Who else?

It was already noon when Chen Xi left home to buy stuff.

When she left the nearest shopping mall with her hands full of things, the sky had already darkened.

At that moment, the lights had just turned on, and the houses were warmly lit.

Upon thinking that her boss might have returned, Chen Xi carried two big bags of things and walked back. The bar was not very far from here, so Chen Xi did not hail a cab.

While walking on the pathway, the movements in her surroundings entered her brain.

The laughter from the couple by the roadside,

The whispering of the far-away shop employees.

The hurried and passionate panting from a dark corner a distance away… Wait, panting?

Chen Xi looked at that direction weird and felt her face redden. How impressive. Do people play so crazily now?

She closed her mind and diverted her attention away from that direction.

Since she was young, she had known that her five senses were very sensitive. They were so sensitive that it did not seem normal.

But she was very mature as well. When she told this unusual knowledge to the adults, she was treated as a child who was playing around. She never told anyone about her abnormal characteristics again.

Sometimes, she thought that…

Am I the only one who is like that?

Never mind.

It's no longer important.

She just had to work at the front desk of the bar peacefully. Her remaining life would be stable and safe. That was sufficiently good.

Upon that thought, her mood became happier.

When she walked to an intersection, her footsteps suddenly stopped. She looked towards a dark alley.

That alley was called the Qing Ren Alley. It was an area left behind by the old streets. Due to the city planning, the area surrounding the Qing Ren alley had been demolished or reconstructed. If not, they had been turned into residential buildings or shopping malls. Only the Qing Ren Alley remained.

Hence, it became a place for the surrounding shopping malls to place their miscellaneous stuff or for restaurants to discard their dirty water.

Of course, there were a few youngsters, who worked night shifts, renting houses here. The environment was not good, and the rent was not cheap, but it was close to their workplaces. They could sleep for half an hour to an hour more in the morning.

This unique environment had led to a lot of shady things and transactions occurring here.

After all, there were a lot of bars and nightclubs in the vicinity.

This shady alley became the scar of this bright city.

It emitted the smell of decay.

Now, there was someone in the alley yelling for help. The distance was a bit far, and in addition to the messy layout of the alley and the noise outside, very few people could hear the cries for help.

However, Chen Xi heard them.

She paused.

Chen Xi walked into the alley, stepping on the dirty water on the floor and avoiding the decaying remains of fruits on the ground. Chen Xi finally arrived at the site of the incident.

A few masked men were chasing a woman.

The woman was wearing sportswear. Her movements were sharp and clean, and she ran much faster than the few men.

It was just that she looked a bit…


One must be honest

The girl was not very good-looking.

This is weird. Why are the men chasing this girl? Could it be that the girl has an unusual background?

Never mind.

It's not important.

Chen Xi placed her bags down at a clean place and stopped in front of the girl. The girl who was being chased saw Chen Xi and immediately called for help. "Save me… They are not human! Save me!"

They are not human?

Chen Xi turned her neck and stepped aside when the girl charged towards her. After allowing the girl to run pass her, she blocked the alleyway and gestured:

This road is out-of-bounds!

The masked men stopped in shock. They looked at each other and reached a collective understanding with their eyes.

They tore their masks away and threw something into their mouths.

After a few painful howls, the men in black sweatshirts started puffing up as if air had been blown into them.

Chen Xi was speechless. "…"

What is this?

They looked a bit vicious.

The girl who had just run away doubled back. "Are you stupid? Run quickly!" As she spoke, she pulled Chen Xi and ran.

Chen Xi was speechless. "…"

My things…

But it was not the time to act strong. As long as they ran out of this alley, these weird people would not do anything bad.

Although the men in black became swollen after eating the medicine, they became much faster.

Upon seeing that the men were about to catch up to them, Chen Xi flung the girl's hand away, smiled calmly, and said, "Thank you, I'll stop them."

That girl was a little surprised.

But she gritted her teeth, turned her head, and ran. "Hang in there. I'll call for people!"

Chen Xi smiled. She turned around and faced the men in black who were behind her.

She got into her fighting stance and calmed her breathing down. Her eyes became deep and motionless.

Since she was young, her grandfather Chen Beixuan taught her how to fight. It was not the Qi Gong Master's boxing style but real battlefield killing techniques. It placed emphasis on speed and accuracy, targeting men's fatal points such as the lower body parts, the eyes, the temple, and the throat… Usually, she trained her reaction time and muscle strength.

This fighting style was more similar to MMA and Sanda.

It did not have a name. It just cared about how to beat people up properly.

When she was in high school, under the influence of the martial arts novels and TV shows, she had asked her grandfather, "Can our fighting style train our internal force?"

Chen Beixuan laughed.

"Foolish girl. There's no such thing as internal force in the world. They are only bluffing."

But now…

That's not necessarily the case, grandfather.

Chen Xi clenched her fists forcefully. Invisible aura flashed past her fist, and an immense power spread out from her heart to her four limbs. Chen Xi felt that she could even kill a tiger now!


She yelled forcefully in her heart. Her feet stepped on the ground, and she shot out with a huge "boom!"

Chen Xi flew quickly to the man in black and punched them.

At that moment!

The fist roared like thunder, and the air in front of the fist looked like it was being distorted from the pressure. Afterward, there was the sudden crisp sound of an explosion.

The pupils of the man in black dilated!

What force!

In a hurry, the man in black crossed his arms in front of his head as a shield.

However, they could not block her.

Her punch caused the bones of his arms to break. The white, elegant punch passed through his hands, bones, and blood to smash onto his brains.

The man in black felt that their bones had been shattered into powder by this punch. His brain felt like it had been smashed by a huge comet and destroyed by the explosion. He died.

Chen Xi let out a long breath. She stood there and glared at her surroundings.

"Who else is there?"