
I don't wish to look at it, I only want it settled!

Xue Chuang howled in his heart.

But now that the problem seemed hundreds, even thousands of times scarier than expected, all the more he didn't dare throw his temper in front of Master Long.

"Master, if, I mean if, there really exists something evil, do you have the means to deal with it?" Xue Chuang asked cautiously.

Master Long pondered for a moment and then shook his head. "Although people address me as Master, in terms of cultivation, I'm only a beginner. Ordinary ferocious ghosts are easy to handle, but this evil being… hard to say. It depends on what type and grade it is."

Xue Chuang felt despair. He had spent a lot of money and paid a great price before finally managing to invite this genuine expert. If even an expert like him didn't feel confident, then who was capable of settling the Stream Mountain construction site problem?

With a pale face, Bai Ru couldn't resist looking towards Chen Hao and asked, "Master Chen, do you have a good solution?"

Chen Hao was stunned by Master Long's judgment.

However, he hadn't expected this construction site to be so impressive—to actually be a Dragon's Den!

But carefully thinking about it, what he said did seem like it. Dark energy could be seen everywhere on the construction site, it was indeed very scary. Moreover, it had seeped out from the underground. Even a fool wouldn't believe there wasn't something odd underneath.

But this was tricky.

The method he previously thought up to use a deity figurine to suppress it would probably only cure the symptoms, not the root of the problem. It could easily lead to trouble if an accident occurred.

Upon hearing Bai Ru's question, Chen Hao shook his head. "Very difficult. The deity figurine I asked you to prepare previously can only cure the symptoms, not the root of the problem."

"Deity figurine? Not bad, this is a delaying tactic. The power of incense from the deity figurines is the nemesis of evil. It can temporarily suppress evil." Master Long's eyes lit up upon hearing this and he glanced at Chen Hao in shock.

He couldn't tell that this warlock could come up with such an idea. Seemed like he did have some capabilities.

Xue Chuang was overjoyed. Even if they could only suppress it for the time being, it was good too.

"Will this method work? Then I'll go and buy several hundred deity figurines now."

Master Long said, amused, "Manager Xue, it's not like that. A deity figurine that can suppress evil must be one that's truly been worshipped by devout followers for hundreds of years continuously with incense. Only then would it work. Ordinary deity figurines are of no use."

Feng Chuang was speechless. They're that particular? If it's been worshipped for hundreds of years, never mind the spirituality of whatever, it'd be a treasure. Who would be willing to sell it?

Bai Ru, on the other hand, heaved a sigh of relief. Master Chen's method at least worked. Her efforts hadn't been wasted.

"I've already found a deity figurine that's been worshipped for three hundred over years, but the owner's asking price is too high, so we're still in the midst of negotiations. Now, it seems like I can only agree. But the deity figurine will only work temporarily. As for how to settle it subsequently, I need to depend on Master Long and Master Chen's help. This isn't just my Shuanglong Group's responsibility, it also concerns the safety of all living beings in Stone City. I hope the two Masters can help," Bai Ru said sincerely as she bowed to Master Long and Chen Hao.

Master Long kept silent and said nothing.

Chen Hao, however, said with a smile, "No need to pressurize us this way. Master Long has made it very clear—it's possible that it's breeding dark energies. That indeed is hard to imagine for many people. Based on our Dao Attainments, if we wish to deal with it, it's not just something that can be solved by talking. Hence, before we get to see it, I can stay to help. But if I can't withstand it, I can only apologize. Shuanglong Group had better have a backup plan and contact the officials of Stone City in advance, to let the country send its large armies to help. In this time and age, technological weapons are the mainstream. Perhaps they will be able to deal with those things."

Master Long said, "Master Chen is right. I agree."

Since the two masters agreed on this, Bai Ru could only agree as well.

After that, the group of them descended the mountain and came to the construction site again.

Master Long took out his compass and, using the terrain's structure, very quickly found the tomb—it was over one hundred meters opposite from the metal stakes formation, the entrance of a valley where the spring water flowed through.

