It Doesn't Matter Who Comes

Wang Yan struggled until there were only 30 seconds left.

The main reason was that both books had their strengths and weaknesses at the same time. In fact, neither was the best choice.

If there was still time, Wang Yan would rather choose "Junior High School Mathematics" or "Physiological Hygiene" ...

The reason?

His comprehension was sufficiently thorough already!

The system's prompt was clear: reward according to the level of comprehension.

No matter how amazing the Tao Te Ching was, if one's comprehension was one-sided and childish, the reward would definitely be quite low!

At the very least, it would be better to bring in The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. He had already read through it once. Even though there were still many difficult parts to understand, it was better than him scratching his head now.