Passing Grade

Xu Mang kept his parent's discussion close to his heart, deciding that he would study a little. However, when he turned on his computer, he started a ranked game on League Of Legends…

Heart Arsonists (Xu Mang): Mid or feed!

Dior King: …

Moon Prince D: …

Fried Noodles: …

Once Xu Mang had acquired his favourite position, he was invincible with his Mid Veigar. After almost 20 minutes into the game, Xu Mang's farming was stable, having zero deaths and 12 kills, and he won the ranked game lying down.

He could go to sleep now!

Xu Mang took a bath and lay in bed happily. Just before succumbing to sleep, he had a nagging feeling that he had forgotten to do something...what was it?


The next day, the sun had yet to rise, but the annoying alarm clock had already been ringing for at least a minute. Xu Mang buried his head further under the covers, not wanting to leave. There was just no way to make wasn't just Xu Mang who was like this, there were countless people who were the same in this moment of time, unwilling to part with their bed.

Just one more minute...just one more minute!

A minute had passed.

'Just another 30 seconds...after the last 30 seconds, I will get up then!'

The 30 seconds mark had reached.

Continue to sleep…

'Why don't I take a day off today?'

[New skill detected, Lazing In Bed Skill has been unlocked]

Xu Mang: 囧

Lazing In Bed Skill!?

What special use did it have?

Was it possible that if he could increase this skill, he wouldn't need to wake up in the morning to go to class?

Xu Mang wanted to test this newly acquired skill to see whether it had any value or not. How would he go about doing this... 

First, he grabbed his phone from the bedside table, searching for his class teacher's number.


"Mr. Lin?" Xu Mang pitched his voice to be lower, adding a little softness into it.

"Xu Mang!? What do you want?" Mr. Lin's tone indicated that he was not happy receiving a call from him at all.

"Cough, cough…Mr. Lin, I...cough...I'm not feeling very well...cough cough." Xu Mang tried his best to pretend to be in a pained state. "I'm suffering right now...and...and it's not the disease that is plaguing my body that's because I'm unable to come to class...unable to learn more knowledge…"

"Mr. Lin…"

"I really want to study!" Xu Mang's soft tone changed and held a hint of determination underneath it all of a sudden. "But I can' so selfish, for the pleasure and sake of acquiring knowledge for the burn my entire life for it!"

Lin Yishan was going crazy!

He had never met such a student, one who could pretend to be sick and describe it so vividly just for the sake of not attending class, even including philosophies. In this entire world, only this b*stard would be capable of this.

To be honest, Lin Yishan had always felt that Xu Mang was actually very intelligent. Sadly, this intelligence was utilized in all the wrong ways.

"You're not coming, right? Okay then." Lin Yishan coldly said. "Don't bother coming tomorrow either, or even the day after. In fact, don't bother coming for your entire lifetime, you've been expelled!"


Hearing Lin Yishan's words, Xu Mang laughed lightly as he said, "Mr. Lin, don't make such a big issue out of it, I was just kidding!"

"Your body had better be in class before 7 am."

And then he hung up.

Looking at the phone on which the call had just been dropped, Xu Mang let out a sigh. So what if he had obtained the System? So what if he had acquired so many skills? Wasn't he still forced to do things with just a sentence from other people?

What a sad reminder!

'System, how much do I need to exchange to let me get out of bed without suffering?' Xu Mang asked.

[The System has detected, to get up from bed without any suffering will require: 2 points (Lazing In Bed Skill)]

Just right, he would then have 1 point left!

After completing the exchange, Xu Mang finished washing his face and changing his clothes at the fastest speed he had ever achieved in his life, grabbing his bus card before leaving the house.



"Student card!"

Sitting in the last row beside the window, Xu Mang embarked on his journey to school. When the bus stopped at one of the stops, Xu Mang saw a girl with a ponytail come up. Her name was Tang Xin, an excellent student in the class next to his.

