
After three rounds of wine and the meal, Chen Hao's face and neck were flushed, and he felt a little dizzy. However, his head didn't hurt. Seems like it was indeed good wine. Too bad his alcohol tolerance was too low, so he didn't have the good fortune to enjoy such wines.

Seeing the excellent atmosphere, Zhou Gang grabbed the chance to ask, "Brother, did you discover anything special when you went to look at the Stream Mountain construction site today?"

After eating his food and drinking his wine, Chen Hao couldn't very well hide it from him. He replied, "I found the source of evil energy. But the Dragon Energy of the entire Stream Mountain is intact. So I think this evil energy isn't too serious. But it's not easy to cultivate these days. Even if it's this kind of normal evil energy, it's not easy to handle. I need to ponder over this."

Zhou Gang's eyes lit up, and he pressed on. "Then, do you have a solution, Brother?"

Chen Hao hesitated a moment before replying, "I did think of a solution, but whether it will work or not I can't be sure yet. I won't easily take action for something that I have no certainty of success."

Zhou Gang was lost for words and didn't know how to continue the conversation for a moment.

Chen Hao smiled and continued, "Brother Zhou, stop asking. Let me consider carefully again. I will definitely tell you if it works."

Zhou Gang sighed and said, "Alright, then. I will await your good news."

After eating and drinking his fill, Chen Hao didn't stay for much longer. He left with the information Zhou Gang handed him.

After Chen Hao left, Yang Hui, who had just coaxed Tongtong to sleep, walked out. She looked at Zhou Gang and said, "Ah Gang, I feel that you're being too impatient. If you're not careful, you might destroy whatever little ties we have built up with Chen Hao after much effort."

Zhou Gang paused, then said with a bitter smile, "Hui, you have no idea. Bai Ju somehow found out that I have acquainted myself with a remarkable man who can help us settle the Stream Mountain construction site. At noontime, Bai Ju asked to talk to me. It was only with much difficulty that I managed to conceal Chen Hao's identity. But this is indeed an excellent chance. If I can resolve the Stream Mountain matter, I…"

Yang Hui interrupted him. "What you think is your business. When we got married, I already made it clear not to bring your work into our life. In the past you have done very well, I hope you can keep it up in the future."

She paused before continuing, "Having interacted twice with Chen Hao, I feel that he is a rather nice person. What's more, he has remarkable abilities. If these abilities were placed elsewhere, I'm afraid he would easily become a frequent guest of the rich and powerful. It was only because this was the first time he's cultivating in the mortal world, so you were given the chance. This is your affinity. And to our family, that's an even greater affinity. Ever since Tongtong started wearing that jade Buddha Chen Hao gave her, she has been sleeping soundly at night. That's something that's rarely happened over this one year. Perhaps we might not get Chen Hao's help in this area, but because of his existence, at least Tongtong and I feel very safe and needn't worry about ghosts and the like. So, you need to consider carefully—between work and family, which one is more important."

Then, without giving Zhou Gang a chance to explain, Yang Hui turned around and walked into the bedroom.

Zhou Gang was stunned for a moment before he chased up to her with a smile. A moment later, giggling noises could be heard coming from the bedroom.

By the time he returned to his apartment, Chen Hao had sobered up by quite a lot, and also realized there was something wrong with Zhou Gang's attitude at the dining table.

In fact, this wasn't bizarre. After all, he had displayed extraordinary means, and there was indeed paranormal activity at the Stream Mountain construction site. It was natural that he hoped to receive his help.

But he had made an acquaintance of this person in order to mutually benefit, not to become a tool someone could make use of. Hence, Chen Hao felt a tad depressed.

But right now Zhou Gang hadn't showed it in an obvious manner. What's more, he was indeed of help to him. Hence, there was nothing Chen Hao could say about it.

He could only wait and see. If Zhou Gang really treated him as a tool for promotion, that was fine. He could repay the debt of gratitude to him and gradually drift away from him. With his capabilities, there were plenty of people who would treat him as a distinguished guest.

Shaking his head to get rid of his messy thoughts, Chen Hao took out the information Zhou Gang gave him.

There were 16 sheets of paper in total, and there were lines of information detailing the location, as well as the rumors, legends, and reports from police investigations. The information was very detailed and easy to see at one glance.

Seems like Zhou Gang had put effort into this.

Chen Hao smiled, then started looking at each line.

A few moments later, Chen Hao set down the papers and thought in silence.

There were seven locations in total. All of them were in the vicinity of Stone City, some far and some near, and their reasons for being haunted were all different.

Looking at this, Chen Hao suddenly felt perplexed.

According to logic, Stone City was considered a second-rate city now, and its population was in the millions.

With such a large base, never mind accidents and natural disasters, the number of elderly couldn't be too few. Every day there would be old people dying of old age. With the accumulation over time, there ought to exist many ghosts.

Why after going so many places, other than Liu Yue'e, there wasn't another ghost that triggered the Pleasure Helping Spirit System? Surely not everyone died without regrets these days?

Or perhaps, certain selection criteria needed to be met before the Pleasure Helping Spirit System was triggered to assign him missions?

The Pleasure Helping Spirit System didn't come with an explanation or instruction manual. Chen Hao couldn't understand its wonders with his ordinary thinking, so he could only sigh and slowly figure it out by himself.

After studying the seven locations, Chen Hao finally selected three and planned to check them out tomorrow.

After coming to a decision, Chen Hao laid down and fell soundly asleep very quickly.

After sleeping through the night, early the next morning, Chen Hao woke up, not naturally, but by his phone's ringtone.

In a sleepy state, Chen Hao picked it up and took a glance at it. Immediately after, he bolted upright into a sitting position. He hurriedly put the call through and shouted, "Sorry, Sister Wang. I drank too much yesterday. I'll come to the company right away."

"Come, my foot. How many days has it been? I merely scolded you a little and you felt aggrieved and really decided to quit? What do you regard the company as?" Sister Wang's loud voice boomed over the phone, completely jolting Chen Hao awake.

Indeed, he hadn't been to work for two days. He didn't plan on continuing his nine-to-five life anymore, anyway. Damn, he had just started a nine-to-five job for over a month and it had become a habit. The way the nine-to-five life unconsciously influenced one was truly too scary.

Chen Hao was awkward for a moment, unsure of how to answer.

Sister Wang was silent a moment, before suddenly asking, "You're really not planning to come to work anymore?"

He had to make a clean break, after all. Chen Hao replied, "Sister Wang, thanks for looking out for me this past one month. I know you treated me very well and also helped me a lot at work. But honestly speaking, it's in men's nature to strive for better things. I have found a better job now, so…"

Sister Wang fell silent again.

Chen Hao was about to explain when Sister Wang's voice suddenly rang, this time much gentler.

"Since you found a better job, I won't try to persuade you. Youngsters who have just started working in society are all like this. Perhaps you need to steel yourself by changing a few jobs, but I think highly of you. If you don't do well outside, I welcome you back anytime."