Lin Xiaowei's Entrustment

Lin Xiaoxi pouted her mouth. "My dad started to invest in stocks last year."

Li Yao knew.

Uncle Lin had become the scapegoat for the country's finances.

Li Yao asked, "How much are the losses?"

Lin Xiaoxi scratched her head irritably. "How do I know all that? Alright, go back quickly. I'm waiting to go back and eat chicken. Remember that it is not possible between the two of us!"

Li Yao watched the back view of Lin Xiaoxi as she left. He slipped into deep thought.

There was a serious problem with the education of the Lin family's children!

After he got home, the two old people were still not asleep. When the mother saw her son coming back, she suddenly hooked her head and asked, "Oh, you are back. How do you feel about that little daughter from the Lin family? I see that she's quite pretty."

"!" Li Yao was speechless.

What's wrong with you all!

She is only… oh, Lin Xiaoxi is already an adult.

But is it really appropriate to be thinking about someone so soon?

Mom, are you a demon!

His dad waved his hand and rebuked. "Go go go, I feel that the daughter of Old He is not bad…"

Li Yao: "…"

Haha, as long as you all are happy.

Li Yao sat on the sofa and asked, "Did Uncle Lin's family meet with any difficulties recently?"

His dad who was reading the newspapers looked up. He sized up his son through the gap of his reading glasses. "Uh? Why are you asking this?"

Li Yao said, "I'm just asking."

Li Jianguo smiled profoundly. "Yes, Old Lin played stocks and lost more than 200 thousand. The car and house mortgage were still not paid in full. The unit's efficiency was not good. An old man like him with a high salary did not have anything complicated to do in reality… It was a little vague."

Li Yao nodded his head.

This was having a midlife crisis.

The current domestic environment was such a mess. Even if you had fought hard and gotten everything in your early years, everything appeared to be so fragile under the changing situation.

It was very difficult for ordinary people who wanted to get hold of something here.

After all, the one with capital was the winner.

His mom heard these words and said, "In any case, Old Lin still has the drive. How about you? You only know how to eat, eat, eat and drink, drink, drink. You carry a thermos mug, and I have never seen you being imposing."

His dad's thick eyebrows suddenly became inverted.

How could a man be incapable?

Even if someone else said it, it also should not be allowed!

When he saw his Mom's grudge on her face, he suddenly became listless. "I've been strong before, and I can still be strong… "

Li Yao was not interested to hear the two old people argue. He said a few lines hastily before going back to the room to rest.

As he still had lessons on Monday morning, Li Yao went back to the county on Sunday afternoon.

When he went back to school, he sent the recorded video over. It was only that Lin Xiaowei's portrait was still grey, and she was not online.

Li Yao was also not anxious. He went on with his life as usual.

The only thing that was different from previously was that he had an additional activity before sleeping—meditation.

His roommates felt that it was very strange.

They muttered in private.

"I'm afraid this little fellow takes things too hard and wants to escape through the empty door?"

"Then why didn't he shave his head?"

"Maybe he feels that it'd be ugly…"

"Why don't we come up with a little money together and bring him to experience a massage to wake him and let him long for a better life?"

Although Li Yao was meditating, his five senses were even sharper on the contrary while he was meditating.

I can hear all these words!

Even if I take things too hard, you all also should guide me properly. What do you want to do with a f*cking massage? Ah!

Hence, after Li Yao finished meditating, he stuck his head out from the upper bunk and muttered, "…How much is one session? Bring me there."


The roommates had a fright.

Cao Rui, who was on the lower bunk, stared and said, "You are getting more and more elusive like a ghost!"

Li Yao said, "Aren't you all forking out money to let me have a massage? Don't stand on ceremony!"

The roommates said, "It's not us. We didn't. Don't talk nonsense!"

"Quickly sleep!"

The few roommates suddenly replied in one voice and pretended to die as a group.

At this moment, Li Yao felt himself being isolated.



Li Yao waited for two days again. He finally received a reply.

Lin Xiaowei: "I have received the videos. Thank you!"

Li Yao smiled: "It's my pleasure. You have been busy these two days."

Lin Xiaowei: "I was busy with my teacher over an experiment these two days. Right, how long has passed on your side?"

Li Yao: "Four or five days, why?"

Lin Xiaowei: "Hoo~ Looks like time passes roughly at the same rate on both sides. How is my family recently? Are they well?" When she heard that time passed roughly at the same rate, her mood seemed to not be that bad.

Li Yao: "…Actually, it's not going too well. Uncle speculated in shares and lost a lot. Moreover… the unit side was also not stable."

Lin Xiaowei: "…This is also fortunate. Problems are not problems if they can be settled with money. I'll hand over this matter to you!"

Li Yao suddenly had a face of question marks.

What do you mean 'hand this matter to me!?

Don't you know what my family and background is?

How can I help in this matter?

Li Yao: "Is there a mine in my house?"

Lin Xiaowei: "…"

Lin Xiaowei: "Are you a sand sculpture? I, Dad, am your golden leg now. You have been given the 'cheat code', and you are telling me that you cannot get money? When you go out in the future, don't say that you are my son. I cannot afford to lose this person."


You seem to be elevating yourself a little.

Li Yao wanted to blacklist and delete this one-stop service forever… You are such a show-off!

He replied: "The 'cheat code' is crap! Besides the meditation letting me sleep better and feeling more alert, there's no use alright! If you are capable, send over a ton of gold to me!"

Lin Xiaowei: "I have no problem. Anyway, I can already resolve the return of the second ring spell recently. The summoning of normal matrices and spells also work. But coordination is required to anchor the coordinates of the alternate world. It also does not need you to be strong. It will be fine if you are promoted to a master successfully. Youth, you f*cking work hard! Wait…"

Lin Xiaowei suddenly realized something: "You have succeeded in meditation?!"

Li Yao rubbed his face: "Yes, I have already succeeded."

Lin Xiaowei: "How long did you take?"

Actually, he had already succeeded on the same night. After all, that jab of an electricity-like feeling was good and really left a deep impression on him. But when he heard that tone from the opposite side, it seemed that the matter was not simple…

Hence, he replied: "Two days."

Lin Xiaowei: "F*ck!!!!!"

That girl was a little ecstatic: "Based on what! You actually succeed in meditation in two days! I, being a proper transmigrator, and who even have golden fingers, required five days to succeed in meditation alright! I am already the most talented person at present alright!"

Li Yao was a little floating: "Maybe I am a one-in-a-hundred-years rare genius."

Lin Xiaowei rolled her eyes on that side: "Why don't you say that you are a son of the face?"

Li Yao: "I'm the son of the face."

Lin Xiaowei: "Go and die, darn man!"

Thereafter, she sent quite a number of emoticons over: salted fish spikes! Slash salted fish with one stroke! Slash salted fish into three sections! Chop up the salted fish!

Li Yao looked and inhaled a mouthful of cold air. This would consume so much energy!

Women… were indeed scarier than terrorists.

After all, terrorists could still communicate.

But furious women were demons.

Li Yao: "Did electricity enter your brain? Isn't it consuming energy for you to play like this?"

After hearing what Li Yao said, Lin Xiaowei felt that her heart… Oh, wrong, it was her chest that felt so dull that she was flustered.

The precious power could not be used as irrigation like this. Otherwise, she might not be able to allocate golden fingers and manage the transmigrators' [Space And Time Administration]. She also did not know whether there was such a godlike institution.

Lin Xiaowei: "Li Yao, please help me with a matter."

Li Yao: "???"