Carrying A Glorious And Great Mission

During the month, apart from steadily obtaining skills points every day, there were no other quests that he received. Life went on as usual, and the only thing that made Xu Mang happy was the fact that the annoying Sun Xiaoxiao had been replaced. There was now a girl sitting beside him.

Lin Ling, her looks were average, her results were average, her body was average, and even her name was average. It was rare, but she and Xu Mang got along. Only, this beautiful time was too short, and Lin Ling also began to distance herself from him.

After all, Lin Ling felt that illiteracy was contagious.

It was history class now, and Huang Qidong—Mr. Huang was talking about changes and events that shook history, and his lecture was passionate and vivid. Other than Xu Mang, everyone was listening with rapt attention.

The wonderful thing about Mr. Huang was that he had a more tolerant attitude to those in the class. As long as the students didn't mess around and make a racket, you could do as you pleased.

However, Xu Mang was not sleeping this time, instead, he was exploring his skills. He had acquired about twelve different skills from the time that he had acquired the System. Apart from the languages and political history, the other skills were more or less useless, and more importantly, had not triggered any quests.

Host—Xu Mang

Virtue: Level 1

Intelligence: Level 1

Body: Level 1

Beauty: Level 1

Effort: Level 1

Upgrade Card*0

English Skill = 1,020

Chinese Skill = 130

Math skills = 1,200


Sweetened Egg Dessert Eating Skill = 60

Secretly Snacking During Class Skill = 130

Secretly Playing Phone During Class Skill = 600

Current Quest: None

Looking at the skills above, Xu Mang's heart was disappointed. Other than the six skills, the rest of the other skills only had a few uses. For example, this Secretly Playing Phone During Class Skill.

If you exchanged 50 points, you could have a winning percentage of 50% in a bronze rank game in Arena of Valor, that was quite awesome!

As to why the win-rate was so high, Xu Mang had considered it before. First of all, among those who played Arena of Valor during class, primary school students were definitely not included in this. Secondly, the appearance of those masters who were otakus were high. These two factors then created the highest winning rate for Xu Mang.

During the self-study period in the afternoon, Xu Mang took out a book that he had bought from the local store. It wasn't a web novel but it was closely related to studying. The name of the book was 'The Purest Happiness—Learning'.

Learning could make people happy?

Xu Mang couldn't help but question it in his heart. Even though he was a cancerous existence that was worse than scum, it didn't stop him from observing others. In the past two years, Xu Mang had observed many tragedies in the making. In the end, the conclusion he had reached was that learning made people sad.


First off were those studious students. Even though each of them were leading in the field of studies and they were the cream of the crop, Xu Mang had once witnessed firsthand how one of them had suffered depression due to not being able to solve a problem. Later on, Xu Mang had found out that it was a printing was impossible to solve, and all he could say was that it was a tragedy.

Then came the average students. They were ecstatic because they understood a certain type of topic, but then again, they were also unhappy because they knew nothing about other categories of topics. Under these two extreme situations, the students floundered on, and it was almost as though they had become a group of walking dead.

Lastly, there were the students who were below the average ones, like an epic disaster of a Hollywood movie!


He wanted to see how much happiness there was.

Xu Mang opened the book to the first page which had the name of the author and his thoughts on the book. The author's name was Yi Ming, and he admitted that there were many books written on this topic in various fields.

Not long after that, Xu Mang fell asleep…

When he woke up, the book was still in his hand. Whether or not he was happy, he didn't know, but the nap had been most satisfying!


"Wasted my 5 bucks." Xu Mang sighed, feeling sad for his allowance.

"Eh? Where is everyone?" When Xu Mang was more awake, he realized that there was nobody in the classroom anymore. When he looked toward the clock that hung above the blackboard, it showed that it was already 11.55am.


Xu Mang threw a tantrum. There were so many people in class, and yet, none of them woke him up to go for lunch, wasn't that too much!

There were only 5 minutes left before self-study period, he definitely wouldn't have enough time to eat. Xu Mang hurriedly went to the school's cafeteria and bought a piece of bread and a box of milk. As he walked and watched the freshman play basketball, he ate his lunch at the same time.

Of all the things to happen, he bumped into a student council member.

"It's against the rules to eat while walking! Give me your school card." A boy with an honest expression on his face halted Xu Mang from walking forward.


Xu Mang was stunned and asked in confusion, "My friend...are you a freshman? You don't know who I am?"

"Who are you?" The student council member asked in a curious voice.

"Looks like you really are a freshman." Xu Mang let out a big sigh, reaching into his pockets and slowly pulling out the school's 'dog tags', showing the student council member. "See for yourself!"

"Not wearing your school card, that's another point!"


Eating a cheap lunch and ending up getting a deduction of 3 points, Xu Mang felt as though he had been tossed on the wrong end of the stick. The points were very valuable, and in one semester, you only had 12 points. If all points were deducted in a semester, you would need to take 3 days from the holidays after school had ended to come back to school and study the school rules.

The so-called studying of the school rules meant to copy the rules, from morning to afternoon, and it was extremely boring. Ever since Xu Mang stepped foot in the school, the amount of school rules he had copied was more than the homework he had done.

I'll remember this, you brat!

Xu Mang hated the student council members. In his opinion, they were just bullsh*t, especially some of those who held important positions in the council. They were so overbearing to the point that even though they didn't even know their own mother and had yet to step foot into society, they were already so arrogant.

Of course, being a student council member in this school also had risks, and most of the male members were not spared from being beaten up on their way back after school. There were no surveillance videos, no evidence, only the scars of the mind and body.

Nobody knew who the culprit was, the victim would only remember a sock from above, and punches and kicks raining down on him…

Stepping into the classroom at the very last second, before his butt had even made contact with his chair, Xu Mang heard some news that a brainy student would be transferring to this school. From what he could hear, this student was just like everyone else.

An idiot who had never seen the real world…

Xu Mang had a disdainful expression on his face. It was just another brainy student transferring in, why make such a big deal out of it? He thought it was the principal getting caught for corruption or something...exaggerating such a small thing, what was wrong with them!

In the afternoon, Xu Mang spent his time sleeping as usual. Getting ready to return home after the evening self-study period, he noticed that the water dispenser behind him was almost empty.

In addition to being the cancer of the class, Xu Mang had another post, that was the mechanic, full name, the water dispenser administrator and porter.

He should probably get another barrel of water…

Bearing his glorious mission in mind, Xu Mang headed toward the logistics office of the school. Generally, taking water from the logistics officer required a ticket, and the ticket was usually paid by using the class fund. It was the same for every class including Xu Mang's, however…

After Xu Mang had come to be in charge of this, this rule had been ruthlessly broken. 

The teacher in charge of logistics was an old man and he was quite forgetful. He would place the spare key of the office in a random flower pot just in case he forgot to bring the key, and unfortunately for him, Xu Mang had found out about it.


No, no, no...Xu Mang didn't see it as stealing. The amount of contribution he had given to the logistics department was worth so much more than just a few barrels of water.

In the school, the school card also served as a meal card. The loss of a meal card required 30 yuan to replace, and ever since Xu Mang had entered the school, he would go to the logistics department to replace one to two cards a week. You could say that since Xu Mang's arrival, the logistics department had started to profit.