The Second Dying Wish Mission

I have no words to refute you?

But since the water ghosts showed up, there was hope for his mission. Chen Hao wouldn't push this good thing away.

"Alright, since you're here, let's talk. Mm, you seem to be a ghost of many years? You can show yourself before humans, can't you? This friend of mine is a police officer. Perhaps he'll be able to help you guys."

Sensing Zhou Gang's weird expression, Chen Hao suddenly asked.

Although I act like a master, in Zhou Gang's eyes, all he sees is me talking to air. If he can see a ghost for once, Zhou Gang will no longer have doubts about ghosts and demons. It will be more convenient for us to cooperate in the future.

The long-sleeved quickly said, "Yes. But this little friend here died not long ago and has a weak yin body. He's unable to reveal himself in front of humans."

The long-sleeved water ghost's dark energy floated, and the next moment, Zhou Gang's pupil's contracted violently. Despite being a police officer for so many years and despite having developed steel guts from braving heavy gunfire, he felt his heart tremble and his legs go weak.

"Brother Zhou, don't be scared. This water ghost is here to seek my help. He won't harm anyone." Chen Hao took the chance to reassure him. To let him know that he was more impressive than ghosts.

Zhou Gang tried his best to put on a calm face as he asked in astonishment, "Didn't you say it's that student who drowned?"

Chen Hao said, "That student is standing next to you. But he's a new ghost and hasn't accumulated much cultivation, so he's unable to reveal his form in front of humans."

Zhou Gang was enlightened. He now had some understanding of all this ghost talk.

Mission accomplished, Chen Hao continued, "Pal, I have only invited Li Meng. Why are you here too?"

The long-sleeved water ghost awkwardly said, "I died a wrongful death years ago. I have no idea why I wasn't able to be reincarnated and can only be a wandering ghost. All these years I have roamed about and seen this spectacular world. I'm envious and wish to be reborn as a human, to experience this prosperous era. Yet, I have never met a true master to do a sending for my soul. Until you appeared, Master. You made me see hope. This is why I took the liberty to come to you. I hope you can take pity on me, and on the account that I have been a kind ghost, give me a chance to be reborn as a human."

Watching as the ghost pleaded with Chen Hao, Zhou Gang was so shocked that he forgot to be frightened. There was an astounding look on his face.

Seems like this brother is more formidable than I thought. Thank god I heeded my wife and came to my senses in time. Else, if I lost this remarkable man as a friend, I would live in regret for the rest of my life.

Chen Hao, however, was extremely calm. He nodded. "You're not bad. Indeed, you've never harmed anyone. Under the protection of the Willow River, you've gained spirituality and a pure soul. If you have the chance to be reborn, you will at least be born in a rich family."

The long-sleeved water ghost's eyes lit up, and a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

It was good enough to be reborn as a human already. But if he could be reborn in a rich family, he would wake up from his dreams laughing.

Then again, everything hinged on this master before him. Hence, the long-sleeved water ghost didn't dare behave insolently, merely gazing at Chen Hao with desire.

"However! It's not so easy for a spirit to be reincarnated. Samsara, the bonding of yin and yang, that's what's formidable. Ordinary Samsara happens after death and, according to one's merits, achievements, and conduct during his lifetime, the corresponding outcome will ensue. Once you miss the chance, it's as good as giving up on it yourself. Don't think that just by finding an eminent monk or Daoist master to do a sending for your soul, you'll be reborn as a human. That's impossible. How can a mere mortal Daoist priest control Samsara? If it could be done, the heavens and earth would long have descended into chaos." Chen Hao threatened the water ghost using what he figured out for himself.

The water ghost's countenance changed.

He did guess this somewhat, but before giving it a shot, he wasn't reconciled to giving up.

"Then, if the priest does a sending for my soul, what will be the outcome?" The long-sleeved water ghost asked.

Chen Hao said, "Forcibly doing a sending for your soul will destroy your spirituality. Don't mention becoming a human, it'll even be difficult for you to become an animal."

The long-sleeved water ghost's originally pale face turned even paler now. Even its body was shaking now. Who was willing to be an animal—waiting to be slaughtered by humans?

