Isis? (epilogue)

She leaned closer to the water and dipped her hands into the water cupping it underwater and taking it out. Drops of water slipped through her dirty fingers and sid down her arms. Isis drank the water and was about to take another sip when she heard the soft pattering of the water hitting something. She stood up and followed the sound down the river. The closer she got to the sound, the more the river turned red. The water separated into two and Isis followed the red stream until she saw a coffin slowly drifting down the river.

"Coffin?" Isis murmured staring at the box, her eyes widened, "could it be?"

Isis dove into the river and pulled the box out of the water and onto land. Without hesitation, she leaped at the box and opened its latches. Then she carefully lifted the lid of the box. Her eyes widened and tears fell down her eyes stimulated by glee and the odor of the contents in the box.

Inside the box laid her husband Osiris. His body was chopped up into sections and blood flowed out of the box onto the sand and into the water. Isis pulled out his legs her hand dripping with blood and the skin of the body tainted red from laying in the blood. Then she pulled out his hands, his fingers limp and blood dripping out of them, then came the toes each of them were delicately laid on the ground. Isis pulled out his heart and intestines, they were hidden near the bottom of the box soaked in dark red blood.

His chest came next, then his hips, and shoulders followed. Isis wept seeing the chopped up pieces of her beloved and placed them on the ground with soaked up the blood and turned the sand red. Isis burst into tears when she pulled out the last piece, his head. Osiris head laid still in her arms as she pulled it to her chest and her dress soaked up the blood tainting the white on top and turning it red.

Isis laid down all of the pieces on the floor and after crying a bit started to reconstruct it. She attached his legs to his hips and placed his heart back in his chest. After doing the same procedure for all the disconnected parts and piecing the bloody parts together, she put Osiris head back on top and stared at her husband's head to toe. He was put together but wasn't alive yet.

Isis dipped her hand into the pool of blood in the coffin and proceeded to draw shapes around the body. After making her preparations she prepared for the ritual. She sat at the foot of the circle she had drawn and began to recite a spell. The air around her tightened and thunder rumbled in the sky. Purple rain fell from the sky and drenched Osiris' body. Isis continued to chant her spell and she started to lift off the ground, levitating in the air above Osiris.

"...Wake up," Isis muttered the last words of her spell and landed back on the ground.

She waited for a reaction but nothing came. Tears start to fall out of her eyes as she stares at the motionless body.

"No, nonononononononononono," she cried, "please wake up, don't leave me here! We promised to see each other again! You can't leave me like this!"

She pounded her fist on Osiris' chest in frustration. Her heart felt like it was being crushed for the 30th time in a day. Was it too late already? He was gone? Why? WHY ME?? tears continued to fall from her eyes as the rain beats down on her, come back to me, please. She wept on her husband's body as reality dawned on her.

"Why...Why did you leave me," Isis muttered through her tears.

Minutes passed with her weeping at Osiris' side. She could remember his laugher, the happiness in his voice when he called out her name. The calmness of her heart when she laid in his arms. The warmth of his hand when he held hers, all of it seemed like it was the day before, those fresh memories eating up her heart. If only she hadn't left on that day a century ago, maybe he would still be here alive with her. Laughing and holding her hand. Isis laid down next to his body, if only she got to hear his voice again.


The end.