Then Nobody Would Know I Am The One Lead Him Here

A shadow was blitzing across the city under the moonlight. Using the Divine Eye to trace the four-faced yokai, Baishi Shū realized that their base was located in Setagaya City. 

He never expected that they would be audacious enough to establish their base in a residential area. What's more, they also exhibited complex behavior that could only be seen in human beings. They were busying themselves with tablets, some of them watching anime, while others were playing computer games.

'I guess… even yokai aren't able to escape being enslaved by human technology?' Baishi Shū lamented.

However, the shock did not stay long, soon regaining his vigilance. He knew that although they looked harmless, behaving more like a group of shut-ins rather than a bunch of terrifying monsters, they were a group of sadistic creatures that would slaughter humans without batting an eye.