The Old Abbot Has Some Big News To Tell

Silence returned to Reimei Temple once again after the Takai family took their leave. 

Wisps of smoke swirled from the incense burner into the air.

Since it was the weekend, even the construction workers were on their holidays. Right now, there was only Baishi Shū and the old abbot in the temple. Baishi Shū had already gotten used to this, so he did not feel lonely at all. 

Sitting on the futon in front of the Buddha statue, he said to the old abbot, "Abbot, I'll transfer 30 million yen to you. You can contact the construction team and have them come over to start building the kyōzō!" 

"Amitabha." The old abbot smiled and nodded at him. 

Baishi Shū admired the old abbot's unruffled attitude when facing a substantial amount of money. In his perspective, this was how a true holy monk should be. He aimed to become like the old abbot one day, and he was working very hard towards it.