Tournament of Power pt.4

*Yami Pov*

'The next major fight would be Kefla and Goku with Vegeta fighting Toppo. Jiren should be trying to absorb energy back, and everyone else has been eliminated. Literally keeping only the needed people. Wait, what am I doing? Why should I care how the original fight goes? I want some fun too, so Ill go to the last remaining warriors of universe 3. Hopefully they fuse, otherwise I will have to just knock them off.' I thought as I sped towards an isolated place which had 4 entities present.

[Hey!! Let's fight!] I said, surprising the 4 remaining warriors of universe 3

[And what right do you have to fight our prestigious universe? You might as well surrender. If you do, ill make sure your beating isn't going to brake your bones.] said Paparoni, straying from the original anime attitude.

[Listen, time is precious. You either fuse into Agnilasa or else ill just knock you out right now.] I said calmly

[Agnilasa?! How did you know our forbidden fusion!!] said Paparoni

[I wont repeat myself. You have 10 seconds.] I continued, ignoring him

[B-But we wont be able to un fuse and that would just make a different kind of entity!! And why should I listen to you?!] he countered

[Fine then, ill show you.] I said as I turn super saiyan for the first time

[You know what this means? I'm a saiyan. I have many more forms that can beat you in a second. Fuse or die. Listen, if you don't fuse, after I win this tournament I will come to your universe and kill you.] I said

[But when a universe loses, they get erased.] said Paparoni

[You know, with someone of your IQ asking such a simple question, I really tend to question reality. If every universe but 1 survives, there is no doubt that universe would be the strongest. But Lord Zeno would eventually do something like this again, and with what, 5 universes? When someone gets the super dragon balls, they will have to wish for the other universe's revival. What do you think will happen if that wish isn't made?] I questioned

[They would get erased.. so I have nothing to lose besides not becoming myself again.] he added

[I can undo your fusion. Ill give you 5 more seconds to decide.] I said as Paparoni instantly replied

[Ill do it.] he said as the 4 warriors gathered together. They became light and then went into each other. What was left was just one huge person with a red crystal in his head.

*3rd Pov*

Yami slightly smirks as Agnilasa quickly sends a punch towards the Super Saiyan Yami. The punch was about to be dodge by Yami, but instead the fist disappeared into a portal and reappeared behind him, landing a solid blow. Although Yami's strength was just a quarter of Agnilasa in both base form and Super Saiyan, his body and ki gets strengthened, making his attacks stronger with the same amount of energy.

[Hehehe] said Agnilasa, somehow still having some emotions

[Hehehe my a**.] Said Yami as he continues to charge at Agnilasa, jumping from the solid ground to flying rocks towards Agnilasa who screams in pain from a sudden blow to one of his antennas. In a slight rage, he starts to send ki blast's everywhere which change the arena tremendously.

Charging an attack in his forehead and mouth, Agnilasa fly's up with purple coloured wing's. He fires off the red coloured blast through both his mouth and forehead gem while moving his hands into a T pose shape. The hands disappear and reappear next to Yami. They land on him as the blast quickly travels to the stuck Yami. In the last second, Yami turns Super Saiyan God and breaks free while kicking the blasts back. Agnilasa Quickly reacts as he uses another of his moves called 'ki blast deflect' which is self explanatory.

Agnilasa sends the blast back towards Yami with even more ki because Agnilasa added his own energy in the blast during the ki blast deflect, making it more powerful. Yami once again attempts to hit it back but is met with another 2 blasts which combine with the 2 original blasts, making the power nearly double. Yami turns Super Saiyan blue for a second while releasing an aura so big that it would cover 1/3 of the arena. The aura alone sends the ki blast back and lands because Agnilasa couldn't react in time to deflect it.

[How about we end this?] questioned Yami as he focuses most of his aura into his right arm and a little bit in his legs. He jumps, leaving a blueish aura behind his legs. He successfully hits the forehead of Agnilasa, making it break almost instantly. Yami follows his right punch by transferring all of the energy in his right arm into his left arm. His left punch lands nowhere, making the crystal parts shatter into dust. Yami quickly propels himself in a rocket kind of shape with his legs first. The remaining energy in Yami's left arm gets evenly spread throughout both of Yami's legs which charge right into the hole of Agnilasa forehead, knocking him down and out of the arena, effectively erasing universe 3. Meanwhile, Goku had just turned Super Saiyan God against Kale and Caulifla.

'Well, that's a rap for now. Next target will be Jiren against Goku Ultra instinct for the third time, though I wont let him use it. So, I get to freely watch the fights until the last one. Yay for me. Although I find it confusing as to why the angels are looking at me strangely. Oh well. Its probably because I'm so strong.' Thought the Saiyan who was partially correct. The reason why they were looking at him that way was because he was able to go through Hit's time skip, making him transend time like Jiren. Yami was completely oblivious to this, just minding his business in his base form.

'Now, I get to watch Goku fight Kefla. Well, better go get my coke again.' Thought the Saiyan as he disappears and reappears on a rock near where the now fused Kefla and Super Saiyan God Goku were about to fight.

[Lets see who wins!!]