A Toast

Mentality, emotional intelligence, courage—how should he explain them?

Coming from a rich family didn't necessarily mean that one would be mature or have much empathy.

That was bullsh*t!

Even if one had received an elite education, they could still turn out to be like grown-up babies.

Wang Yang, on the other hand, was what they referred to as a "free-range kid," which meant that he was given greater autonomy as a child and subject to less adult supervision. Even before the System, he had been much more mature than Wang Yonglei, Zhang Yin, and the rest, so it was hard to tell how these things would turn out.

Gu Jiashu wasn't a giant baby per se. He was actually pretty normal and occasionally vulgar. But when placed next to Yu Qiuli, his intellect seemed to have dropped down a notch.

Just look at the pick-up lines he used—

"What time did you get here, Monitor?

"What have you been busy with, Monitor?