The Wizard is Fearless

Li Yao's face darkened!

Lin Xiaoxi, what's wrong with you? Why do you have to keep "f*cking" me whenever you call me? Did I anger you?

Without waiting for Li Yao to speak, Lin Xiaoxi started to ramble on. "Save me, Li Yao! My life is in danger! There are a few nasty blokes chasing after me. They are neither male nor female. How disgusting!"

Li Yao asked expressionlessly, "Then why can you call me now and speak nonsense?"

Is this Lin Xiaoxi's prank?

It must be!

This is a planned prank from the previous supernatural event, right?


Lin Xiaoxi.

You really put in a lot of thought to prank me.

Li Yao was thinking about the imaginary attack and instinctively did not want to save Lin Xiaoxi. That person was not very reliable. She and her sister were at two complete extremes. Lin Xiaoxi… Okay, this went off topic. However, overall, her sister was still quite reliable. When it came to Lin Xiaoxi, she practically turned into an unrestrained wild dog. It was terrifying!

On the other side of the phone, Lin Xiaoxi panting and running. She said, "How the f*ck do I know? There's a huge cloud of mist here. I just keep running. These people can't catch up to me…"

Li Yao's face turned even darker.


Are you playing the live-action version of Identity V? And you are the lucky character?

Li Yao was about to roast her when she hung up the call. Afterward, his penguin number vibrated. Lin Xiaoxi had sent a short video over. In the video, a few people, who were wearing black windbreakers and had feminine faces, rushed over. Their eyes were cold and numb. Their appearance made people tremble. The weapons they held in their hands were diverse and lethal.

Judging from the angle of the video, it looked like Lin Xiaoxi had filmed secretly while hiding on the ground.

She did not get discovered like this?

Did these people play too many video games?

Did they think that reality, like video games, does not require sight?

If you are blind, you need to seek treatment!

Li Yao calmed down and thought that… this might be Lin Xiaoxi's unreasonable luck acting again.

He hurriedly sent a message and asked, "Where are you? Send me your location!"

Lin Xiaoxi sent her location over quickly.

However, when he saw the location on it, Li Yao's teeth hurt.

Qing Long Mountain?

And near the Qing Long Mountain asylum???

Lin Xiaoxi, have you finally gone crazy? Are you sending me messages from a phone stolen from the science laboratories? Are asylums so trendy recently that they started cosplaying???

Li Yao held onto his forehead. He was so angry that his breathing was not smooth.

After collecting himself, he wore his jacket, carried his backpack, brought along the tools and medicine he had recently prepared, and set off wantonly.

No matter if they are cow ghosts or snake gods.

The wizard is fearless!

I am just reckless!

He stopped a taxi. When the taxi driver heard that he wanted to go to the Qing Long Mountain, he looked at Li Yao with weird eyes. What could Li Yao do?

Anyway, he was quite hopeless.

The journey to Qing Long Mountain was quite smooth. Normally, no one would come to this type of place. After slightly more than an hour, Li Yao arrived at his destination.

For an unknown reason, there was a lot of mist surrounding Qing Long Mountain. It was so hazy that he could not see anything clearly.

The taxi driver was quite curious. Are there evil spirits in the Qing Long Mountain?

Anyway, taxi drivers were all quite superstitious. When they got near it, the taxi driver said that he did not dare to enter. Li Yao could only alight from the car and walk over. Luckily, according to the location coordinates, he was not far away… It was also fortunate that there was no such plot where the communication devices would become useless in the haze.

During the period of time when he was rushing over, Lin Xiaoxi was still chatting with Li Yao.

Those weird people were still tracking the invaders. However, there seemed to be more than one batch of invaders. Lin Xiaoxi said that those weird people look a little flustered.

Lin Xiaoxi kept hiding around. She did not meet anyone, nor was she found until now!

Damn it.

Her luck was domineering.

Li Yao kept thinking about his spells and constantly recited them back to himself—this was a little trick for casting spells. It could help the magician cast spells quickly. Currently, Li Yao did not have a lot of spells. He kept thinking about those two spells so that he could react whenever a sudden event occurred.

Although he said that wizards were fearless and that they were reckless when they encountered indecisions, it depended on the circumstances too.

For newbies like Li Yao, he had to be careful when the event really occurred.

He entered the mist secretly and did not dare to be loud.

He did not have Lin Xiaoxi's out-of-the-world luck as protection. If he ran into enemies… It was fine if they were weak. If they were strong, he might die.

Wouldn't that be so awkward?

After all, this was a light-hearted novel, not a novel with an all-powerful main character…

He could not afford to be reckless.

Maybe Lin Xiaoxi was praying for him, but Li Yao's luck was extremely good. He did not meet anyone during the journey and found Lin Xiaoxi according to the GPS.

At that time, Lin Xiaoxi was hiding behind a messy pile of rocks. When she heard sounds of movement, she raised a rock with a 'whoosh' and yelled deeply. "Who?"


Lin Xiaoxi threw the rock away. "Oh, you've come."

Li Yao went to Lin Xiaoxi's side. "What are you looking at? This is so dangerous. Why aren't you going back?"

Lin Xiaoxi said contemptuously, "What are you scared of? They are fighting over there! Quick, quick, quick. Follow me."

As she spoke, she pulled Li Yao and dashed out without listening to his words.

Under the concealment of the mist, she and Li Yao were not discovered. When they got to another position, Li Yao finally saw the battle scene in the central zone of the mist—a group of weird people, who were wearing black windbreakers and had feminine faces, was attacking six masked people. The masks that they were wearing were different. There were small fox masks, big ox masks, and masks with bronze dragon patterns. There was even a pair of jester masks.

What are these?!

Li Yao asked Lin Xiaoxi, "What's the situation inside?"

Lin Xiaoxi said, "Those people in black are speaking Japanese. I don't know what they are doing here. Those people wearing masks give me a good feeling. They may be good people."

Good people?

Only children discern between good and bad.

Adults like me look at benefits and costs, okay?

Li Yao rolled his eyes. He then stayed with Lin Xiaoxi to watch the show without any worries.

This was very magical.

Lin Xiaoxi was a girl who had come from a normal family. Why wasn't she shocked when she saw something so magical?

Li Yao's recent experiences were considered absurd too. However, he was still a bit helpless when encountering things like this.

This bastard… has a problem with her brain!

The battle situation there was in a stalemate. The people in black took advantage of their strength in numbers and held up the masked man. Behind the men in black, a man who was wearing an Onmyoji costume was mumbling something. When he waved his hand, he could summon a ghost from the mist. Indeed, this mist was unusual.

Li Yao tried to detect his mental powers. His mental powers, which could flow out like water initially, seemed to have penetrated into thick asphalt.

This mist could block the detection of spiritual consciousness.

And it could let the enemy summon and control ghosts!

Li Yao became a bit more excited. However, as he watched, he noticed something unusual…

Why does the huge man, who was surrounded by the enemy and wearing the ox-head mask, look so familiar? That height, that body shape, those muscles… That familiar feeling!


Is that you, Brother Shui Sheng?!