Adventure Continues.

// I really have little time lately with work so the updates are going to be slow. Sorry.

I'm not going to be like the author of tales of demons and gods who updates once every few months but still don't expect a regular update in the near future...//

The morning passed with no further interruptions as Konrad enjoyed his girlfriends pleasant touches and responded in kind.

His mother actually tried to barge in again but levitating the key and turning it in the lock from the other side of the room was already a child play for him and he didn't even need to move as the girls worked on making him happy.

The trio was soon ready for the day, feeling refreshed and light on their feet as they walked into the kitchen to see Konrad's mother already working on the breakfast.

"Hello you three love birds! Breakfast will be ready in a few. Please take your seats." She smiled pleasantly and continued to work on the sandwiches.

He was joined a second later by Miastiti who started cutting down the tomatoes.

The two females looked at each other but just smiled and continued their work.

The food was enjoyable and everyone had their fill, even if Octavia could easily eat a hundred times that amount...

After that, they spend a while just chatting and watching silly cartoons on the TV thanks to a certain eight year old who loved cartoon violence...

Octavia though seemed to have taken a liking to those cartoons, as she would usually laugh as loud as his little brother when the cat got pummeled with an oversized hammer after drenching the big dog's puppy in paint.

She would later tell him that despite the cartoon's lack of echi-ness in comparison to most animes, they had their own type of charm that made them very fun to watch...


There wasn't really much to do in the Town other than lazing around in the house, as the place was actually a summer attraction and during winter it could be almost considered a ghost town...

True, you could have walks on the beach or around the lake, but when the water is freezing and the sand in rock solid...and freezing... It isn't really that much fun...

Of course that didn't mean that they weren't having any fun. In the end, the trio came here to relax and visit their family, so there was no pressure or anything, just a quiet, lazy days and maybe a few shopping trips and visits to places like an internet Cafe, swimming pool or a Bowling club.

When the trio was finally about to return to Egypt, the snow already melted and the trees were getting greener and greener by the day.

But as they were leaving the house after a heartfelt goodbye and his mom sneaking a condom into his pocket once again, Konrad came to realize that he still wasn't ready to face that accursed Magic Battery...

"You know what girls? Let's go on an adventure!"


Just like this, after a while of consideration, Konrad and the girls were flying towards the shore of Great Britain with the a certain Sword making barrel rolls and sharp happy turns all around them, showing how excited with the freedom she was.

The trick to using flight magic was regretfully still above the capabilities of Octavia so she had to be carried with levitation, but Miastiti learned the magic pretty easily even if she still couldn't keep it indefinitely like Konrad.

The reason for choosing such a way of transport was actually born from laziness.

None of them wanted to take care of the bureaucracy regarding how were they able to appear where they were, and charming every police officer or crew of an airplane or a ship every time they wanted to go somewhere was a less than ideal solution...

There was also the aspect of speed, as with flight magic, their time until arrival would be much shorter than if they were to travel by other least until they set up a teleportation point at their destination...

This situation actually made Konrad realize that they should work on some type of a magical vehicle when they return to Caster Palace. It would be much more comfortable than just flying in the air, even if barriers to shield from air pressure were easy to put in place...

It took them a few hours of flight and a short stop in Finland to finally reach the British soil. But it was not the end as they still had another few hundred kilometers before they reach their destination.

The next stop... Stonehenge!...or not...


Despite their original choice of destination, none of them could actually stop themselves from visiting London. That place had simply too much interesting places and Museums for them not to be interested in seeing them in person.

Miastiti Couldn't contain her curiosity as she barraged Konrad with question after question about everything she saw, spanning from the royal guards with fluffy hats to the funny smell in the air.

Konrad was actually quiet conflicted about how to reply to that last part, as what she smelt was more than likely Marijuana... London was surprisingly often recognizable by that smell, even in public places. He honestly didn't know how the law of the country went around this narcotic but he was pretty sure that it wasn't illegal to be in possession but just to grow or something of the line. He didn't even bother checking but just gave Miastiti his honest opinion about Drugs and how bad they are to which she agreed, bringing some similar examples of magical drugs in the times of Egyptia.

After that, there was a trip to the big Museums that surprisingly taught them quiet a bit about many different things.

The display of different gems and materials gave them for example the knowledge about which few materials could act as sudo magic conductors or which materials were complete magical isolators. Observe was a godsend in that situation.

