It Feels So Good

From the initial indifference to the panic after knowing the price, and finally, to appreciation, Wang Yan's interest was completely roused...

The suit was very cool and trendy. Although it would not be worn many times, Wang Yan was looking forward to the day he put it on.

He solemnly thanked Master Palestra and the beautiful lady. The serious-looking old man grinned, looking quite kind.

"KICON's purpose is to provide customers with the best of the best. Since you have shown that... well, perfect fit, then I can't convince myself not to try."

When the beautiful store manager translated, she also added an explanation of her own.

"Master Palestra's attitude toward tailoring is very pious. Mr. Wang, you have activated his inspiration, so this is what you deserve. The reason why we don't talk about money is that we don't want you to have a misunderstanding about Kicon."