a cute pink dress with a unicorn on the front and a pair of tiny, purple boots and long white socks.

He observed her for some time to make sure that she wasn't yet another rude kid, like the ones around here, and had to admit that she was adorable and perfect for his goal. A small bundle of cuteness that hummed a happy tune while weaving a flower crown. She was visibly shy to others and seems to be very empathic judging by her expression when one of the children started to cry. She wanted to go and help but before she could fight through her shyness she was already to late as someone already went to him, so she went back to working on her flower crown.

He continued to watch her behavior and decided to try his luck with her.

He used mind magic on her parents to make them ignore their daughter, and marked them on the Map of Revealment for safety measures. He didn't want them to suddenly leave because they had no reason to stay...

Then he walked towards the girl and sat beside her, activated a concealment magic on the two of them and removed his invisibility.

The little girl became surprised with Konrad sudden appearance but he was a young boy who didn't seem threatening with his kind smile, so she wasn't as scarred as she could be. Also her parents were nearby.

But she was a shy person nonetheless...

"Hi there little one. My name is Konrad and I am a wizard looking for a little help, and I believe you will be able to help me." He said to the girl who looked at him funny with a hint of fear.

"Ummm...helloo.." She said quietly, and Konrad couldn't help but be amazed how she could make such a cute expression. He really choose a perfect target.

He smiled and said.

"No need to worry. I'm really a friendly guy and I won't take to much of your time. Oh here let me show you something." He suddenly had an idea.

He used his telekinesis and plucked a few flowers, before making them into a flower crown while they hovered right in front of the girl, who looked at him in amazement.

"Woah!! Dat was awsoom! So pletty!" She exclaimed cheerfully forgetting about her shyness. He grinned and placed the crown on her head making her giggle.

"Now princess. I didn't hear your name. I can't have my helper staying nameless can I?" He said and she quickly nodded.

"No Mistel Konad Wizald! I'm Lucy!" She said and Konrad smiled.

"See here? Now we know each other!" Said Konrad happily.

// Takes out his sword and tels her to hold it..XDDD//

"Ummm Can I ask yu somethin Mistel Wizald?" She asked curiously, and he nodded to her to continue.

"Of course"He said.

"Soo..What help do yu need flom me?" She asked the perfect question Konrad hoped to hear. Seems like she was warming up to him. Magic is indeed a good way to interest a child...

"Right! You see... I was making this great magical sword lately. A very pretty weapon. but i found a problem." He said and she asked. "What ploblem Mistel?"

"Right. So it turns out that to finish the sword, I needed it to be touched by a very nice and good person, because if it was a bad person then the sword would also turn out bad. I wanted my sword to be a good Sword though, so I looked for the nicest person i could find, and then I found you." Konrad said and he felt more and more awkward as he spoke. He couldn't just force her to touch the sword. She needed to be willing to do so...//God, this sounds worse and worse the more I write it Haha!...//

"So I need to touch this swold Mistel Wizald? That's easy! Whel is eet?" She asked, already fully on board with the idea. He was really shocked with how easy it was to convince this girl...Maybe he was just that good with children? He shrugged and took out Laverien out of his inventory.

"Woah! So pletty! How did you do that Konad!" She exclaimed seeing. the Purple and silver weapon in his hand.

"Haha, Magic Lucy! Now grab it but watch out, its very sharp and heavy." He said, lightly placing the sword on her outstretched hands.

It was very surprising when she easily continued to hold it in the air when he removed his hands.

"Oh! It seems like it can become lighter depending on who wields it." He said as he watched the little girl looking at the sword with her eyes opened wide in amazement.

"Now try to think about nice things. Hugs, flowers, overall cuteness. Whatever fancies you." He said and she nodded while concentrating seriously. He current expression was really priceless.

The Girl didn't even need five minutes before the Sword reached the full 100% In the Intent of a Pure Soul.

Now the only remaining part was fill up the entire Mana Capacity and let It do whatever it needed to be awoken.

"That's enough Lucy, You really did a great job." He said and instinctually patted her head.

She moaned a little disappointed that it was already over but enjoyed the head pats nonetheless.

"Aleady?" She asked. She was worried that Konrad would be going away and won't show her any more magic.

"Yes. You were very good at your work so it was finished very quickly. Now the sword will be a good sword." He said and was about to leave but was stopped by Lucy.

