Unbelievable Speed

Host—Xu Mang

Virtue: Level 1

Intelligence: Level 1

Body: Level 1

Beauty: Level 1

Effort: Level 1

Upgrade Cards*15

English Skill = 1,900

Chinese Skill = 1,810

Math skills = 1,890


Secretly Snacking During Class Skill = 690

Secretly Playing Phone During Class Skill = 1,000

Spicy Eater Skill = 80

Xu Mang, who was currently in English class, was checking on his status in the interface. His growth rate was relatively stable, and this was in line with the usual zero that he got with all the smaller tests in class. He would continue to maintain it!

"Mr. Liang is away on a business trip, so we'll be having another English test for the next period." Ms. Wu said to the students in the class.

Exams were like missions for Year 3 students. During the limited time they had as Year 3 students, in addition to taking exams, they were required to do a lot of exercises in regards to their studies. When faced with an unexpected pop quiz for English, everyone's mentality was calm. So be it!

"Xu Mang!"


"Get out!"

"No, don't do this!" Xu Mang said hurriedly, plastering on the best innocent expression he could as he said, "Am I not still one of your students? You won't even let me take the exam...I swear here today, if you don't let me take the test, I will literally eat sh*t and kill myself!"




Sigh! If only they could see Xu Mang carrying out this vow!

After hearing the words that Xu Mang had said, emphasizing the part of him literally eating sh*t and killing himself, a lot of them began to encourage it instead. They were unified in their views, Xu Mang shouldn't be allowed to take the exam.

"Cough, cough! Silence!" Ms. Wu said with an indifferent expression and turning to Xu Mang, she said, "If you hand in a blank paper again this time, you will head to the school field and demonstrate your determination in your so-called 'eat sh*t and kill yourself' in front of the entire staff and student body."

Holy sh*t!

Was there any need to exaggerate it so much?

Xu Mang shrunk back at that. His previous words were just a sudden inspiration that had come to mind as he spoke. Who would really commit suicide by eating sh*t? It's not like there was anything wrong with his brain, but the current situation had changed.


The papers were distributed quickly, and just as Xu Mang took the paper, Ms. Wu opened her mouth to speak again.

"Xu Mang! Come up to the podium and take your test here. I will personally oversee your progress." Ms. Wu said, still maintaining an expression that betrayed nothing of her feelings.


Was she picking on him?

At Ms. Wu's words, he wanted to groan in exasperation. Even though he could easily get full marks, the skill points that he had were valuable, it was meant to be used for the upcoming midterm exams. Less consumption of his points now would mean a better successful future in his grasp.

"Why are you dawdling?" Ms. Wu glared at him, impatience in her voice. "Hurry up and come here!"


Xu Mang held the paper in his hand, silently walking toward the podium.

Ms. Wu furrowed her eyebrows and resisted the urge to sigh loudly. This guy really gave off an uneasy feeling and could irritate her to no end!

"You're taking the exam without a pen?" Ms. Wu asked, anger seeping into her voice.

"Oops! I just ran out of ink yesterday…" Xu Mang said, embarrassed, and spoke carefully, "Ms. Wu, don't be like that. Why don't we forget about it today and just let me sleep. The day after tomorrow will be the midterms, right? I will give you satisfying results then."

Satisfying results?


Wasn't it more accurate to say that you would just write your name and class and that was it?

Ms. Wu was well aware of Xu Mang's habits, and her face held an ugly expression as she bit out, "No need to wait until the midterms, give me a satisfying one today!"

Ms. Wu gave Xu Mang a pen without saying any further words.

It seemed that there was no helping it. Xu Mang could only brace himself as he started to do the questions, testing his own strength in the subject. Unfortunately...not even a few seconds later, Xu Mang gave off an impression of having a headache. He knew it was because he had overused his brain.

'System, buddy...how much to get a pass on this paper?'

[System has detected, to get passing marks on this paper will require: 100 points (English Skill)]


'What about full marks?'

[System has detected, to get full marks on this paper will require: 150 points (English Skill)]

Xu Mang hesitated for a while as he thought it over. The exchange in points seemed to be rather low, it looked like the difficulty of this paper wasn't all that high then. Why not try for full marks?

"Ms. Wu?"


