There's a Devilish Aura Here

At Gu Lou Road, Li Yao sat in Li Shishi's bright red Porsche and sank into deep thought.

He and Li Shishi had agreed to look at the store in the afternoon.

The store was located on Gu Lou Road. The location was prosperous, and there was a market in the residential area nearby. At night, there were also a lot of youngsters who came out to show their restless hormones. Hence, there were quite a few other bars in the vicinity. After all, Li Shishi was a business talent. The location which she chose was indeed very good.

The coincidental thing was…

The late-night bar was on this road too!

And it was beside that shop!

No wonder he felt so familiar when he heard the name "Gu Lou Road"… That day, the bronze dragon warrior had told him to visit the late-night bar whenever he was free.

And now they were almost becoming neighbors!

Li Shishi saw that Li Yao's face had darkened. She thought that he was unsatisfied. "Not okay?"

Li Yao shook his head. "It's not that. Let's go talk to the store owner."

The store that Li Shishi chose also ran a bar business. However, it was a noisy bar, and the renovation style was… It was vintage indeed. Overall, it had the feeling of an ancient mountain cottage. The problem was that there were all sorts of animal bones hung on the walls; there were weird weapons and armor placed around the place. Li Yao even saw an iron virgin at a corner!

This isn't an Eastern-Western fusion, right?

This is crazy!

With Li Yao's sense of aesthetics, he could not appreciate it.

They sat at the longest table in the building. The owner was a pale young man. He had thick eyeliner on, yet he wore a traditional Chinese-style linen shirt. His long hair was casually tied into a bun.

Li Yao nodded secretly.

No wonder the style is so weird

It followed the person.

The owner said directly, "I won't say any artificial things. I bought this shop. The areas of the two levels add up to more than 700 square meters, forming an L-shaped layout. The decorations inside… were thoughtfully planned by me. You can operate the business immediately. The sincere price is 2.6 million dollars!"


So expensive?

But upon thinking about it, it was normal. In the provincial city, property prices in areas near the subway were around thirty thousand dollars. Store prices were normally more expensive.

While the price of 2.6 million dollars was a little high, it was not extremely high.

It was evident that this boss only planned to profit from the ownership-transfer cost.

However, Li Yao was not satisfied with the renovation style. Hence, he secretly gave Li Shishi a look.

Let's go!

Senior, it's time for you to showcase your charisma!

Li Shishi understood and rolled her eyes inside her heart.

I, Li Shishi, am such an impressive figure. However, I have to bargain for you like an auntie in the market…

His senior felt bitter.

But Li Shishi had strength.

She was always serious about things that needed to be done!

Hence, she took her many years of experience of battling in shopping malls, causing the boss, who had such a nonsensical renovation style, to keep retreating… While Li Shishi kept rambling on, Li Yao dazed off. Suddenly, he asked, "Boss, why are you selling your shop?"

The boss said without any hesitation, "I'm short on money. I want to be practical."

Li Yao smiled. "You're lying."

The owner frowned and did not speak.

Li Yao asked, "Do you think that it's not clean here?"

The boss's expression tightened and asked tentatively, "Are you a master?"

A master, my foot!

Li Yao looked at the side. The building next to it was filled with mysterious and supernatural guests. There was no way that this place was clean!

However, the other party was still easily concealed in the market, so he would not target ordinary people… The other possibility was that there was something wrong with this place. Hence, Li Yao said with a smile, "Then it must be the boss's hands that are not clean."

"Nonsense!" The boss was evidently guilty. Li Yao laughed and did not speak anymore.

Li Shishi's attack followed afterward. Eventually, they bought this shop with 2.2 million dollars.

The procedures for the handover would take some time. Li Yao passed these matters to Li Shishi to settle.

After all, she had a lot of subordinates. It was convenient for her to do things.

After leaving the entrance of the bar, Li Yao looked at the neighboring building and stopped walking.

Li Shishi opened the car door. "Aren't you going back?"

Li Yao said, "I want to walk around."

Li Shishi did not think too much about it. "Okay, then. I'm busy so I'll go back first. See you later."

"See you later."

After watching Li Shishi leave, Li Yao turned and entered the late-night bar at the side.

It was still daytime. There was no one in the bar.

There were only waiters who were tidying up the place and keeping the alcohol cups.

However, the moment that Li Yao lifted his eyes, he saw Zhao Shuisheng moving the table and chairs and tidying up the place. He smiled and said, "How coincidental, Brother Shui Sheng."

Zhao Shuisheng lifted his head. He was a bit puzzled when he saw Li Yao.

"Why are you here?"

Li Yao said, "I passed by, so I came in to take a look."

At that time, a young man came down from the second floor. The youngster had short black hair and a lazy gaze. He looked like his kidneys were weak. Upon seeing Zhao Shuisheng and Li Yao talking to each other, he greeted them. "Oh, Shui Sheng. Is he your friend?"

Brother Shui Sheng nodded and said yes.

The youngster yawned. "Then come and have a drink."

While he spoke, he sat by the bar table. His lazy expression turned idiotic. "Qi Qi, I want to drink milk~"

"Drink, my foot!"

The girl called Qi Qi grabbed the youngster's head forcefully and smashed it against the bar table, making a loud "thump" sound.

Li Yao was shocked!

So violent?

Brother Shui Sheng said awkwardly, "Actually, Sister Qi Qi is a very good person."

Li Yao nodded.

Your boss is too annoying!

The youngster's brain was smashed against the table. After trembling for a long time, he lifted his head out, sucked in a breath, and said, "Qi Qi, this is going overboard. There are outsiders here."

Qi Qi glanced at Li Yao. She turned around, took a cup of yogurt, and passed it to the youngster. She then looked at Li Yao. "What do you want to drink?"

Li Yao shook the thermo-flash in his hand. "I'll drink my own."

Qi Qi looked at Li Yao weirdly.

Why did he act like an old manager despite being so young?

Never mind.

There are all sorts of weird people these days.

The youngster waved at Li Yao. "Come and sit. Did you come to look for Shui Sheng?"

Li Yao said, "Not really. I bought the bar next door, so I just came to have a look."

Brother Shui Sheng was immediately shocked. "You bought it?"

How much money did that cost?

"Big Yao, when did you become so rich?"

Li Yao smiled shyly. "I earned some money after learning from Senior Shi Shi."

Shui Sheng was in a trance…

She not only looks good, but she can also earn money?


Brother Shui Sheng was relatively more innocent. They definitely did not share that type of relationship.

Upon hearing Li Yao's words, the youngster became interested. "How much money did you spend?"

Li Yao said, "Around two million dollars."

Brother Shui Sheng's body shook. His face became a little pale.

The youngster's smile became brighter, and his eyes narrowed from his smile. "Ah! Nice to meet you. I like rich people! I'm Zhou Li. My houses are currently being demolished. Around more than twenty properties. Let's be friends."

"…" Li Yao was speechless.

F*ck you.

Negative feelings from Li Yao +666…