That the bones of the dinosaurs could be used in rituals, Golemancy and Necromancy should not have been an unexpected thing, and Konrad had to bump Octavia on the head when she proposed doing a 'Jurassic park' on the visitors with the dinosaur skeletons and illusion...

The Moai head didn't tell them much under Observe other than that it was just a big sculpture of some idol.

There was a few items that were actually somehow magical, but there was nothing that could be actually useful to them even to just study.

A dagger that would get hotter when stabbed into someone, thanks to the blood powering up the runes, or a silver mirror that when powered up with magic, showed your face without any imperfections...Well, that actually could give them a few interesting ideas if just to act as a magical display screen, but they didn't need to steal that thing to learn the runes as everything was showed on the pictures describing the mirror in the case...

It came as a surprise to Octavia that the Far East section actually had a part dedicated to anime and Manga. Konrad Couldn't help but laugh that it was the most interesting part of the exposition for the slime girl.

When their trip of the natural history museum was finally done, they left to see the other museum that housed art pieces with paintings being the forte.

Miastiti actually couldn't take her gaze from the place as everything was much grander and more beautiful than in times when she was a Princess.

Each painting was much better than anything her people created and even the building itself was clearly a piece of art!

Octavia on the other hand wasn't that much interested in the art as her tastes lied elsewhere. She decided to capitalize on Konrad being alone, as Miastiti was running around looking at the paintings, so she snuggled into his side and had her wicked ways with much as she could in the middle of the museum which mostly meant handholding, snuggles and kisses...

The rest of the day passed with the trio and the invisible sword walking around the city and enjoying some local cuisine which was surprisingly hard to come by with all those fast-foods and foreign restaurants...

They booked an expensive hotel room for the night and slept together in a very comfy large bed.

Tomorrow was the time that they would go to see the Stonehenge!...


Current Status

[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 3120/3120MP

| Mana Regeneration ~624/min (4x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6500/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment ~ 1000ml/day (500ml/4daysx8)


| Stats:

Strength - 44

Perception - 46

Agility - 39

Intelligence - 37


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Language Of Birds

- Health Regeneration: x8

- Mana Regeneration: x4

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 24 m^3

- Observe: Basic

- Status Deterioration Block

- Mana Sprint

- Dragon Skin Technique (Stage - 3 • Spiritual Connection Stage) - 11%

- Ambidexterity

- Lesser Fire Resistance

- Lesser Frost Resistance

- Medium Chaos Resistance

- Poison Immunity

- Shock Immunity

- Blink Affinity


| Equipment

- Ring of Arcana (200/200)

- Bracelet of Hecate (2000/2000)


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Octavia [ Slime ]

- Holy Sword Laverien [ Sentient Weapon ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






//Konrad's inventory list//

- Food!

- Water/Drinkables!

- Enchanted Orichalcum Broadsword

- Steel Broadsword

- Steel Gauntlets

- Steel Armour

- Compass Of Random Journey

- Map Of Revealment

- Medium Health Potion

- Floating Ice Prison formation

- Teleportation Formation (->Greece)

- Teleportation Formation (->Gacha Space)

- Teleportation Formation (-> School)

- Teleportation Formation (-> Caster Palace)

- Teleportation Formation (-> Giza)

- Smartphone

- few changes of clothes

- Konrad's favourite knife

- Konrad's personal Grimoire:

- Fire magic

- Light magic

- Wind magic

- Mind magic

-Water magic

- Gravity magic

- Space Magic

-Combination magic

- notepad for quick observations.

- • Fey Language Dictionary •

- • Orc Language Dictionary •

- bunch of different trinkets he thought might come in handy someday...

- Spelunking equipment

- Diving equipment

- Hiking equipment

- Climbing equipment

- Prize orbs:

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

[} Random World transmigration {]

[} Common Gemstone Draw {] x8

[} Rare Gemstone Draw {] x2

[} Lesser Mana Potion +5 {] x19

[} Medium Mana Potion +50 {] x4

[} Lesser Health Potion {] x22

[} Medium Health Potion {] x8

[} Pure Iron Dagger {]

[}Mana Capacity +1{] x16

[} Mana Capacity +10 {] x3

[} Steel Gauntlets {] x2

[} Pure Iron Broadsword {]

[} Iron Dagger {]

[} Steel Helmet {] x2

[} Steel Armour {] x2

[} Steel Boots {]

[} Steel Shield {]