The painting part 2


He lifted me in his arms as if I was lighter than a feather 'which obviously is not the case'.

" if you insist that I pay for the both of us I will have to carry you all the way in this position "

"-Don't you dare!?"

"-Well you challenged me"

"-I will pay for myself now let me down please?"

"-As if I would"

"-Ramiel?!Stop are embarrassing me"

"-that's the point child"

"Ahem! Young people ,you seem to have forgotten about me "

"-of course no sir we are escorting you to somewhere quieter in order to talk the problem out without odd stares "

"-you are one to talk don't you see that because of you everybody is looking weirdly at us"

"-Calm down .Don't humans like attention?"

"-Not me idiot!"

"-let me carry you until we find a pharmacy you didn't notice but your feet is bleeding "

"-Eh!!Since when?"

"-Surprising you earlier you got up and scratched it"

"-I see 'So he was worried about me'"

"-Boyfriend material" in a teasing tone

"-And you a child material "

"-since when did such a word exist"

"-since now"

He covered the uneven paving stones with a great lolloping gait that suggested his ankles were made of tightly coiled springs rather than the sinew and bone the rest of us have.

Standing by a tree he lays me down to treat my small injury .

"-Thanks and sorry for the trouble "

"-you are welcome "

As he looked right into my eyes his were from the softest brown infused with green, as if he held the new spring growth inside. They were the forest floor and the gentle flowers, somewhere to rest and breathe.

"-you sure know how to use that face of yours"

"-is it so ?! well i am not Ruka to play foolishly around "


"-What ?"

"-sounds like a lie"

"-love , attraction ...are all useless emotions"

"-that does not exist ,we have the same perception "

"I have been here before, But when or how I cannot tell: I know the grass beyond the door, The sweet keen smell, The sighing sound, the lights around the shore."

"-did you get to meet Vincent Van Gogh before your death sir"

"-unfortunately no "

"-Too bad he is my favorite painter ."

"-why that?"

"- he enjoyed painting,he lived his life without seeking approval or sum-missing to the era's standards"

"-But he died of a suicide , he went against god's will"

"-it's ironic how you are the one to say it"

"-Whitout dying I wouldn't have known "

"-Free will and Fate .Is really suicide his choice?even so why do we have to live ?What's the purpose of it? We never chose to be born."

Suddenly I sensed hands upon my face.He covered my eyes.As I tried to escape from his grip ,it only got stronger.

"-Don't...The angel of death comes for the wicked, for those who hurt others with cold indifference. She comes with fingers of knives to slice out the eyes that watched the horror and pain with such callous minds. And when she stands before the greedy like yourself who envy 'death' ..."

"-Let it be isn't better that way .To wander endlessly,stuck between life and death "

"-It's greater hell "

"-Not worse "

"-I won't let you die just yet not after I got cursed because of saving you"

"-Why did you I felt so happy in that moment"


"-Sir you should regain your path ,you are only being played by Lucifer"

"-I can't the painting.."

"-which one"

"-May Morris "

"-what about it ?"

"You remind me of her,your void empty eyes"


"-I was happy to meet you again"


He disappeared.

"-Let's go home "

"...'There I stood looking at the sunset down'"

Sun sank lower in the sky, light of day draining away, giving way to the velvety dark of night, crickets chirping, dusky, colors subdued in the fading light, first buzz of mosquitoes, street lights click. I feel the soothing breeze, become absorbed in the music of crickets, letting the gentle energy of nature wash in.

"-it's late "

"- I will accompany you"

"-as you wish "

'For the first time in my life I have felt comfortable with someone,silence was pleasant,but I know little about him.....