I’m So Damn Pretty

Marks on your skin could be erased, but marks on people's minds would stay forever. It didn't matter that Xu Mang had given them results, it didn't matter that he had achieved the unimaginable, he would always be the 'bad student' in the eyes of his peers.

Humans were selfish creatures. They only accepted what they wanted to accept, and they would rather think that Xu Mang was useless than give him the chance to prove himself.

From this aspect, Xu Mang saw people as who they really were. What mattered, in the end, was how strong you were, because, without strength, you wouldn't even be able to breathe in this society.


Night revision class.

There were two more hours before they could go home.

At that moment, Xu Mang had already finished packing up his things, narrowing his eyes at Yang Xiaoman's back.

"Hey... How about I send you home tonight?" Xu Mang asked slyly.

"What do you want? Are you going to do something weird to me!" Yang Xiaoman didn't show it, but truthfully… a small spark of something akin to hope formed inside her. "If you lay even a finger on me, I'll make tomorrow your memorial day!"

"I wouldn't dare to even think of it… You're a kickboxer after all... " Xu Mang flinched, choosing his words carefully. "Speaking of kickboxing, you might get a chance to show off your skills today!"

Yang Xiaoman was stunned. "What do you mean?"

"You'll know when school ends." Xu Mang laughed.

Time flew past, and soon, their nightly revisions had ended. Xu Mang and Yang Xiaoman left side-by-side, walking through a small corridor on the school grounds as Xu Mang kept nervously looking around.

"What are we doing? Are you trying to start something again?" Yang Xiaoman asked, annoyed.

"Shhh! Don't make so much noise!" Xu Mang hushed her. "Our prey is almost here!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Xu Mang saw a boy with glasses walk out of the school gates and head toward the bus stop all by himself. A stray dog separated from its pack!

A wicked smile split across Xu Mang's face, and he rushed toward Yang Xiaoman. "You're not needed anymore, you can go home!"



What was going on!?

Hearing what Xu Mang had to say, Yang Xiaoman almost exploded then and there. Just an hour ago she had told their chauffeur not to come and fetch her, and now, this kid was telling her to leave by herself… was he asking for a pummelling!?

Just as she was about to go and 'discuss' this with Xu Mang, she saw him take a sack and a head mask out from his backpack.

What was he going to do? Rob someone?

Yang Xiaoman watched as Xu Mang put on the head mask and ran toward the other student faster than lightning. Before the student could react, Xu Mang pulled the sack over the unfortunate student… completely trapping him inside.

And then came a nonstop barrage of punches and kicks! 

"Run!" Xu Mang deepened his voice, shouting toward Yang Xiaoman. "Take my bag with you!"

Seeing him flee the scene of the crime, Yang Xiaoman didn't dilly-dally either, picking up Xu Mang's backpack and running after him to a quiet corner of the school.

"Huff… huff…"

After the sprint, Yang Xiaoman slumped down to the floor completely exhausted, still trying to catch her breath.

"Let… let me ask you something."

"The famous student council killer—'The Sack From Above'... that was you, wasn't it?" Yang Xiaoman suddenly remembered one of their school's legends. Every single student council member had been sacked and beaten up at least once before, they even said that the chairman had been sacked six times.

"Hehe. Wanna learn? I could teach you!" Xu Mang nodded. If you asked him… this was one of his proudest accomplishments.

"Buzz off! Honestly, you're just too much sometimes!" Yang Xiaoman grumbled angrily. "How could you just beat someone up for no reason like that? Don't you know that's wrong?"

Hold on!

Something was wrong here!

Double standards!

This was one of those hypocrites with double standards that Xu Mang had read about online!

Xu Mang squinted at the flat-chested 'justice' warrior. "How come when you beat me up… you never stopped to think that it was wrong?"

Yang Xiaoman's face flushed as bright as an apple, and she suddenly had the urge to beat him up right then.

"Don't do things like that anymore… Violence isn't the only solution," Yang Xiaoman said seriously. "Violence will only complicate things even further."


Xu Mang nodded. It was a tactical nod, and although his flat-chested friend wasn't wrong… she had glossed over one fact. Sometimes, violence was indeed not the only solution, but it was definitely the fastest one.

Xu Mang had started playing a new game recently—'Sekiro', and it taught Xu Mang a lesson about life… hesitation will get you killed!

The victim of the pummelling had pointed and laughed at him in the daylight, but when night came, the Justice Sack From Above™ and the Raging Storm of Pain were firm in fulfilling their duties, not a single moment was spent hesitating.

And so, Xu Mang had successfully gotten his revenge.

He didn't care if it was true justice or not, for Xu Mang, this was justice!

During a boy's student career, there were always those one or two fights, be it over love or friendship, boys would be boys, this was just how they were.

Perhaps some girls would see this as violent, and yet, which man hasn't had dashing tales about the days of their youth when they ran, rebelled, loved, lost, and then learned to love again.

Of course, once they entered society, they learned to hide their rough edges and to bite back their sharp tongues… Until they became smooth and malleable, until they learned to read people, learned to give in and be the better man, learned that they would always be stuck under the oppressive foot of money and power.

"Send me home." Yang Xiaoman looked at the silent Xu Mang. "Call me a cab."

Yang Xiaoman's words pulled Xu Mang back into reality, and he wordlessly took out his phone to get her a cab, waiting with the flat-chested girl until her car came.

"Hey, idiot? Can you really get full marks on your Math exam?" Yang Xiaoman asked.

Xu Mang sat up straighter, seriously replying, "Look at my face, do you notice anything?"

Your face?

Notice what?

Just when Yang Xiaoman was formulating her teasing response, Xu Mang continued on.

"Aside from the fact that I'm handsome!"


"I see the words 'I am an idiot' written across your face," Yang Xiaoman deadpanned. "Hmph, anyway, I don't believe you. If you really get full marks, I'll… I'll… be your girlfriend!"

Oh my God!

What a cruel woman!

Hearing Yang Xiaoman's words, Xu Mang subconsciously took a few steps back, looking in bewilderment at the flat-chested kickboxer, silence hanging in the air for a pause far too long.

"Hey! What are you trying to imply here!" Yang Xiaoman put her hands on her hips. "This is obviously a better deal for you, alright! A young, beautiful, smart, talented girl like me just offered you the chance for a date, you should be counting your blessings!"

Xu Mang scoffed at the thought of dating Yang Xiaoman. "Do you think I'm mentally challenged? This is obviously one of your weird marketing strategies, you know you'll never be able to marry in the future, so you're setting yourself up with the hottest guy on the planet early… I'll only say this once, give up!"

Yang Xiaoman:(* ̄︿ ̄)

How should she put this...

If she beat him up, the guy's face of suffering would make Yang Xiaoman pretty sad just by looking at it, but if she didn't beat him up… she'd be even sadder. 

She really wanted to know, why was there someone as blind as Xu Mang on this Earth?

I'm so d*mn pretty…

What a crazy, blind, and dumb idiot!