Smile Vanishes Gradually

Upon receiving such a sudden wave of hatred, Li Shishi almost could not react in time.

Her eyes switched between Li Yao and that middle-aged man, thinking that these two men might be… Afterward, she even laughed. She thought to herself, What kind of silly drama is this? Don't you notice the middle-aged lady behind that man?


Li Shishi looked at Li Yao, and even the corner of her eyes was smiling. Is this your father-in-law?

Li Yao understood the expression in Li Shishi's eyes and answered with his expression too.

No, I don't have one, don't talk nonsense!

Lin Xiaoxi is a lesbian okay!

Li Yao pulled Uncle Lin to the side and said in a soft voice, "Uncle Lin, what's the matter with you?"

Uncle Lin was dissatisfied. "What's the matter with you!"

I've sent my precious cabbage girl to you, and you don't even want to take a bite… No, do you have two cabbages?

Or is this rascal already taken?

Uncle Lin glanced at Li Shishi. This girl is really rather charismatic.

Friendly but not soft. Our own girl is still too childish and her values are still very shallow.

Uncle Lin's expression was solemn. It's the end, it's the end. The pig in our hands is running away! Then what is going to happen to our precious cabbage girl? Not every pig is as good looking as the one in Old Li's family. They might not be of our liking as well.


Uncle Lin thought for a while and said, "Big Yao, we're here to thank you. Shall we have a meal together? Would that lady want to join us?"

Li Shishi was caught between laughter and tears, but… it's very interesting.

So she nodded readily. "Sure."

Then, she turned and went back to the front desk. She told the front desk to cancel all the appointments of the day and returned back to Old Lin and Li Yao. "Let's go then."

Old Lin's face turned dark instantly.

I'm just asking as a form of basic manners. Don't you know how to judge the circumstances?

But this was not the right time to appear too petty. They had burned bridges for no reason.


When they were outside, Uncle Lin said, "I'll go pick the car up in the parking lot."

Li Shishi said, "It's fine, all the cars at the entrance are mine. You can just pick any."

Old Lin swept his eyes across, there were a total of 5 cars: Mercedes-Benz, BMW X5, Maybach, Bentley, and Jaguar.


Lady, are you trying to stir things up.

Although Old Lin lost physically, he would not show that he had lost mentally. He kept a calm face and pointed at the Mercedes Benz calmly. "This one, then."

Then, he looked at Li Yao. Li Yao understood. He stepped forward to open the car door and let Old Lin enter. Old Lin even glared at Li Shishi. "Do you see that?!"

The smile from the corner of Li Shishi's eyes was even more obvious now. She got in the car, and when Li Yao sat in the passenger seat, she squinted at him.

How mischievous!

Li Yao put his arm to his head and looked out of the window. At that moment, he felt like life was not worth living.

Being alive is so exhausting.

Old Lin informed them very early and had already booked a reservation at the restaurant. After telling Li Shishi the venue, she acted as the chauffeur. She drove them towards the restaurant. For this, she did not say anything against Old Lin as he had already picked this place carefully. Also, that restaurant was indeed rather good.

In the car, Old Lin secretly sent Lin Xiaoxi a text. "Precious daughter, come to Yun Duan Restaurant quickly. Very urgent!"

Lin Xiaoxi: "What for?"

Old Lin: "Treat you to a meal."

Lin Xiaoxi: "Ha. Speak human."

Old Lin: "…Stop messing around, come, hurry! Do I not have a say in this house anymore!"

Lin Xiaoxi: "(°ー°〃) Did you just realize that?"

Old Lin: "…"

Yeah, most of his money was given by Lin Xiaoxi. Old Lin's position in this house had already been so low that it was automatically -1.

Old Lin put his phone down and looked out of the window worrisomely. At the moment, he felt like his life was cold and lonely like the winter.

But he still wanted to insist and struggle. He sent another text. "Li Yao is with a great beauty! Are you panicking!"

Lin Xiaoxi: (`д′)???

Panic my a**! What panic!?

Dad, are you crazy?

Lin Xiaoxi: "How is that my problem?!"

Old Lin was so troubled that he adjusted his hair. So the problem lied with his own daughter. It was no wonder that the pig in Old Li's family would get led away by others. So it seemed like his own cabbage was not supportive of the move.

Upon this realization, Old Lin instantly felt that everything was not interesting.

