A Woman's Instincts

The ivory ball rolled on the roulette, luring the eyes of the gamblers surrounding it.

But what they did not know was that the ivory ball in the roulette wheel was already under the control of a young man. In the end, under the control of Li Yao, the ball was already firmly set at "17". At the moment, there were people who were happy and those who were troubled around the roulette wheel. None of them had any doubts. Li Yao licked his lips.


So he told Lin Xiaoxi, "Bet anyhow, count it on me if you lose."

As he spoke, he handed Lin Xiaoxi some chips. The chips in the casinos in Macau were exchanged with HKD. After the service fees, Li Yao had exchanged 10,000HKD worth of chips. Lin Xiaoxi revealed a clearly excited look. "Great!"


Lin Xiaoxi put all her chips on a number, 17!

Li Yao: "???"

Are you crazy?

I just pressed the ball down on number 17, and you still place your bet on 17? You must be crazy!

Li Yao's face turned dark.

A gambler who had lost a lot of money laughed upon seeing this. "Nice one, young lady. You placed your bet on one single number twice in a row. I've been playing this for so long, and I've never seen anything like this. Your bravery is commendable."

Lin Xiaoxi turned her neck. "Anyway, I'm not paying if I lose."

Li Yao's face turned even darker.

The gambler who spoke up earlier understood something. Hey, a rich man brought you here to splurge, huh? Win or lose, what matters is that you're happy.

The gambler looked at that girl. Tsk tsk, beautiful and charming.

He shook his head and felt that this was meaningless. Still, gambling is more fun. He mocked them. "Young lady, there's a knife above love."

Li Yao replied stiffly. "Then I'll let you learn something today."

The gambler: ???

The wheel began to spin. Under Li Yao's magical hands, the ivory ball landed on the number 17 in a stable manner.

"Yeah!" Lin Xiaoxi shrieked in joy.

The winnings for betting on a single number yielded the most, so they earned 35,000 HKD in an instant! Lin Xiaoxi was elated, and she hugged the huge stack of chips. The gambler who was just speaking earlier on was shocked. She really won twice in a row?

Li Yao looked around, and his palms got sweaty.

Although it was hard to predict things like this, Li Yao was afraid that the casino authorities would notice something here. Magic left no traces, but what if there was someone else in the casino who had strange powers as well?

When he was dreaming, he felt that there were spiritual beings existing too. There were 7 billion people in the world; surely there must be someone else with superpowers?

He waited for a while, and seeing that there was nothing wrong, he sighed in relief. "Go on."

Lin Xiaoxi nodded happily, hugging all the chips and placing her bets.

Li Yao's eyes swept across, and he went anxious. "No, wait!"

He pulled Lin Xiaoxi. "What are you doing? Do you have something against the number 17?"

Lin Xiaoxi actually placed her bet on 17 again!

You're crazy, huh?


The gambler from just now laughed out loud. "I definitely learned something just now. Why don't you show me again?"

Lin Xiaoxi refused to seem weak, and she replied. "Then I will show you!"

She turned her head and told Li Yao. "Let me tell you, this is definitely 17! You have to trust a woman's instincts!"


A habit given by you!

Li Yao removed 200,000 chips. He thought for a while and removed another 100,000 chips. "Don't say that I'm not benevolent. I'll use 50,000 for you to make ducks and drakes of. I'm just telling you… a woman's instinct is bullsh*t! Especially on a gambling table."

How kind!

That is actually 50,000!

Lin Xiaoxi pouted. "Heh. Men."

Then without hesitation, she placed her bets on a single number, 17.

Li Yao laughed coldly and looked at Lin Xiaoxi. He decided not to cheat for her this time and let this woman learn about reality.

As the wheel spun, gamblers were looking at them.

Honestly, they were quite interested.

Would the same number come out thrice consecutively?

These kinds of things rarely happened in casinos. Luckily, the young man was rational and removed a part of the chips.

As the ball stopped stably, the other gamblers were dumbfounded.

Li Yao was a little flabbergasted too.

The ball landed on number 17.

Lin Xiaoxi: ╰(*°▽°*)╯ Yeah!

"Told you it'd land there!"

50,000 times 35. That is 1,750,000!

Li Yao was a little short of breath, not because he had a lot of money. He came here and was ready to win a lot of money. He was scared… He was being so high-profile that it was hard for the casino to not notice them. He looked at the excited Lin Xiaoxi and contemplated deeply.

Did he…

do something wrong?

He shouldn't have brought this woman into the casino!

Li Yao told Lin Xiaoxi helplessly. "Hey, go play somewhere else. Take these chips. Stop being around me."

Lin Xiaoxi: ???

Lin Xiaoxi thought to herself, Why!

Because… Oh, your chest is not big, but you are too fierce. Really very fierce. I can't mess with you, I can't mess with you.

Li Yao coaxed Lin Xiaoxi away. Anyway, the security in the casino was very safe, and he was not afraid of what might happen to Lin Xiaoxi. And she had more than one million chips, which was more than enough for her. Li Yao refocused on the roulette. His ability was only suitable for this game, so he did not plan to change his game. He bet on another roulette. The bet was not big, and he did not bet one number every round. Also, he did not use his power to cheat every round.

He had a small goal in mind. He would leave once he earned 3,000,000 and visit another casino the following day.

Speaking of it, Lin Xiaoxi was really fierce.

She earned 1,700,000 so easily just like that.

If she continued playing like that, they would reach his target in two rounds.

Li Yao spent more than two hours on the roulette. During this time, he had been observing the reaction from the authorities in the casino, but they did not respond at all. It made sense. It was just one or two million going in and out. Even though thrice in a row was rare, there was nothing wrong after checking. It was just around one million and not worth any big reaction.

This made Li Yao feel thoroughly relieved instantly.

He did not have any combat skills. If anything really happened, he would be helpless.

Since the casino did not express any unusual actions, Li Yao relaxed thoroughly. Although he lost some and he won some, this was all under his control. Clearly, he had enough power. In the end, he won about 3,200,000. He contacted Lin Xiaoxi. "Enough fooling around, time to return."

Lin Xiaoxi replied. "Oh… okay."

Her tone sounded really disappointed and indignant.

Li Yao laughed. You lost, huh?



She actually used her own instincts as a way to gamble?

She must be crazy.

Li Yao exchanged his chips for cash at the nearest exchange counter and converted the rates. Then, he withdrew them into his bank account. During the process, the security of the casino dutifully protected all patrons. There were no mishaps.

Very professional!

After settling these, he went to the designated area to look for Lin Xiaoxi.

He darted past the crowds, and Lin Xiaoxi was waving at Li Yao. Beside her, there were two fierce-looking security officers. There were standing by Lin Xiaoxi, one on the left and one on the right.

Li Yao took a deep breath of cold air upon seeing that.