Passionate Heart

Since young, Yang Xiaoman was like a daughter sent from the heavens, having multiple halos and auras. Even though she was only sixteen years old, she had already jumped to her third year in high school. She had also won numerous awards during the time, her life could be said to be perfect.

However, God was fair to everyone. He did not allow a person who was perfect to exist in the world, and this included Yang Xiaoman…

High intelligence, a beautiful face, an excellent family background. In the eyes of ordinary people, Yang Xiaoman shouldn't have any regrets nor any wants. She only had physical problems where she looked to be 13 years of age when she was, in actual fact, 16 years old.

Fortunately, apart from not growing taller and having no boobs or butt, everything else was normal. These three shortcomings have always been Yang Xiaoman's Achilles heel.

"Don't get angry!"

"Calm down!"

"He's just a weirdo!"

Yang Xiaoman constantly admonished herself to keep her senses, but unfortunately...Xu Mang didn't give her any opportunity to calm down. Instead, he constantly babbled behind her, adding on to the feelings that already made her want to explode.

"It's fine being short nowadays!"

"We have a second growth spurt, maybe around 13 to 16 years old, I think you still have a chance!"

"With the aid of Chinese traditional medicine, growing a few centimeters wouldn't be a problem!"


Instead of dying off with the silence that he was met with, Xu Mang continued his chatter, and under his constant harassment, Yang Xiaoman finally...exploded like a volcano.

"Get lost! I don't want to listen!"

Yang Xiaoman couldn't take the constant barrage any longer and completely lost her senses. She even forgot that she was in class, standing up, pointing at Xu Mang and scolding the latter who had a shocked expression on his face.

Suddenly, the class went silent.

When Yang Xiaoman came to herself, she realized that she had lost control and had ultimately done something very embarrassing. However, she didn't regret it because this a*shole behind her was really too much!

"Cough cough!"

"Xu Mang...get out!"

Lin Yishan coughed, silently willing Xu Mang to leave the classroom.


"Mr. Lin...I...this...why…" Going out or not wasn't the point, it was just that Xu Mang felt that he was offering kindness, and yet in return, the other party had been completely unsympathetic, and he felt slightly disappointed.

"I asked you to get out so get out, stop talking so much nonsense!" Lin Yishan was also helpless in this situation. Even though Xu Mang hadn't destroyed the atmosphere in class, there was someone who had to take responsibility for it, and there was only Xu couldn't expect a genius like Yang Xiaoman to take responsibility after all, right?

Finally, Xu Mang was forced by Lin Yishan's pressuring glare to leave his desk. If the heavens above allowed him to travel back in time by 5 minutes, he wouldn't have done something so stupid. One less period meant that there was a loss of 45 skill points, that was a big waste!

Walking to the classroom entrance, Xu Mang stopped. He put on a sad face and looked at Mr. Lin, asking, "Mr. could you have the heart to force a progressive young man who loves learning to leave the classroom?"





You love to learn?

You're a progessive youth?

Other than Yang Xiaoman, the entire class was going into a frenzy.

Lin Yishan could feel the longing that Xu Mang was exuding, akin to longing for an island in an ocean of knowledge, the desire to use the power of knowledge to improve himself. In short, Lin Yishan saw too much desire in Xu Mang's eyes…

Lin Yishan was in actual fact, a soft hearted person. Don't be deceived by his usually fierce appearance, he was really just a softie.

"Come back in. Don't mess around again!"

Lin Yishan allowed Xu Mang to return to the classroom.

"Sorry, my heart's just really passionate."

Xu Mang sat back in his original seat and rushed to explain his behavior to Yang Xiaoman who sat in front of him.


At this moment, Yang Xiaoman's head was filled with anger. She had such rotten luck to meet this kind of idiot, not to mention, she was even seated in front of him…

After a while, Xu Mang woke up from his nap, and took a look at his status board.

Political Skill = 1,120

Chinese Skill = 1,280

At least there was improvement.


