In the Water

Getting into the Mercedes Benz, Chen Hao immediately felt the comfort of being in a luxury car. Be it physically or mentally, it made Chen Hao feel excited.

But as the future great master, Chen Hao couldn't easily reveal his loser side. Hence, he merely adjusted his posture slightly, told an address, before closing his eyes pretending to sleep.

Bai Ru, who had wanted to take the chance to interact with him more and build up a rapport with him, was speechless at seeing Chen Hao behave like this.

What's the meaning of this? I'm a beauty, and I even took the initiative to acquaint myself with you. Can't you be more of a gentleman?

Could this be the legendary weird temper of the genuine great masters?

Feeling unsure, Bai Ru had no idea what to say. She did not want to accidentally break some taboo and offend the priest. The loss would then outweigh the gain.

The driver of the Mercedes drove steady and fast. Within twenty minutes, they had arrived at the address given by Chen Hao.

After the car stopped, Chen Hao opened his eyes and got out of the car.

Bai Ru hurriedly got out from the other side, then stood next to him with a face full of smiles, seemingly prepared to wait on him by his side.

Chen Hao paused and said, "Manager Bai, as the leader of a large corporation like Shuanglong Group, aren't you the least bit busy?"

Bai Ru replied with a smile, "Busy, of course. But compared to those trivial matters at the company, the most important thing is to be of help to Master Chen."

She sure knows how to suck up in a classy manner. It's no wonder she became a deputy general manager at such a young age.

Chen Hao said, "Although your words are pleasant to the ears, Manager Bai, it's not so appropriate for ordinary people to follow me regarding the matters I'm handling now. Are you sure you want to come with me?"

Bai Ru's eyes lit up. She gazed at her surroundings. This was a village in Stone City's suburbs and didn't seem that big, but it was not secluded either. There were apartment buildings around, and the transport infrastructure seemed quite developed. She couldn't help but ask, "Are you here to see the fengshui, Master?"

Chen Hao grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth.

"Here to see ghosts."

Bai Ru was startled. She suddenly felt a sinister and cold wind, despite the blazing sun shining up in the skies.

She cast a dubious glance at Chen Hao and said, "Don't scare me, Master. There are no ghosts in this world."

Chen Hao said maliciously, "If there are no ghosts, then what's going on with the Stream Mountain construction site? And why are you here to beg me?"

Bai Ru looked taken aback. "There are ghosts in the construction site? Surely not? The masters that we invited previously all said that it's because the fengshui is bad."

Chen Hao smiled mysteriously and said nothing else. He then turned and walked towards the village.

Bai Ru hesitated a little.

Actually, she didn't have a deep understanding of Chen Hao. According to her news source, she only knew that he was an ordinary university graduate with an ordinary background, that he had worked in a food company. The only time he displayed his powers was during his cooperation with Zhou Gang. Regarding the process, he had only heard from the recounts of the police officers who took part in that operation. It was very creepy and very magical as if he could predict everything. But then, it didn't involve ghosts and the like.

Could there really be ghosts in this world?

Seeing Chen Hao walk further and further away, Bai Ru clenched her teeth and quickly caught up to him.

Regardless of whether there were ghosts, surely they wouldn't run into ghosts in broad daylight?

Moreover, Master Chen wasn't afraid, so what did she have to be afraid of? If they really bumped into a ghost, that only showed that this was truly a remarkable man. Even after the Stream Mountain construction site was resolved, it was worth associating with such a person.

Seeing Bai Ru resist her fear and catch up to him once again, Chen Hao sighed. Seems like the Stream Mountain construction site issue was really important to this woman, so important that she could overcome her fear of ghosts.

Neither of them spoke anything along the way. After entering the village, Chen Hao came to a two-story building with a vermillion red door and a yard.

Standing by the roadside, Chen Hao merely viewed the building and didn't utter a word.

Bai Ru had originally felt a little fearful. But seeing Chen Hao in this manner, she didn't feel fearful anymore.

He didn't look like he was here to see ghosts. It felt more like he was here to check out the situation.

She was just wondering if this Master Chen was going to knock on the door next when she saw the owner calling out "I'm afraid trouble has reared its head at your residence". Next, Bai Ru saw, to her astonishment, that Chen Hao actually turned around and left.

What strategy is this? Master Chen, why exactly did you come here for?

Bai Ru found herself at a loss. She felt that she didn't have enough brain cells to process this, even though everyone praised her for being clever.

But Bai Ru had overcome her initial fear, and now a different thought bubbled up in her.

She must see what this Master Chen was up to. Or rather, to see if he was that genuine great master she had judged him to be.

Walking slowly, this time Chen Hao walked outside the villa and came next to a river.

This river was named Willow River, and it was the largest river in Stone City. The spring water coming in from Stream Mountain, accumulated over many years, came to form this largest water source in Stone City.

The Willow River outside the village was only one of the branches, flowing right into Stone City. Because Stone City valued environmental protection, the river waters were still clear, and weeds and reeds grew in abundance on the two shores. It was pretty scenic.

Chen Hao observed as he walked along the river until he came to a spot where the river appeared to have a width of about 5 meters. When he finally stopped, a look of delight appeared on his face.

Bai Ru, who had been observing him, felt curious upon seeing this. She also began to size up the surface of the river.

The river was calm and there were no ripples. Neither was there anything weird about it. She had completely no idea what was the strange thing about it that made this Master Chen appear so delighted. Could it be that I have the eyes of a mere mortal, so I am unable to see the things he sees?

This time, Bai Ru's guess was accurate.

Right now, in Chen Hao's eyes, he indeed saw something he was looking for.

Willow River had moving water, and the source of this water was Stream Mountain—hence, the faint white gas in the water. This gas had an aura that only moving waters had. Or perhaps, put it this way, it was the aura of Stream Mountain.

Chinese geomancy, or fengshui, involved wind and water by their literal namesake. The vibrancy and rich spiritual aura of a piece of land made for a blessed land that could bring about prosperity to all living beings living in it.

Without any wind or if it had still water, even if it was not a land of death, it was not a place for the living to stay in for prolonged periods.

It was not known how deep Willow River was, and Chen Hao had no intention of checking out the depth either. With his Yin Yang Eyes, he could see the slight movements and changes in the aura of Willow River.

Chen Hao could sense the convergence of dark energies under this five-meter wide river.

Most dark energies were scattered and messy, and only ghosts had dark energies that converged together, transforming into a yin body.

And under the water, there wasn't merely one converged body of dark energy—there were three. They were respectively next to the river, in the center of the river, and under the grass.

After pondering over the information given to him by Zhou Gang, Chen Hao's gaze fell upon the grass.

That drowned kid probably died here.

Mm… Then, what's the background of the other two female water ghosts? One of them carries with it a dark and evil energy. Could the rumors of this village be real? That kid who drowned was pulled into the water by this ghost with dark and evil energy and suffocated to death?

Chen Hao's brows furrowed. He stared at the spot where the evil water ghost was, his gaze becoming unkind.

As if sensing the malicious intent, that evil water ghost was startled. It moved its yin body a little, but it didn't shift.

Chen Hao's gaze flickered, seemingly deep in thoughts.