Do You Make Quarterstaffs?

After what Lin Xiaowei had said, Li Yao really felt rather uncertain.

He bit his lip and thought to himself, What are you afraid of!

Anyway, your face looks good!

During this period of time, Li Yao had already adjusted himself. In one day, he spent almost two-thirds of the day practicing. Although meditation was the basic foundation for magicians, no matter if he was practicing his Qi skills or reading up on magical knowledge, they could enhance his spiritual powers.

Because spiritual powers came from the spirit.

And the act of gaining knowledge and forming consciousness was, in its original form, a way of training the soul.

He worked hard.

And he was very capable. It would not make sense if it did not work!

Li Yao kept trying to find a strategy and built himself up mentally to get rid of any uncertainty and worry he had.

This was the uniqueness of Li Yao. Whenever he met big issues, he was calm, and his mentality was tough. Anyway, he only cared about working hard. As for the rest, he would just rush through them!

He let out a long breath and felt way calmer deep down.

Li Yao sent a text. "I'll be fine."

Lin Xiaowei could roughly guess what kind of strategy Li Yao had in his heart. Li Yao was a master at learning, but she was a god at learning… which meant she was the kind of weird person who could score full marks in her exams even if she stayed up late to play games in a half-awake state the night before. So, she also replied. "Yeah, everything will be fine."

Actually, there was a huge problem.

The feeling of her soul being burned out when she was advancing back then was still fresh in her memory. She almost fell short.

Luckily, her mentor gave her a sharp warning at the crucial moment, so she managed to survive through it and get promoted into a proper magician.

But Li Yao had no mentor around him!

This whole time, he went through long-distance teachings. Although being a magician had a rigid system and was a very logical profession, there were, after all, still many things that should be taught physically and verbally.

Lin Xiaowei was very worried, but she could not do anything about it.

They were in two different worlds.

She could only wish Li Yao the best and pray for him.

"Right, Li Yao, have you made a quarterstaff before?"

Li Yao's face went dark. "Why are you insulting me!"

I am feeling uncertain now. Can't you give me some chicken soup for the soul and encourage me? How dare you insult me! You are a little ridiculous!

Lin Xiaowei explained. "No, no. It's a serious question. Do you know how to make a quarterstaff?"

"…" Li Yao was speechless.

You are definitely doing this on purpose!

She wanted to ask Li Yao if he wanted to make a quarterstaff. It was a weapon for magicians.

Since the development of the mage system, there have also been many types of sects. For instance, there were the elemental sect, props sect, drug sect, explosive sect, ground sect, and summoning sect. There were all sorts of sects. Generally speaking, with the long vitality and active energy of the magicians, they would try out almost all sects and then find their favorite one to specialize in.

The basic operation was to start trying from the elementary stage of being a magician.

Upon reaching the novice level, they should basically have confirmed and begun developing what suited them best. At the advanced level, they would then be exceptionally skillful.

Usually, magicians who pursued the staff were usually people who focused on their attacking power and attack speed like choppers. They were simply human versions of self-propelled forts…

But Li Yao did not want to become that kind of person.

He did not have much hope for equipment relating to staff and magic vests.

Hence, he did not understand why Lin Xiaowei said so.

Lin Xiaowei gathered her thoughts and explained. "The promotion ceremony is a transformation of the apprentice's soul. All external equipment can't provide any help, but it's not absolutely so… I have prepared materials for you to make the staff. Among them is a soul gem. I asked my teacher to embed a spell in it. It is the "Sage of The Saint". If you cultivate it well and warmly while you make your staff, it will help you advance."

Li Yao had no teacher on Earth.

So Lin Xiaowei tried all she could to help him create advantages!

Li Yao felt a warm feeling in his heart flowing around and out slowly… He bit his lip and finally keyed in two words. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. I almost treat you like family~"

Li Yao felt extremely guilty.

Lin Xiaowei continued. "I heard that when people who have troubles hear the word "Daddy", their trouble will disappear… So, can you call me Daddy?"

Li Yao rolled his eyes.

What's your damn problem!

"Call you… what?"

Lin Xiaowei was so excited to reply with the word "Daddy", but she had just lifted her finger when she put it down again. She scoffed and replied. "Ha, Li Yao, you've changed!"

"Is there any meaning to this!"

"So much meaning! (〃'▽'〃)"

"Bye. Smile.JPG"

Then, he went offline!

Do people in different worlds not know how to have fun? You're trying to be funny even when we are communicating across worlds!

You're crazy, huh?

No, this woman is asking for it!

Li Yao took a deep breath and warned himself to become stronger than that person more quickly. Otherwise, when she returned from the other world… she might really push his face on the ground and rub it in crazily… Anyway, he would not die, so he would just give it all and play until death!

Thinking about it was already scary!

Li Yao quivered and turned around to go train upstairs.

Early next morning, Li Yao woke up from his meditation and felt extremely refreshed. Everything seemed so clear!

He searched around in the space ring and found the equipment that Lin Xiaowei spoke about relating to the quarterstaff in a horizontal box.

There were quite a few raw materials for creating the quarterstaffs.

——Dragon Blood Purple Leaf Sandalwood, Heart-Breaking Demon Black-Birch Wood, Eye Demon Tubular Vine, etc. They were basically special varieties of wood cultivated by the Magic Association through special means.

Also, with no exceptions, they were all materials that helped with conquering spiritual ambitions.

These staffs were semi-finished products. The cores of the staffs were embedded, and the magic circle was already inscribed. They were just waiting for a mage to embed the gem and import his own spiritual power to melt and synthesize it. This step was one that the creator of staff would not do. It was because once this step was completed, it meant that the "first usage" of the staff was gone. If other mages wanted to master and cooperate with the staff, it would take a lot of effort.

Li Yao pondered for a while and chose the staff made with Dragon Blood Purple Leaf Sandalwood. Then, he found the soul gem that was embedded with "Sage of the Holy Son" …

He licked his lips.

This was the first time that he tried taking away an important 'first' of anything.


I'm a little excited.

Actually this isn't very good.

If it is the first time for both parties, the experience will be very unfamiliar and stiff. If both are new to it, then the first experience will usually not be very good… Ahem… I've strayed away…

The mage system had already developed very maturely up to this stage.

On the contrary, the technology developed by various sects was also very mature. These staffs were basically processed. As long as one followed the steps, there were basically no problems.

So, Li Yao held the Dragon Blood Purple Leaf Sandalwood in one hand and the soul gem in another. The,n he said, "Here I come!"

About ninety-five centimeters long, the shape was even and beautiful. The purple was blended in with a little black. The long and thick semi-finished staff faced the round and smooth gem…

He poked it in!