Seeing that his threat had worked, Chen Hao chuckled inwardly at having successfully bluffed this ghost. He went on to say, "But you're lucky to run into me. Our sect's cultivation system is different from other sects. In this era where the path to immortality isn't obvious, our sect's ancestral founder took a different path and created a magical formulation. It focuses on exorcising ghosts and demons, resolving their unresolved issues, and to balance yin and yang. Doing a sending for the soul this way ensures that one's spirituality is not lost and allows one to be reborn as a human."

The long-sleeved water ghost rejoiced at hearing this. He felt like he was riding a rollercoaster, going uphill one moment and downhill the next, bringing about much agitation.

Although he grumbled inside, before the great master, he didn't dare complain out loud, lest he lost his only chance. Even crying would be useless then.

"I beg of you to do a sending for my soul, Master." The long-sleeved water ghost placed his palms together and pleaded.

Chen Hao said in a displeased manner, "I haven't finished my words. Why the impatience?"

The long-sleeved water ghost hurriedly put on a patiently listening face.

Chen Hao continued, "If you want me to do a sending for your soul, then you need to know where your obsessions lie. The reason you're unable to be reborn is that your obsessions are standing in your way. Only when your mind is free from cluttered thoughts, when you have no worldly concerns, will I be able to do a sending for your soul. Else, if you are plagued by obsessions, even with my great powers I can't guarantee you can be reborn as a human. So, tell me, what are your obsessions?"

At the sight of this scene, Zhou Gang was once again enlightened.

So this is how this buddy here cultivates. He supposed that Liu Yue'e's obsession was Wang Hu, and the reason Chen Hao asked him to arrest Wang Hu was to help Liu Yue'e eliminate her obsessions so that she could rest in peace.

But what obsessions does this water ghost have? Zhou Gang watched curiously.

The long-sleeved water ghost was lost.

Obsessions? What obsessions do I have? If there is one, it's the desire to be reborn as a human. But to be reborn as a human, he would have to be reincarnated. And in order to be reincarnated, he would have to eliminate his obsessions. To eliminate his obsessions, he would have to… It's making my head spin. What am I thinking? Who am I? Why am I here?

Seeing the long-sleeved water ghost standing there dumbfounded, with no indication from the Pleasure Helping Spirit System, Chen Hao felt a little disappointed.

Surely this ghost has at least one obsession? That's not right. He desires to be reincarnated so badly, so he definitely has obsessions. Could he have become muddle-headed from being a ghost for too long?

Speechless, Chen Hao reminded. "By obsession, I mean the matter that bothered you most right before dying. Or perhaps you've been dead for too long and have forgotten. Think about it carefully first. I'll help you when it occurs to you."

Chen Hao then looked towards Li Meng, who had been eagerly waiting by the side. He said with a smile, "Little fellow, what is your obsession?"

Li Meng, who had been listening to their conversation, quickly said, "Master, my obsession is Sister Xueqi. I want to know whether she likes me or not."

Chen Hao was speechless.

Damn. What are you talking about, little brat? How old are you? You're so young and already you're talking about love? What am I—a man who hasn't even dated a girl despite having graduated from university—supposed to think? Are you mocking me?

Grumbling silently, Chen Hao found to his surprise that there was no alert from the Pleasure Helping Spirit System.

This is weird. Li Meng has told me his obsession, so why is there no reaction from the system? Could the system have malfunctioned? That can't be it, right? Or perhaps, the obsession Li Meng mentioned isn't even his obsession, and he's simply bluffing me.

With a dark expression, Chen Hao said, "Little fellow, I don't like being deceived. You'd better think carefully about what your obsession is. If you keep talking nonsense like this, I won't be able to help you."

"Ah, no, my obsession really is this. I…"

Li Meng had wanted to say more, but when he saw the look in Chen Hao's eyes, he chickened out and didn't dare to continue.

If my obsession isn't Xueqi, then what is it?

Li Meng subconsciously began to recall what he was thinking when he was drowning to death.

Suddenly, it struck Li Meng that at that moment, he was thinking about… his mom!

[Ding-Dong! Water ghost Li Meng, vengeful ghost of one year. Fulfill his dying wish and be rewarded with Dipper Steps.]