Purpose part 2

As I was trying to figure out how to hide my tattoo,something weird appeared before my eyes ,I looked around searching for help however everyone seemed unaware of it existence moreover nobody but me can see it 'I knew it I have become a schizophrenic person '. At first the ghost was no more than a chill in the air, a shimmer of mist, diffuse. Through it the furniture and the wallpaper that peeled with the rising damp became slightly out of focus, like a poorly taken photograph.Slowly it came into focus like an object looked at through a telescope, but this phantom was close, very close. A delicate figure,bright blue eyes,silver hair,a stunning beauty .Her whisper was like the soft susurration of the wind in the trees,then suddenly the whisper became an eerie rasping voice which caused me to flip and run leaving the room , I could hear my friends calling , however it wasn't sane to explain the situation ,distance was all that mattered.Before I knew someone grabbed my hand dragging me the other way around 'who is it'


"-shhh if you don't want the spirit to spot us"

"-you can see it !...sobs..sobs "

"-of course I'm an angel"

' That makes us two who should go see a psychologist because of schizophrenia '

"-What's with the long face ! Trust me I'm not delusional "

"-yes yes ..."

"-Watch out !"


'And here we started again 'after minutes of running away we hopefully found a hidden place .

"-Explain what the hell is that ? A prank "

"-A sinful soul wandering around after death"

"-Ruka I think that you should seriously try reaching out for psychiatric help"

"-if you don't believe me and prefer death then go ahead "

"-ok so if you are an angel does that mean that all humans who died go to god?"

"-Technically yes but don't forget it's a sinful ghost , Lucifer's business "

"-so why is it still down earth?"

"-Well he especially loves to torture them when they have regrets"

" we gotta do something!"

"- yep it's my work to look after you weak beings "

"-Are you enjoying it that much ?"

"-No let's get to work!"

"-I would look into the 1st floor ,you upstairs"

"-Okie dokie"

Patrolling the first floor I came across the ghost sitting by the window crying in an empty classroom as she sang her heart out with the mellow voice of hers .

"Je t'aime, je t'aime toujours

I am forever yours

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher

You're always in my prayer

Softly, sweetly

Wrapped up in heaven's arms

Sailing, soaring over the moon

Gathering star dust

Be still, be safe, be sure

Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour

Wishing, praying

All of your dreams come true

Please remember

Where'er you are my heart is with you

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher

Always in my prayer

I am forever yours

Je t'aime, je t'aime toujours"

Mesmerized by the melody , I have felt relaxation , sleepiness , fatigue by the time I discovered i was in a hypnotized state it was late .As now I was trapped in obscurity .

She approached me slowly but surely whispering for help with a devastated face.

"-Why are wandering here?"

"-I'm looking for him"

"-Who ?"

"-My lover"

"-Is that why you were following us"

She nodded

"-Is he alive?"

"-No but he promised to meet me here so he can't be up there and even if I wanted to go I can't because I have committed a sin"

"-why and how?"

"- my lover was killed the day of our betrothal by a psychopath kidnaping a kid ,saving the little boy costed his life "


"-I murdered him"

Tears flowed down her porcelain transparent face.Then she requested.

"-can I borrow your body to visit his grave I didn't get to send him off"


Upon saying that she started disappearing wings slicing what was her spiritual form .

'Why did he kill her why !!!'

"-Why Why Ramiel !!!!!!!"

"-she was a ghost who needed to be exorcised "

"-she just wanted...to....sobs...."

"-No matter how much you regret or wish, if you couldn't do something in life, you can't do it after death either."

"-there could be another way!"


"-I resent you "

"-if you have to hate someone it's god"

"-aren't you an angel yourself"

"-one who isn't fond of his master but can't disobey him or else .....'

"-Here you were Lilith , eh Ramiel???

"-get out off my way"

"-what's with her"


"-Are you ignoring me ?!"

'Why , why is it like that ? Always it's for the good ones to pay the price,why God damn it '

"-Ah Lilith why did you fade the day long?"

"-I will head first I don't feel well"

"-Ok but ...She's gone"

"-what could have happened "

"-sigh.....who knows this is our Lilith "