Life Is About Walking Onwards With The Burden

When Li Yao arrived at the hospital, the specialist team that Li Yao invited had already arrived. They were conducting the holistic check-up for the Lin Family's Mom.

Although this was a small town, the healthcare quality was decent. All the medical equipment was quite advanced. This made it convenient for the experts to carry out the check-up. They would take some samples back and conduct the more difficult tests at the provincial city. They would send the report to Li Yao when it was ready.

Uncle Lin had already accepted the unjust arrangement of fate.

However, Li Yao's efforts re-ignited his hope.

Will there be a solution?

…There might be?

The specialists' consultation lasted for a few days. After getting the detailed samples, they still had to wait for a few days. During the break, Li Yao told the uncles and aunties of the Lin Family. "Even if it's a terminal illness, we must not admit defeat. Mr. Stephen Hawkings became famous for 55 years, right?"

However, Mother Lin shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Those were mere words.

Mr. Hawkings was extremely important for humanity. Hence, countless organizations fought each other to lengthen his life. But what about her?

She was only an ordinary person.

Even if these children were rich, they could not afford all her expenses. How much did this specialist consultation… cost? She did not even dare to think about it!

From her perspective, it was better to stop struggling and keep the money for themselves.

However, she could not make the decision this time.

She was a burden.

Mother Lin looked outside the window. Decisive thoughts were churning about in her heart—if she was no longer around, her husband would be much more relaxed, right? Her daughter's future would become more relaxed as well. It was better for the family to stop struggling.

Li Yao narrowed his eyes. He waited until Uncle Lin sent him out of the ward before saying to Uncle Lin. "Auntie's not in a good condition."

Uncle Lin nodded.

Li Yao continued. "Don't give up! Believe me. There's definitely a way."

Uncle Lin looked at Li Yao weirdly. He did not know where he got his confidence from.

However, he still nodded and promised. "It's alright. I can definitely take care of my wife!"

Li Yao nodded and left. Uncle Lin returned to the ward, remained silent for a while, and asked his wife, "You don't want to hang in there anymore?"

Mother Lin smiled and replied extremely gently. "A little."

Uncle Lin pursed his lips in pain. "You can't. Just endure it for a little longer. Even if it's very tough, you can accompany your children for a longer period of time. Isn't it good?"

Uncle Lin smiled widely, but tears rolled down from his cheeks. "Indeed, it's tiring and difficult. But again, who leads an easy life?"

The Lin Family's mom cried too. She hugged her husband's head, her tears falling down. Yet, she smiled gently. "Ah, you are a man. This is not acceptable. Okay, okay. I will endure it for a little longer and spend more time with Xiaoxi and you."

"You promise."

"Okay, I promise."

Walking out of the hospital, Li Yao looked back at the tall hospital building behind him. In his heart, there seemed to be something spreading slowly and coldly. In this world, was there anyone who wasn't painfully complaining while advancing forward in difficult, staggering steps?

Life was always a journey with an extremely heavy load. It was extremely tiring.

Six days later, Li Yao received Mother Lin's detailed check-up report. Looking at the report, with almost a hundred pages, Li Yao felt his head ache. These reports described Auntie Lin's vital signs elaborately. It gave a conclusion and possible treatments.

However, Li Yao knew that these treatment possibilities could only delay time.

The death of the motor neurones was an unsolvable terminal illness at the current healthcare level.

The life-saving solution did not exist in this world.

Li Yao sent the information to Lin Xiaowei. When it finished sending, Li Yao said, "I'll leave the rest to you."

Lin Xiaowei replied within a second. "I received it!"

"…" Li Yao was speechless.

Goddamn it. I told you to disconnect, but you merely made yourself invisible? Damn you! Aren't you scared that you will play yourself to death?

But he had no way to blame her.

Thinking from another perspective, if he encountered these matters… he would definitely do that too.

Hence, the conversation ended there.

Lin Xiaowei took the information and spent the night reading it. She went to research on the principles of the illness. However, all that Li Yao could do was to wait…

Five days later, at around 3 in the morning, his phone suddenly rang!

Li Yao sat up from his bed in confusion. "???"

What's happening!

When he was finally awake, he saw his phone, which could not stop vibrating… On it was a chain of message notifications from Lin Xiaowei.

Lin Xiaowei: "Are you there?"

Lin Xiaowei: "Come here! What are you doing? Have you died???"

Lin Xiaowei: "Hey, come out!!!"

Li Yao had a stunned expression. Can you look at the time???

He replied. "Are you crazy? It's three in the morning. Did someone dead come alive?!"


Oh right, that person is dead. It is indeed 'someone dead coming alive'.

Lin Xiaowei: "You are right to say that."

He knew very well.

But Li Yao did not care. "…This is the reason why you are interrupting my sleep? I'll beat you up, do you believe me?"

Lin Xiaowei: "I don't believe you. You can't beat me up."

Damn it!

Li Yao: "???"

Lin Xiaowei: "Okay. Let's talk about official matters! I have finally conquered the motor neurone disease! Hahaha~ Am I amazing?"

Li Yao: "Yes, you are really amazing."

Lin Xiaowei: "Li Yao, you are being too arrogant. I'm going to kill you!" She sent a meme over.

Li Yao: "???"

Li Yao: "Is this how you speak to your father? Believe it or not, I'll block you!"

Lin Xiaowei: "Do you believe that I will press your face and rub it against the ground when I return to Earth?"

Li Yao: "I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language."

He attached a smiling emoji with it.

Lin Xiaowei: "…Big boss, I'm wrong. Passing the tea to the Big boss."

Li Yao was extremely happy. He could not help but send more than ten "Hahahahahahahahahaha" messages over. "I, Li Yao, hide daggers in my smile!"

Lin Xiaowei could not help but roll her eyes—childish.

Afterward, she opened her journal and wrote: On XX year, XX date, XX time, Li Yao humiliated me! When I return, I will definitely trample over this person a hundred times! A hundred times!

Anyway, I'll kill you!

After chatting for a while, Li Yao's mood improved considerably. "Okay, let's talk about serious matters."

Lin Xiaowei: "Yes. I discovered that motor neurone disease is a type of body disorder…"

Li Yao: "I mean that you should sleep now."

Lin Xiaowei: "???"

Li Yao hugged his phone and laid down. He replied, "The nation is saying that people who were born after the 90s are considered middle-aged people. When people reach the middle of their lives… they need to take care of themselves. Otherwise, how can they achieve longevity and live to a hundred years old? It's late. Go and sleep."

While he was saying that, he disconnected!

Looking at Li Yao's profile picture, which had turned gray, Lin Xiaowei reached an enormous revelation.

What the heck!

Go online, bastard!

Lin Xiaowei gritted her teeth and calmed herself down eventually.

She knew that Li Yao was doing it for her sake.

She had barely slept for ten hours during the past five days. She was really, really tired…