"Can you show me mole magic Mistel?" She asked and he couldn't refuse her hopeful eyes so he agreed to play with her for a bit.

She really enjoyed when he made her fly or when he made the ground into figurines and animated them with a mix of telekinesis and earth magic.

It was a somehow refreshing experience...

When he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something.

He took a black orb out of his inventory and gave it to the girl. She looked at it curiously and he said.

"You need to want to use it and it will be used. When you use it, try to remember the feeling inside you and try controlling it. The trick is to expell it out of your body as often as you can. the more you do that the more you have. Who knows, maybe one day you will be able to use magic like me." He said with a grin and once again said goodbye before disappearing...

Lucy looked at the small black ball in her hand and then back at Konrad but he was already gone as if he never was there in the first place.

But the ball was real so maybe he washer real to? She thought about doing as he said and the ball turned into light that entered her body surprising her. She felt something funny inside her chest so she tried to do what Konrad the wizard said. She tried to controll it before the feeling disappeared and she was successful. She liked the tickling sensation as she made it move through her body. She would have a lot of fun. She knew that she would never forgot Konrad the Wizard with a Sword and she was sad that he forbid her from telling anyone about him or about magic but she agreed with the reasons she gave her.

'Just you see Konrad! I'll be the best in magic ever!'...


As Konrad walked back home to finish the Sword, he pondered If he did the right thing.

'She might not even figure it out. And it's not like anyone would believe her story if she told them about it...Well, no matter what happens, I at least have her marked on the Map of Revealment so if I ever need to find her I have an easy way to do so...Then again...Why did I do something like that?...' He sighed resignedly and continue on his way back. Everything now depend on Lucy. This is now her story and he wouldn't meddle any more.

he soon returned home, and started the last part of awakening the sword or at least that's what he assumed.

He poured his Mana inside and looked with amazement at what was happening in front of his eyes...


Current Status

[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 3069/3069MP

| Mana Regeneration ~614/min (4x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6500/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment ~ 1000ml/day (500ml/4daysx8)


| Stats:

Strength - 40

Perception - 42

Agility - 36

Intelligence - 36


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Language Of Birds

- Health Regeneration: x8

- Mana Regeneration: x4

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 24 m^3

- Observe: Basic

- Status Deterioration Block

- Mana Sprint

- Dragon Skin Technique (Stage - 3 • Spiritual Connection Stage) - 4%

- Ambidexterity

- Lesser Fire Resistance

- Lesser Frost Resistance

- Medium Chaos Resistance

- Poison Immunity

- Shock Immunity

- Blink Affinity


| Equipment

- Ring of Arcana (200/200)

- Bracelet of Hecate (2000/2000)


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Octavia [ Slime ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






//Konrad's inventory list//

- Food!

- Water/Drinkables!

- Enchanted Orichalcum Broadsword

- Steel Broadsword

- Steel Gauntlets

- Steel Armour

- Compass Of Random Journey

- Map Of Revealment

- Medium Health Potion

- Floating Ice Prison formation

- Teleportation Formation (->Greece)

- Teleportation Formation (->Gacha Space)

- Teleportation Formation (-> School)

- Teleportation Formation (-> Caster Palace)

- Teleportation Formation (-> Giza)

- Smartphone

- few changes of clothes

- Konrad's favourite knife

- Konrad's personal Grimoire:

- Fire magic

- Light magic

- Wind magic

- Mind magic

-Water magic

- Gravity magic

- Space Magic

-Combination magic

- notepad for quick observations.

- • Fey Language Dictionary •

- • Orc Language Dictionary •

- bunch of different trinkets he thought might come in handy someday...

- Spelunking equipment

- Diving equipment

- Hiking equipment

- Climbing equipment

- Prize orbs:

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

[} Random World transmigration {]

[} Common Gemstone Draw {] x8

[} Rare Gemstone Draw {] x2

[} Lesser Mana Potion +5 {] x19

[} Medium Mana Potion +50 {] x4

[} Lesser Health Potion {] x23

[} Medium Health Potion {] x8

[} Pure Iron Dagger {]

[}Mana Capacity +1{] x16

[} Mana Capacity +10 {] x3

[} Steel Gauntlets {] x2

[} Pure Iron Broadsword {]

[} Iron Dagger {]

[} Steel Helmet {] x2

[} Steel Armour {] x2

[} Steel Boots {]

[} Steel Shield {]

[} Lesser Frost Resistance {]