According to what Master Long said, this was the Dragon's Den of Stream Mountain, also known as the Dragon's Mouth.

The so-called Dragon's Den was different from other dens.

Water coming out from the Dragon's Mouth would benefit everyone around—this was the air of a monarch. As for the ordinary dens, regardless of the different kinds of accolades attributed to them, they plundered the manifestations of nature to better themselves—they were in contrast to the Dragon's Den.

When they reached the Dragon's Den, Master Long stuck a tree branch on level ground and said, "If you're going to open the tomb, dig 33 feet from here and you'll see the Dragon's Door. Open the Dragon's Door and you'll see the Dragon's Palace, which is also known as the Tomb Palace. Generally speaking, if they constructed a tomb in the Dragon's Den, it won't be a small tomb. A tomb ten thousand feet deep is attributed to kings; a tomb a hundred thousand feet deep is attributed to emperors. This Water Dragon's Den doesn't seem to live up to ten thousand feet, much less a hundred thousand feet. I don't know the situation inside either. We can only check it out when we get in there."

Xue Chuang recorded down each and every word said by Master Long. This wouldn't merely be used to handle the construction site matters, but it also had to be shown to the consuls of the Stone City to remind them of the severity of this problem, so that they could work hand-in-hand to resolve the issue.

Chen Hao listened with keen interest as he had his horizons expanded.

This was a good learning opportunity. Although he didn't know when he might be able to accomplish a mission where he would be rewarded with Feng Shui skills, he didn't have such knowledge now. Since he didn't understand, he ought to learn. That was the attitude one ought to have.

Master Long instructed on some other minor details, and very quickly, Xue Chuang made the arrangements, displaying his competencies as an upper management executive of the company.

"Master Chen, do you have anything to add?"

After he was done talking about his arrangements, Master Long looked smilingly at Chen Hao. Now, his earlier disdain could no longer be seen.

To be able to come up with the idea of using deity figurines to suppress evil, it meant that this fellow had sharp foresight. He probably could tell very early on that this wasn't a simple spot where evil gathered.

Before the imminent crisis, cooperation was strength. This was the most basic requests. Master Long wasn't confident of settling this matter all by himself—if one could think of taking this on by himself, that person was a retard.

Chen Hao said with a smile, "Master Long is a Feng Shui expert with sharp foresight and meticulous arrangements. As a junior, I'm in awe. There is, of course, nothing more I have to add. We can just act according to Master Long's arrangements. After the Dragon's Door is opened, I will then accompany Master Long to the Dragon's Palace."

Master Long felt pleased to hear that. He was sick of hearing ordinary people suck up to him. But having someone in the same profession suck up to him? That hit the right spot. It was particularly effective on him.

"You over compliment me, Master Chen. During my near forty years of cultivation, Master Chen is also the most brilliant junior I have seen. It's my honor to cooperate with you. When the Dragon's Door is uncovered, I will go in to check out the situation with Master Chen."

Since Chen Hao gave him face, Master Long wasn't stingy with his praise either.

After that, Master Long left with Xue Chuang.

The early-stage excavation work would take some time. He also had to prepare for contingencies, lest he was rendered helpless when faced with a problem.

Bai Ru, on the other hand, stayed with Chen Hao. For now, she wasn't thinking about ways to vie for the control of the company.

After all, if the problem wasn't solved, the company would be facing a huge crisis. In order to develop the Stream Mountain, Shuanglong Group had not only invested an enormous sum, but it also took out a substantial loan from the banks. One mishap and the company would be destroyed, and whoever took over would be the one suffering.

"Master Chen, whatever requests you have, you may tell me. These won't be considered part of the remuneration," Bai Ru asked Chen Hao.

Chen Hao thought for a moment, then said, "There really is something. I need a place to train my body, best if I have the guidance of a professional trainer. Also, I need some help with my diet. Mm, something like medicinal meals to improve the body's constitution, to make one become stronger."

Bai Ru was speechless.