Even when he was having his meal, he felt that it was distasteful.

After the meal, Li Shishi took Old Lin and Aunt Lin back to the parking lot at her office to pick their car up. The two of them then bid farewell to Li Shishi. In the car, Aunt Lin asked Old Lin, "Are we going back?"

Old Lin answered stiffly. "Find Xiaoxi."

Aunt Lin laughed. "Sure."

When they arrived at her school, Lin Xiaoxi was in her pajamas. She looked really messy, and she hopped over to her parents. "Why are you guys here at the provincial capital for? Just to treat Li Yao and me to a meal? Save it."

Old Lin was so mad that he slapped Lin Xiaoxi on the back of her head. "Why are you in such a messy state!"

Lin Xiaoxi was shocked. She stiffened her neck and yelled. "So many people confess to me even though I look like that. Can you even imagine what happens if I dress up well!"

Old Lin thought about it and felt that it made sense.

So he slapped Xiaoxi on the back of her head again. "You just don't learn!"

Lin Xiaoxi glared at her dad angrily. Did you eat gunpowder today?!

"How dare you get fierce at me!" Old Lin hit her again.

Lin Xiaoxi: "…"

She ignored Old Lin and retreated towards her mother. However, her mother was appreciating the sunset, and she was enjoying the poetic feeling.

Fine, fine. Lin Xiaoxi was impressed. You can't mess with me, so you're avoiding me, huh!

Then, Old Lin took a step forward and slapped Lin Xiaoxi at the back of her head again. "Why are you out here late in the evening!"

Didn't you ask me to come out?!

If you want to bully me, can you at least come up with a better reason? If you can't, then don't, okay?

I feel wronged!

The negative mood that came from Lin Xiaoxi +555...

Old Lin's mood improved. He clapped and turned around to get in the car. "It's good to stay in school. Money… you have it. Don't spend unnecessarily. Mom and I are returning."

After he said it, he turned around to leave. He did not stay any longer at all.

Lin Xiaoxi stood at her school gate under the evening sky and felt a really huge sense of confusion towards life.

So you came all the way here just to hit me on the head?

You're nuts!

She took out her phone aggressively and sent Li Yao a text. "Men are trash, pig trotters! Go kill yourself!"

Li Yao: "???"

After Li Yao sent Uncle Lin back, Li Shishi invited him to have a drink… Well, it was hard for Li Yao to decline such an invitation. He had just arrived at the place and got served the alcohol. He had not even drunk it when he received a text from Lin Xiaoxi. He was a little confused.

What's with the Lin Family?

Li Shishi could see that something was wrong on Li Yao's face. She asked, "What's wrong?"

Then, she heard a mechanical female sound coming from Li Yao's phone. "Alipay fund transfer received. 500,000 yuan…" Then, there was a series of sounds like cash was being counted.

The sound was very crisp and pleasant to the ears.

It sounded really loud in such a bar with such a suggestive atmosphere.

Li Shishi was all smiles as she rested her cheek on her arm. She looked at Li Yao. "Oh, junior, you're interesting."

Li Yao put down his phone awkwardly. It was Uncle Lin who sent the transfer. He had left a message to say that it was for his pocket money. In fact, he was trying to thank him for saving Aunt Lin's life. But you know, adults loved 'face', so he came up with such a crappy excuse. Indeed, the 500,000 was just a small sum. When he busied himself looking for professionals to treat the illness, he would spend even more than this amount.

Of course, his relationship with the Lin Family had long been something that money could not define.

Also, Lin Xiaowei was also helping the Lin Family silently in another world.

The two families' relationship had long been different from usual.

After drinking, Li Shishi wanted to send Li Yao home. Li Yao felt like since they both drank, he would just grab a cab home, but Li Shishi refused. She insisted on sending him home personally to have a good beginning and a good ending to their meetup.

They had no choice but to call for valet.

But on the way back, when they were reaching a more secluded place, a few cars suddenly rushed out from the dark speedily and blocked Li Shishi's car!

Li Shishi got anxious immediately!

They did not drink much, so they could still judge soberly. Upon seeing such a circumstance, Li Shishi immediately thought that it might be her business competitors trying to mess with her!

She looked at Li Yao but realized…

A smile that was hard to decipher was actually creeping slowly on her junior's face?

What the heck?

Is this all a planned scheme?

Thinking of all the possibilities, Li Shishi felt half her heart turning chilly.