Zera Got Robbed! Finding the Culprit!

Zera woke up with much enthusiasm the next morning. She couldn't wait to delve into the founding of her own place. She got up and stretched her arms and then noticed all the stuff she had laid out was now gone. She looked around and in her inventory to make sure she didn't put it elsewhere without realizing it. Zera came to the final conclusion: She was robbed! She had never once considered the possibility of other people taking things from her. She learned the hard way one of many normal issues in any society.

She ran into the main guild registration building and shouted, "Newt!"

The building was still mostly empty except for workers so this wasn't such a bad action to take. Newt walked out from the back room, yawning.

"What do you want so early Zera. . .---"

"I was robbed!! All my stuff disappeared straight off my plot overnight! Isn't there some form of way to reprimand or find them here?!"

Newt groaned in irritation. "Listen. We will discuss this in the back room." He then brought the troubled Zera into the back.

"Okay..." Newt sighed as he lazily flopped onto the couch. "What all did they take, and did you set up a countermeasure in case this happened?"

Zera stuttered a little before shaking her head. "..N-no... I haven't actually set up anything against robbers but I should've. I figured people were behaved here." This response was enough to give Newt a headache but he shook off the frustration and got back up. "Let's go. I know of a man who can help track them."

"Really?! That would be a big help! thank you so much!" Zera got up and bowed immediately, her subtle but cute figure catching Newt off guard. Her slim upper body with a moderate healthy chest, and lower where her thighs were generous and her ass basically on display when she bowed. It wasn't that her clothes were too tight, it's just that she's got a nice shape and the previously male Zero didn't know how to dress being Zera.

Newt gulped a little and glanced away, nodding meekly and saying:

"Yes, we will go and have them found.. So let's head out. Okay?"

Zera got up and nodded and Newt calmed down.

They left the guild building and walked down the road and came to the triple intersection and went down the middle pathway this time. They walked for approximately a mile and then Zera paused. Newt noticed Zera abruptly paused and he walked back a few paces to get near her and see what she was looking at. She stared at a trader who was showing off his wares, although her interest seemed to lie in the fact he was a large green scaly person with huge talons for fingers.

Newt tapped her side and muttered:

"That's known as a Monstrosity, or to other people, the holy race. You may view them as you will so long as you don't criticize them. It'll start a political mess about rights.. Not like I need to tell you. you're not human either. You'd be offended If somebody trash talked your wings."

"No... I wouldn't be happy at all. you're right." She nervously straightened her jacket and her wing curled in a little as if she attempted to hide it. Now that she was aware of this situation she glanced around while they continued along. Every now and again she would notice her wings garnered a new piercing stare.

After a few more miles they reached a barren area devoid of any structure except a little fancy shack that looks similar to a classic shrine. Newt guided Zera in and the first thing she noticed was an old hag with silver fox ears that were black tipped. She seemed as if she was a century old and her white hair was reaching the last strands available, and her short three ft tall body and wrinkled complexture made her almost look comical. She stayed sitting there, eyes closed and head tilted down as if they had been asleep for some time.

Newt clapped once and called out, "I need you old gran. It's time to take on a job. Well paying."

Upon hearing 'well paying' she responded quietly, "I am meditating. Do not assume I sleep on the job.. little sprout.-" She coughed a few times and then looked up. Her face went pale a little more than it was before.

"Another has awoken and failed. I see it is nearing. Regardless of such unwarranted issues . . What is the job?"

"I need you to track down this girl's goods. They were stolen and she insists she wants to catch the thief."

The old woman stands and suddenly without warning the scenery around them changes and the room's walls mirage wildly and ripple. After a few moments the motion halts and they are met with a tall clocktower. the room's reflecting walls rush forward and they go through the door, down many stairs and pathways so quickly that the directions are undiscernable. A cauldron is visible and a small red point is dropped into it and the mirage shatters as if a spell was broken.

"U--unbelievable! that mage made something. That thing it dropped in!" The old hag said all this while trembling. She then pointed a weak finger at Zera's wing. "They took one of your spikes and broke the tip off, see?!"

After Zera and Newt observed it they realized it too. Newt hurried to get ready to leave and grabbed Zera by the wrist.

"We have no time anymore, if they're using your power source to make an alchemic brew this can only result in disaster! We will worry about your stuff later!"

Before Zera could say anything she was whisked out of the small shack when Newt then picked her up princess style and leapt across rooftops.