Her looks were average compared to most, but Xu Mang was able to feel that she had more inner beauty. An average looking but clever girl would definitely be a kind person, and her temperament would be gentle.

In Xu Mang's scoring, Tang Xin would be a 3, her looks + 1 point, her temperament + 1 point, and her intelligence + 1 point.

'Sit down next to me!

'Sit down next to me!

'Sit down next to me!'

Xu Mang kept praying to the heavens above.


Tang Xin sat down next to Xu Mang, however, she didn't look at him, instead, taking out a book to pass this boring time.

"Reading books? It's good to read books!" Xu Mang laughed and said, "That's right, I have a book here that I can't understand, would you rather read it instead?" 

Xu Mang dug into his bag, pulling out his Math textbook.

Tang Xin closed her book, staring at Xu Mang, and then quietly said, "One, I can't have a relationship. Two, I won't have a relationship with an idiot. Three, I won't have a relationship with you, so please shut up!"

'What the h*ck!

'You were the one agreeing to all of that, I haven't!'

Xu Mang turned away disdainfully, looking out at the passing scenery. If he had known that she was that kind of girl, he wouldn't have bothered about her.

[New skill detected, Picking Up Girls Skill has been unlocked]

Picking Up Girls skill?

Did he even need it?

Being handsome was the core of picking up girls, and he was anything but handsome!

'Can it be deleted?'

[Yes, once the skill is deleted, it will require 90 days before you will be able to acquire it again. You will also be unable to acquire any Upgrade Cards]


Xu Mang deleting the skill was not a decision made in the spur of the moment, but rather, due to his own high recognition of his own appearance.

Not long after, they arrived at the school. Xu Mang managed to reach the classroom at the last minute, and thus began his day.

The first class in the morning was supposed to be Math, but the teacher who came in was their English teacher.

"Your Math teacher has an upset stomach, today's Math class has been changed to English class. So, the entire morning will be English."

"Clear your things! We're having a test!"

Xu Mang was so confused.

"Teacher! Were you the one that drugged him?" Xu Mang asked bravely.

"Xu Mang, you don't have to take the test, get out!"


"Teacher, I was wrong. Please let me take the test. I think the Maths teacher, Mr. Liang, ate the wrong food and got an upset stomach. That's why I said, you should only cook the vegetables after giving it a good wash, but Mr. Liang just didn't want to believe me." Xu Mang said as he sighed, plastering a regretful expression on his face as he said that.

The English teacher snorted quietly and then proceeded to hand out the papers without another word.

[New Quest: Just lie down to pass]

[Description: Obtain a passing score!]

[Reward: Upgrade Card*1]

Xu Mang received the latest quest from the System, and at this time, Sun Xiaoxiao was laughing at him, saying, "Xu Mang, why do you even bother!"

"Why do you care? You won't pass either…" Xu Mang replied angrily.

"Yeah!" Sun Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "But it's still better than getting a single digit, don't you agree?"

Xu Mang didn't bother to continue arguing, after all, it would be better to use his strength to prove them wrong. He would use this small test this round to give a slap to Sun Xiaoxiao, making sure to hit him till his face was red like chili!

After getting the paper and writing his name and class, there was no real rush to complete the questions. He needed to first ask about the situation regarding this test.

'System, my many points would I need to exchange to get a passing grade?' Xu Mang asked.

[The System has detected, to obtain a passing grade in this test will require: 100 points (English Skill)]

He glanced at the English Skill points that he had left.

English Skill = 97 

Alright, in that case, he would take a nap first before passing the test.

When Xu Mang woke up, there were ten minutes left to the end of the test. At this time, his English Skill had accumulated to 167 points.

After exchanging the required points, Xu Mang found that he actually understood the paper, only needing to glance at the question to know the answer.

"Hand in your papers!"

"Students in the last row, please help to collect the papers."

At the end of the test, for the first time, Xu Mang's paper was placed on the very top of the stack he had collected.

This action mainly highlighted one thing:
