A Night to Remember...

Mia stood behind the door listening to the conversation happening inside...

'That was so cute! But to think Tavi likes me so much...It shouldn't be such a big deal, right? There were many people with multiple wives in my times...' She thought, trying to figure out why Octavia reacted so thankful to her when she agreed to share Konrad.

She argued with herself whether she should go inside as it became very quiet. suddenly a thought struck her. What if she is doing something inappropriate with Konrad?!

Miastiti couldn't help herself so she pushed the doors lightly and sneaked a peek inside. Being the daughter of a cat goddess, Mia had a natural Affinity with night vision so she could clearly see the duo laying in bed. Both of them had their clothes on as far as she could tell so that's good...'but why is she sleeping with him! I kissed him first! That won't do!' She thought, not really mad at Octavia. Just slightly jealous, but there was an easy solution for that...

It didn't took long before she lied on the other side of Konrad and hugged his arm in the same way as did Octavia.

She shuddered, feeling the closeness of Konrad, but she liked that feeling.

Soon she was also fast asleep...

On the other side of the bed, a certain slime girl closed her single opened eye and smiled to herself. Everything is as it should be...


In the neverending darkness, someone observed as the black light slowly increased in quantity.

Suddenly a spark appeared in front of him, and he felt a long lost connection repairing itself...But he wasn't happy. Not at all! There were once thousands, even millions of them, awaiting his every command!

When he was banished here, he spend his last remaining power to safeguard a number of them. They were supposed to wreck Chaos upon those insolent mortals in his steed, be it on the land, in the air, or underwater...But now there was only one left... That would have to do for now...Those cursed meatbags would learn what it means to defy The God of Chaos!


Laverie felt very happy tonight. At first she didn't know where she was, or for that matter, who she was either.

She was confused about her situation but then she felt something familiar from the person in front of her. When she was grabbed by him, it was just so perfect, as if it was her place to be! She instinctually understood what to do, even though she didn't understand what she did, but then she could hear his voice in her mind! And what was even better, he could understand her!

She instantly knew that her place was at his side. It was like a calling.

Later, she learned his and her names and met with the other people who were also very close to Konrad. She instantly took a liking to them and really enjoyed tickling this girl with her handle. When they gave her the new name she liked it very much. And it wasn't like she was too attached to the old one anyway.

Octavia, the funny jelly like girl, was very similar to me. Just like me, she was connected to Master, but they also seemed very close outside of that connection. Oh right! I decided to call Konrad Master, because it felt fitting and Daddy was already taken. Not like I really know what those words mean anyway but the funny mix of knowledge I have, gave me the idea.

So...when Master took me training it was so much fun! I felt like it was my real purpose! To destroy what Master wants and also to do something else...He said that I was to protect them from harm and I think it was exactly what I was missing so I went with it.

For Master I will Fight and Protect! I will make him proud! I can't wait to learn how to talk like sister Octavia. They can easily converse with each other while I can only share my emotions. It's annoying!...

She looked around the place she was passing by and her thoughts diverged.

'...Ahh this place is so pretty! I'm really happy that Master allowed me to roam freely around here...Huh I still don't understand how I can call something pretty without any previous experience but I think it is!'

//For people who don't understand, her emotions and memories are a mix of the common sense and basic opinions from the time of the creation of her Soul. She doesn't have actual memories, just a basic knowledge and base character traits that obviously are of an innocent honorable battle junky XD//

Laverie flew around the Palace and enjoyed the sights until the next morning. It was really a lot of fun...


Konrad woke up groggily and didn't feel like waking up. For some reason, he felt really great and comfortable. There was something wrapped around his arms that gave him a warm feeling but he was still partially asleep so he was yet to get curious about those two weights...

Slowly though, his memories of the yesterday started to return to him. He remembered Octavia walking into his room in her new human form, their conversation, the kiss. Was he really this lucky?

He looked to his left where he placed the slime girl, and indeed, there was a bundle of silver white hair and a pair of tiny arms wrapped around his own as if it was a teddy bear.

He would have probably gave her a head pat, if it wasn't for a similar weight that held his second hand on the other side of the bed.

He turned around to find a pair of cute black ears surrounded by a waterfall of similarly black silky hair.

It seems like at some point at night Mia also came into his room. Well, at least that confirms Octavia's story.

Konrad decided to just lay there and enjoy the closeness of those two girls. He didn't want to wake them up and there was no need for them to wake up early anyway.

He started to think about his situation and he couldn't help but feel blessed.

If he was a character in some novel, he really needed to thank the author for giving him such a great life. He never liked when a character had to suffer hardships and stories with a strong character who always outsmarted or overpowered his opponents were usually his favourites.

// No problem ma man! //

He didn't know how much time passed but he wasn't uncomfortable. How could he? He had two lovely girls hugging him from the sides so the only feeling he got was warmth and comfort.

Suddenly Octavia stirred and opened her eyes, only to look straight at Konrad with a shy but happy smile. Konrad smiled back and gave her a quick peck on the lips before she could shy away.

Octavia's face reddened but her smile widened and she giggled.

"Good morning Daddy." She said and Konrad felt funny hearing her call him Daddy now. In their current situation it just felt so lewd...

"Morning Vi. How did you sleep?" He said, trying to distract himself from the weird thoughts he had just now.

"Oh! I loved sleeping beside you Konrad." She said passionately but then a grin spread on her face as she looked to the side. "And it seems like I wasn't the only one *giggle*" Her gaze clearly pointing to Mia who was still sleeping while tightly hugging his arm.

Konrad looked at her and smiled wryly.

"Do you maybe know how this happened?" He asked And Octavia giggled once again.

She came at night and mirrored my position haha! She must have been jealous that I was sleeping here and she wasn't." She laughed, but something else caught Konrad's attention.

"You weren't asleep?" He asked.

"Oh I did fall asleep, but i woke up when you placed me on the bed I think." Her cheeks flushed red as she remembered the previous night.

"Oh..." He also blushed, realizing that she heard his small confession.

Suddenly Mia started to stir and give out sleeping sounds.

≈...Mu...Nya...Mu...Nya...zzzKonrad...Love... Nyou...≈ She muttered while snuggling harder into his shoulder arm. Her action was so cute that they didn't know how to react.

Finally Konrad decided to untangle his left arm from Octavia, who instantly hugged his waist instead, and caressed the face of the sleeping Cat girl.

≈*Purrrr* Konrrrad Nya....≈ She purred under his machinations until her eyes finally opened slightly.

Then as if she finally realized her situation her eyes shot wide open and she shouted Konrad's name while almost falling from the bed. Thankfully Konrad held her close so instead Mia fell onto his chest in embarrassment.

Konrad snorted at her clumsiness and said:

"Good morning Mia. Had a good night?"

Mia blushed and tried to fold a coherent sentence.

A giggle could be heard as Octavia couldn't contain her amusement. Mia's he'd snapped to the other girl and for a second she didn't know what to said.

She didn't have to say anything though as Octavia suddenly sat up and with a determined expression kissed Mia!

Konrad couldn't understand what just happened but he was not one to complain when his two girlfriends start to kiss each other right in front of him.

'I blame Tavy's anime addiction!' He thought...

Miastiti's Head was on a roll. What was going on?! But she soon melted into the kiss and couldn't think anymore.

When the two of them finally separated, Mia had a glazed look while Octavia had a blush on her face while wearing a mischievous satisfied smirk.

≈Wha...what?! Tavi? You...≈ Mia tried and failed to say something sensible.

That's how their morning started...


When everyone finally calmed down from the eventful morning, they sat together on the bed and started to really discuss their relationship.

But for a slime to be the outgoing one while a princess was the shy type...

Konrad and his girls finally came to an understanding. And the kiss in the morning helped in figuring it out. Everyone loved the other two. It was still a blossoming feeling between the girls but Octavia was determined to change it. Konrad was in the best situation amongst them as he already loved the two girls and wouldn't let go of either of them.

When all this was finally agreed upon, there was only one last thing they needed to figure out...

"I want to sleep with you from now on Daddy!"



//No status change ;)//