Troublesome Task

Seeing Zhao Yuan's look of anticipation, Chen Hao felt a headache.

Never mind Li Meng. What's the deal with you? You've been dead for over a hundred years. Even if your mother lived a long life, she couldn't possibly still be alive today, right? How am I supposed to help you?

But the temptation of ten years' worth of Dao Attainment was too great. If he missed this chance, who knew when the next opportunity would come?

Chen Hao said awkwardly, "Pal, it's not that I refuse to help you. Just think about it, you've passed away for so many years. I suppose you've visited your hometown. Can your mother still be possibly alive?"

Zhao Yuan shook his head and said, "After I passed away, my yin body was hindered by the spiritual aura of the Willow River, so I haven't been able to return to my hometown. By the time I could leave, my hometown had undergone a great change. The Zhao family of the past was no longer in existence and the village had turned into a dilapidated one. My mother was also nowhere to be found. Later, I asked around and found out that the rebels had passed by the place and carried out a massacre. The Zhao family had no choice but to move. After my mother was taken away, no one heard anything from her. All these years I have searched for her everywhere but to no avail. Master, I don't ask that you let me see my mother alive. So long as my mother's grave can be found, I'd be happy just to be able to pay my respects to her."

Chen Hao's expression eased greatly. If that were the case, it would be much easier.

Nodding his head, Chen Hao said, "It's not too difficult, but it's also not something that can be done in a short period of time. After all, it happened more than one hundred years ago and there isn't any record. It'll take me some time to check. You have to wait patiently."

Zhao Yuan nodded. "I've already waited over a hundred years, I don't mind waiting for some more time."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Chen Hao gazed towards Zhou Gang and said with a smile, "Brother Zhou, it's time I trouble you again. Do you think it's difficult?"

Zhou Gang speechlessly glanced at Chen Hao. How readily you agreed. But it's not so easily done.

It happened more than a hundred years ago. Back then our noble country had yet to be founded. This isn't much easier than solving a murder case with no leads.

But Zhou Gang wouldn't reject him.

After all, he had just established the trust between them. He couldn't break it at such a crucial time.

Moreover, after seeing a ghost for himself, Zhou Gang felt pretty excited.

After solving so many cases, he had never encountered a case involving ghosts. This made Zhou Gang think of the legendary Justice Bao, who could bring the living to trial during the day and judge the matters of the dead during the night.

He dared not compare himself with Justice Bao, but he was a predecessor he hoped to emulate.

Gritting his teeth, Zhou Gang nodded. "I'll try my best to check. But I need sufficiently detailed information."

It would naturally be best to have the help of the police. Zhao Yuan quickly told him everything he knew.

As he was told more and more information, Zhou Gang's expression calmed down. So long as there were clues, he would be able to check on them and find out. After all, since their country was founded, there were records kept in all places. For a large family like the Zhaos moving, regardless of where they went, there would be records.

But when Chen Hao asked him to help with Li Meng's matter as well, Zhou Gang nearly cussed. However, with Li Meng around, he couldn't very well say anything, so he merely agreed with an expressionless face.

After the big and small water ghosts left satisfied, Zhou Gang then said to Chen Hao, "Brother, do you know how Li Meng's family is doing now?"

Chen Hao was astounded. "Why? Is there a problem?"

Zhou Gang said in a displeased manner, "Li Meng's grandfather has passed away five years ago. One year ago, after Li Meng drowned to death, his father went crazy. Li Meng's stepmother took her daughter overseas with her, and it's hard to find her now. Do you think that's a problem?"

Chen Hao was startled. "So bad? Then, isn't it impossible to find Li Meng's mother's information now?"

Zhou Gang shook his head and said, "Very hard. Compared to this Zhao Yuan's case of more than a hundred years ago, Li Meng's matter is more troublesome. Because when Li Meng's father fled back then, he changed to a different name outside and rarely revealed his information. What we know is that Li Meng's father hid in Qingzhou, but Qingzhou is such a huge place with a population in the millions. We don't even know if his mother is a local. If not, it's really like fishing for a needle in a haystack. Hopes of finding her are extremely slim."

Chen Hao's countenance changed.

He had made a promise. It would be troublesome if it couldn't be done.

The reason an obsession was called an obsession was that it was as good as a lock binding the ghost. Once the ghost told his obsession, if it couldn't be done, that ghost would probably go crazy and could easily transform into a ferocious ghost.

Chen Hao paused for a moment before asking, "How crazy is Li Meng's father?"

Zhou Gang said with a sigh, "Delirious. Shoots off his mouth. Basically a goner. He's now trapped in a mental hospital and waiting for death."

Chen Hao clenched his teeth and said, "Go and investigate Zhao Yuan's family first. I'll go and look for Li Meng's father and think of a solution."

After agreeing on their plans, Zhou Gang asked Yang Hui to come out.

"Have they left?" Yang Hui asked cautiously.

Zhou Gang nodded, with excitement still lingering in his eyes.

"I've really expanded my horizons today, my three moral outlooks nearly collapsed."

Chen Hao said with a smile, "Don't say this, Brother Zhou. Every civilization has a unique mark. For us China, our Daoism culture has a long history. Even in today's technologically-advanced world, everyone still has respect and awe for the heavens. It could be said that our three moral outlooks also encompasses information about ghosts and demons. Else, that instant where you saw the ghost, you wouldn't have been so composed."

Zhou Gang considered his words for a moment, then nodded. "You're right, Hao'zi. I liked to act as Sun Wukong when I was little and also enjoyed listening to the Eight Immortals legend. I had always been curious about the gods, it's just that I had never seen one before, so I was doubtful. Now that I finally saw a ghost, I felt so astounded."

"Err, does that affect our family?" Yang Hui was a woman, after all, so her focus was different.

Chen Hao said, "Don't worry, Sister-in-law. These two ghosts are sensible and know not to leave their dark energy in the house. But this also reminds me. After I settle the matters of these two ghosts, I'll help Sister-in-law construct a blessed magical artifact that protects the house. So that no ghosts will dare come near here."

The overjoyed Yang Hui quickly nodded. "Thanks for the trouble, Hao'zi. Aiyah, the food has turned cold. I'll go and heat it up for you. And also make some food for Blackie."

It was fine after that. They ate and drank, and the black cat finally got a taste of good food, which nearly made it shed tears of joy.

Ah, it was not easy. To obtain a meal it had to be played around by a little brat, and the little brat nearly tore off a few of its whiskers.

After eating and drinking, with Tongtong looking unwilling to part, with much trepidation, the black cat urged Chen Hao to leave.

After getting back to his rented apartment, Chen Hao bathed then laid on his bed and started looking up information on Li Meng's family on his phone.

Li Meng had drowned to death, and Stone City had reported on this before, so he easily found this news. He then saw some related comments.

After taking a look at the comments, Chen Hao sighed. Many of the comments were written by people familiar with Li Meng, and some were very detailed. The pitiful state of Li Meng's family also attracted much sympathy.

But after understanding what Li Meng's grandfather had done, Chen Hao felt that where there was a cause, there would be a consequence. The younger generation reaped the fruits of what the older generation sowed. Likewise, the younger generation suffered retribution for the evil deeds done by the older generation.

  1. Justice Bao was an astute judge during the Song dynasty, today honored as the cultural symbol of justice in Chinese society.