"How many marks do you want me to score on this paper. Why don't you give me a number, and I'll get that exact marks within the next 30 minutes." Xu Mang said confidently.

As soon as he said that, the entire class went up in an uproar.

Xu Mang's words were full of arrogance, contempt, and conceit. What did you mean by 'give me a number and I will do it'!? Were those words really spoken by Xu Mang? No matter what, you would still need to surpass the top three students, right?

"I want you to take full marks, can you do it?" Ms. Wu said, a glare on her face again, her white-hot anger painfully obvious now. "Hurry up and do the paper!"

"Full marks? No problem!" Xu Mang said, smiling. "Ms. Wu, let's get this straight now, then. If I get full marks on this paper, I'll be handing in a blank paper during the midterm exam."

Ms. Wu was going beyond pissed right now. This guy was still trying to drive a bargain… could you take a look at your own abilities first!?

"Stop with this nonsense! Hurry up and work on the paper!" Ms. Wu was having some difficulties breathing past the haze of her anger, snapping at Xu Mang. She found a chair to sit beside Xu Mang, and at the same time, kept her eyes on the students in front of her.

During this time, Xu Mang had already started writing. The speed of his answering was faster than anyone present.

The questions?

Sorry, don't understand them.


Each multiple choice question took less than a second, and after finishing up those questions, he came to the essay portion and finished it in one breath. The paper was done.

It had taken him a mere twelve minutes and five seconds.

"Ms. Wu?" Xu Mang said with his usual innocent face. "Can I hand in my paper now?"

Ms. Wu was about to breath fire again. Glancing at the time, it hadn't even been 15 minutes since the exam had started, and he...he actually wanted to hand in his paper. There was no need to guess how he had done it, he most likely had blindly answered everything.

"Xu Mang! No matter what, you've gone through exams so many times. Do you still not understand that you can't submit your paper in the first 30 minutes?" Ms. Wu said, rubbing her forehead to calm herself. "Check it over."

Having said that, Ms. Wu laughed to herself on the inside. If he could find any errors, he wouldn't be so quick to hand in the paper in the first place.

"Ms. Wu, I don't need to check it over. My gut feeling tells me that I've already gotten full marks." Xu Mang said suddenly in a solemn tone.

Unfortunately, his tone was a bit laughable in the eyes of others.

Xu Mang was like a clown. Even if he cried on stage, the audience would still think it was funny.

Ms. Wu finally let out a sigh. She had thought that there was still some hope for Xu Mang left because he had made such a big improvement in her class.

Unfortunately...ever since he had taken first place in the essay competition, this guy had let himself go, always handing in blank papers and sometimes, he didn't even write his name. 

"Just lie down then, and don't make any noise." Ms. Wu said.


Xu Mang still had random bouts of when he was obedient, and this was one of those times.

English + 1

English + 1

English + 1


When Xu Mang woke up, he found that Yang Xiaoman was the only person left in the classroom. As he stretched lazily, he noted that there was a paper on his desk.


Wasn't that mine?

"Xiaoman? Why didn't Ms. Wu take my paper?" Xu Mang asked curiously as he held his paper, walking to stand beside the flat-chested barbarian.

"You still dare to ask that? Do you know how much your attitude hurt Ms. Wu?" Yang Xiaoman said as she glared at him, the steel obviously dripping from her tone. "You should still have some decency to pretend a little bit but you're too lazy to even do that...can you even still be saved, you think?"

D*mn it!

Wasn't that just a waste of his 150 points?

What a heartache!

"Why don't you help me grade my paper, then?" Xu Mang said as the thought came to his mind. This 150 points couldn't be wasted just like that, he needed to have some returns.

"Tsk! I don't want to, I'm sure it's just your usual blind guesses." Yang Xiaoman said in disdain. "Hurry up and get lunch, I'm hungry!"


Watching as Xu Mang left the classroom, Yang Xiaoman hesitated for a while. Finally, she took up Xu Mang's paper and started to grade it.

First question, correct!

Second question, correct!

Third question, also...correct?

Fourth question, what was this? It was also correct!

Fifth question... oh my God...this….this had to be a dream, right?

Yang Xiaoman was staring at the paper with a horrified expression on her face. The answers above were exactly the same as hers, and this had been done by Xu Mang in ten minutes!?