Get Up

Li Yao took a small mirror out from his backpack and looked carefully:

What part is shady?!

It's obviously fair and handsome!

He kept his little mirror. "Come, tell me. How am I shady! Do you always lie like this! It's not good of you."

Li Shishi had mostly understood the situation.

She had attempted to escape his scrutiny, but he jested as a response. Anyway, it was like a game of chess. They did not give in to each other.

She also kept her little girl's posture and rolled her eyes. "Alright alright. I won't fall for this trick!"

Li Yao pouted his mouth.

I don't like to wear that stuff!

He took out his thermal mug, opened it, and drank a mouthful. He felt a slight numbness entering his stomach. It became warm and flowed into his limbs and bones. He was comfortable as he narrowed his eyes. "Then it's fixed this way?"

Li Shishi bit her teeth. "Alright!"

Li Yao nodded his head. "Right. When the original solution is produced… give me some every month. It is fine for me to buy some too!"

I have money. I am lavish!

Li Shishi rolled her eyes. "Pshh, who are you ridiculing! Then I'll let the legal department draft a contract. Let's settle this matter today. Are you free today? Want to have a meal together? Hope we can work together happily."

Li Yao thought for a while.

The matter on Chen Xi's side shouldn't be that urgent, right?

Then we'll have a meal together.

When the legal department received the boss's order, they were very efficient. In less than one hour, they drafted a contract according to Li Shishi's account of the plan. However, when Li Yao got the contract, he pointed to one of the clauses inside and said, "Senior, you are good. You even added a clause for non-competition?"

Li Shishi's face was black back then. She held the clause, and with a cold face, she walked into the office area of the legal department…


Li Yao felt that it was a little meaningful. Who did Li Shishi learn her face-changing skill from!

When the contract was settled, it was already afternoon. Li Shishi brought Li Yao downstairs.

"Can you drive?" Li Shishi asked.

Li Yao sat on the passenger seat consciously. "No, I am quite tired."

"…" Li Shishi was speechless.

On the way, Li Shishi asked, "Right, I have never seen you driving here before."

"I didn't buy a car."

"Why didn't you buy one? It is more convenient that way."

Li Yao held his thermal mug and said, "It's tiring to drive. Walking can also train the body, and it's healthy."

I am a man who wants to live a long life!

Li Shishi rolled her eyes.

She could not chat with him today!

On the way, Li Yao saw that the surrounding scenery slowly transitioned to the suburbs. There were gradually more factories of all kinds. He turned and looked at Li Shishi. Li Shishi was conscious and explained. "I'm bringing you to see our factories and research and development labs. Although everything is fixed, I should also let my partner know our capabilities."


The factories and research and development labs under Li Shishi's name were next to each other. They were not very big, but they were well-organized and were very clean. All indicators were above average.

Even the green environment within the factory area was done very well. It was like a garden.

After Li Yao finished visiting, he said, "Senior, I feel that you may still need to buy a piece of land again to configure the raw materials. Let me know after you have found the site and finished construction. I'll have to personally arrange some things."

Li Shishi was surprised and said, "You also researched factory construction?"

Of course not!

Li Yao pursed his lips and said, "It's fine as long as you follow the general construction of the medicinal cultivation area. It's just that I'll have to arrange some things before the specific cultivation. Don't ask about it. Anyway, I won't tell you."

Li Shishi rolled her eyes.

Even she herself felt that the number of times she rolled her eyes was too many.

Her eyes were in pain!

When he finished visiting the factory area, the sky was dark.

Following that, Li Shishi brought Li Yao back to the urban district without stopping. After going back to the company, she re-applied her makeup and changed her clothes. She went out again. She made a reservation at a Japanese food stall. This Japanese food stall was a branch of Shanghai's Restaurant Aoki. The price was still alright, and the taste was also not bad. While Li Shishi sat in her seat, she stretched out comfortably. "I'm really tired out today!"

Li Yao held his thermal mug and drank a mouthful. "It's still alright."

Li Shishi stared curiously at the thermal mug in Li Yao's hand. "You say that you are not old. Is it proper for you to carry a thermal mug the whole day?"

He was obviously good-looking, but he had the aura of a veteran!

Li Yao smiled. He took a cup over and poured a little to Li Shishi. "For you."

Li Shishi looked at that light red liquid. She tilted her head. "Isn't it wolfberry water?"

This is f*cking the liquid before dilution!

He uses this kind of pre-diluted liquid and treats it as a daily drink. Is he so extravagant?

Li Shishi had a rough idea of the price of this kind of original liquid. Based on 120ml, a set of seven bottles was tentatively priced at 3888.

Li Yao drank three or four sets today? Even she, Li Shishi, was not so extravagant, okay! Li Shishi finished the vitality elixir in the cup in one mouthful angrily.


It's the original high-end version!

Feels good!

Li Shishi held the corner of the table, and her whole body trembled. Her legs, which were cross-legged, were going soft soon… However, she felt angrier. The price of the original version was even higher! No, based on the effects, one was simply heaven, and the other was earth alright! After she drank the original version of the original liquid last time, she could see that she looked much better back then. The effects were instantaneous. On the second day, she felt even more clearly that her skin was moist and supple. She even felt incredibly full of energy!!

As for the low-level pharmaceutical medicine that Li Yao had given her to drink today, it was even more comfortable in taste, and the irritability level was not that high.

But the effectiveness was also weakened by two or three times.

Based on a conservative estimation, obvious changes could only be seen after one consecutive week of consuming it.

Li Shishi actually wanted to use the original version of the medicinal liquid even more to open the market, but Li Yao said that they were not equipped with the production capability to continuously produce the original version of the medicinal liquid. Hence, Li Shishi could only give up.

It was already very impressive to have obvious changes in one week.

In the early days, she could totally treat these kinds of medicinal products as gifts and give them to some female celebrities in the performing and movie industry to try. She could make use of their traffic flow to open a market! The product sales could be driven from top to bottom.

As Li Shishi thought of the future prospects, her face brimmed with a blissful smile.

She looked at Li Yao, who was sitting across from her.


Really good-looking.

His whole body exuded a charming aura that seemed to be adorned with brilliant jewels and pearls!

When the food arrived, Li Yao took a few pieces and tried them. After that, he did not feel like eating.

He did not like Japanese food.

He disliked eating sashimi even more.

On the contrary, Li Shishi liked it a lot. But when she saw that Li Yao lacked interest, she was somewhat sorry. "I am sorry. I didn't know that you don't like to eat Japanese food. I also didn't know what you like to eat."

Li Yao was about to say that it was fine when a surprised voice was heard coming from not far away. "Shishi, you are here!"

Li Shishi's pretty face changed.

The blissful look that came from eating the food that she loved swiftly disappeared from her face. The overbearing female president, Li Shishi, came online in an instant. Her face was cold as she put down her chopsticks. Her cross-legged posture also changed to a cold kneeling posture. Her back was straightened. She was like a towering mountain peak. "It's such a coincidence, President Xu."

It was a greeting without any warmth.

But President Xu did not mind. He quickly walked closer to her. His whole face was filled with the grease of one-sided love. "Yes, it's such a coincidence. You all are discussing matters? This person… forget it. It's not important. I'll treat you to a meal?" While he spoke, he sat down beside Li Shishi.

"Get up!" Li Yao pointed at President Xu. "Get up, do you hear me? As for me, it does not matter. Are you better-looking than me? Who are you looking down on!"