"What time is it?" Xu Mang looked around, realizing that there was only him and Yang Xiaoman left in the classroom.

"Get lost!"

Yang Xiaoman responded, her tone unfriendly.


"So it's dinner time." Xu Mang looked at his phone and stretched lazily. "You don't have a meal card? Do you want me to treat you to something?"

"I'm not eating!" Yang Xiaoman said as she shook her head stubbornly, her eyes still on her phone as she browsed Weibo.


If you don't want to eat then fine!

Xu Mang wasn't some boot-licker, he knew how all those situations turned out. Even if Yang Xiaoman was the most beautiful person he had seen by far, her beauty was only skin deep. What Xu Mang was after was an interesting soul.

Besides...she didn't have the figure, no boobs or butt, what a sad situation in the world of women!

Leaving Yang Xiaoman to her own devices, Xu Mang headed for the school's cafeteria. He glanced at the free soup today, it was cabbage shrimp soup...he silently went to the counter and bought a piece of bread and a carton of milk. This time, he didn't eat while he walked.

Returning to class, Yang Xiaoman was still sitting there all alone. Just as Xu Mang was about to start his meal, a sense of urgency swept through him and his bladder, and so, he decided to go to the toilet before eating.


"Where's my bread?"

"And my milk?"

After washing his hands, Xu Mang saw a few hundred dollar bills on his table, but his dinner had disappeared. He felt a spike of fear in him. Could it be...that this classroom was haunted?




Xu Mang looked toward Yang Xiaoman with suspicion in his eyes, and he asked, "Did you steal my bread and milk?"

"I gave you the money for it!" Yang Xiaoman countered, her face blushing. "That's buying, not stealing!"

Whether it was buying or stealing, Xu Mang didn't intend to argue over it for too long. He quietly lay down on the table. The kiosk wasn't that far from the classroom, but Xu Mang was just too lazy to walk again.

[New skill detected, Starving Skill unlocked]

Xu Mang: 囧

What kind of useless skill is this?

Could it be that with this skill, I don't need to eat anymore?

Xu Mang decided to test it and did so within his own mind.

Starving Skill + 1

Starving Skill + 1

Starving Skill + 1

After about ten minutes, Xu Mang started the test.

'System, I don't want to be hungry…"

[The System has detected, to not be hungry will require: 1 points (Starving Skill)]

[Note 1: 1 point = 1 hour]

[Note 2: It is just the pretense of being full, the hunger is actually still present]

'Can I die from hunger?'



Xu Mang was slightly boggled by it and maybe slightly terrified, but then, he thought about it. Starving for two to three hours wasn't a big deal, so he decided to starve for three hours, up till the time he would go home.

Confirm payment…

Initially, he was still a little hungry, but after confirming the payment, Xu Mang suddenly felt that he had eaten his fill and even felt a little bloated. 

Time passed by the minutes and seconds, and Xu Mang maintained his prone posture that he had since the beginning. The entire class knew about his ability to sleep and didn't bother about him. All but Yang Xiaoman.

Had she been too much? 

Taking someone else's dinner and eating it…

Yang Xiaoman felt guilty in her heart, secretly glancing toward Xu Mang who was still sleeping. Even if this guy was too crazy and kept harping on people's shortcomings, there wasn't a reason to forcefully take his dinner.

Thirty minutes before the end of the evening's self-study period, Xu Mang's biological clock woke him up automatically. Feeling slightly detached, he started to pack his bag.

Coincidentally, Yang Xiaoman was also a commuting student.

Reaching the school gates and seeing the Maybach, Xu Mang knew that it was here to pick Yang Xiaoman up.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" Yang Xiaoman asked, just as she stepped into the car.

"I'm taking the bus." Xu Mang replied, shaking his head. Having said that, he continued his walk alone toward the bus stop.

Watching this guy's back, Yang Xiaoman felt a little relieved. Even if he was some crazy a*shole, he still had some dignity. She would try not to be too angry with him in the future.