Giving Them a Leg Up

When Wang Yan accessed the live stream, ten rockets suddenly appeared on the screen.

Wang Yan didn't know anything about treasure chests, banners, or snatching fish balls, but he did see lots of viewers joining the live chat section, as well as the screen being flooded with comments.

Liu Yuanfang seemed to have gone to great lengths.

Wang Yan smiled when he saw the Level 50 user who had sent a rocket earlier now leaving a comment in red.

"You can do it, Brother Gang! Don't embarrass Dongbei men!"

The camera zoomed in for a close-up shot of Da Gang.

Beef-faced Da Gang bowed gratefully a few times towards the camera.

"Thank you, bro! Thank you, bro!"

Eh? Was the commenter not someone hired by Liu Yuanfang?

Wang Yan found it a little strange, so he took a close look at the ID, Perfect Timing, that belonged to the Level 50 user.